The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 351: Arrow-cracked sky

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Silence, there is silence on the entire Huashan Mountain.

This Ye Chen... is really too bold, so dare to be so disrespectful to Xuan Xian! Indeed, Xiao Yi can definitely set foot on Xuan Xian, relying on your secret method of rebuilding the body, but also when the last sword came out, you have reached the Xuan Xian Realm, but you are still in the Divine Realm.

A divine realm, dare to say that if Xuan Xian let himself play enough, he would kill the opponent?

This is probably the funniest thing in thousands of years!

Even Xiao Yijue felt that the other party was somewhat arrogant, but Ye Chen, after all, was kind to himself, and it was not good to turn his face immediately, and he could only bow again: "Sir, after all, I live a hundred years longer than you, so go ahead When you arrive at the Xuanxian Realm, if you want to fight, and you will arrive in the Xuanxian Realm in a few years, I will definitely be with you!"

Hearing this, the people were somewhat disappointed. They had expected the **** of swords to give a shot to this little boy who didn't know the heights of the earth. As a result, his old man thought of the grace of reconstruction after all, and he didn't go far.

However, Ye Chen didn't appreciate it and said lightly: "My ability and ambition, you won't understand it. Don't talk about Xuan Xianxian, if I want, I can use my fingers to condense Jindan, Cheng Yuanying. But that makes no sense, the more I leave In the end, the more you know the importance of foundation.

There is no sadness and joy in his eyes, just like the eternal blue sky, and the Zhuxing sword in his hand turns into a colorful light curtain, which surrounds him.

"Xiao Yijue, you don't think you can be proud of becoming a Xuanxian. Today I will show you what is really power!"

Hearing this, many warriors could not restrain the anger in their hearts, but shouted: "Kill him, kill Ye Chen, let him know that he is not the boss in this world!"

Almost everyone did not have a good impression of him. During this time, the Chinese martial arts martial arts world was really crushed by Ye Chen. What a house, two pavilions, three doors and four schools, what Qiu Lingyun Cheng Boxuan, and Lin Biluo were all cut by him. Under the hands.

He was born in China in less than half a year, but he slayed a lot of killings. His hands were stained with the blood of unknown people. It can be said that the enemy is all over China.

Before, everyone was afraid of his invincible power and dared not speak, but could only bear it in his heart. But at this time, Xiao Yi was definitely promoted to the unprecedented Xuanxian saint. In the eyes of everyone, Ye Chen dared to be so provocative, he was already a dead person.

After all, no matter how strong a mortal is, how can it resist a fairy?

Among them, Xu Duo was the most fierce in scolding. He just shivered a moment ago, and at this time he was upright.

In contrast, the Qin family, etc., were in a low spirit.

They, who originally pressed the treasure on Ye Chen, hoped to rely on him to fight against the Liu family with the Xiao family as a backer. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi stepped into the sky and became a myth. The Qin family's wishful thinking is estimated to be defeated, and may even offend the Xiao family.

"This leaf dust is so stupid! Why did you try to save him, wouldn't it just kill him!"

Qin Silong's eyes were gloomy, and he gritted his teeth, while Qin Shuhuan and others were happy.

"Grandpa, Xiao Yi absolutely killed Ye Chen. Although this was beyond our expectations, it did not break away from the family strategy. After today's war, my Qin family is still one of the four major families in Yanjing." Qin Shuhuan exhorted.

The next Qin Xuerong nodded again and again: "Well, that little bastard, he should have died long ago. Qin Hongshuang's **** should have given up when he died."

Qin Zhiqiang and others, although immobile, smiled in their eyes.

Finally, Qin Slong also sighed:

"Yes, my Qin family could have many Optimus giant pillars, and really reached the top of China's first family. But given him a chance, he didn't work, yeah, my Qin family has never been associated with him again!"

After speaking, Qin Silong's eyes were firm, no regrets.

"Oh, the owner is in danger." Sayuri Aokawa changed his face greatly.

Qin Hongshuang, Liu Bingyao, and Qingchuan Sakura all lost their brilliance. This is a mysterious immortal that has not been born in a thousand years. It has always belonged to myths and legends, and it has the terrifying existence of moving mountains and powers.

This is no longer a person, but a fairy! is God! Can Ye Chen fought this kind of existence?

The hearts of all the women went straight to the bottom.

No matter how powerful Ye Chen was before, he was only faced with the **** realm master, but now, it is a real Xuanxian face to face. Since ancient times, even among the oldest historical books, it has not been heard that mortals can defeat Xuan Xian.

It can be said that on the earth, Xuan Xian is invincible in the world!

However, when everyone was confident, Ye Chen smiled slightly, opened her eyes suddenly, and shouted in a deep voice: "Yuemang Arrow!"

This is the advanced move of Yuexuan Dance. The last life was Ye Chenai’s uncanny schooling of Yin Youpian. At this time, he was simulated by him with moonlight. In an instant, there was a brilliant young girl with brilliant light behind him. , Pulling up a long bow in his hands, pointing at Xiao Yi.

At this moment, Yin Zhou, who had been silent behind Zhou Zhenghao, didn't even respond to Xuan Xian's present life, and an indescribable color suddenly flashed in his eyes!

Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly fixed, and at this moment, he felt that he had lost his ability to control the true element between heaven and earth, and that the huge moonlight ray of the **** arrow came suddenly, and he came to his eyes in an instant.

At this moment, he even gave birth to the illusion that heaven and earth collapsed!


Xiao Yi roared fiercely, unable to control the vitality of heaven and earth, he could only rely on his own strength to condense a sword qi, although it was a creation between haste, but it was sharp, and it made people even take a look. , I also felt a pain in the eye, as if it had been cut apart.


Xiao Yi screamed violently, and then slashed his sword energy towards the Moon Arrow, but it was useless at all. There were no arrows left in the grass, the grass and the aura between the earth and the earth were all squeezed. Jian Qi was crushed by inch in the most rough way, completely fragmented.

At this moment, it seems that even time has slowed down, Xiao Yi's unbelievable expression of consternation, the ecstasy of the crowd that is too late to put away, and many gods, the fear of this terrifying blow...

All kinds of sentient beings, like the same ironic picture, are fixed at this moment.

Then, as if passing a quarter of a second, and as if a full century had passed, the sacred arrow finally hit Xiao Yijue's chest.


The top of the entire Huashan Mountain was completely torn apart...

Ye Chen screamed, and the surging real element suddenly rose like the Yangtze River, and his momentum rushed to the Xiaohan, and he was even comparable to Xiao Yi. The powerful flesh is running to the extreme, punching with a punch, as if the sky is falling apart.

Even Xiao Yijue couldn't help but frown slightly, as if to marvel.

With a mortal body, and fighting Xuanxian, Ye Chen has been the first since thousands of years!

Strike Xuan Xian!

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