The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 341: The power of mystery

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With a look of horror on Xiao Yijie's face, he could not have imagined that Ye Chen not only caught his sword move, but also answered his own question.

It is easy to kill people and hard to kill. Xiao Yi never thought he would lose to anyone in this life, but today he was suddenly puzzled by Ye Chen, but could not help but feel an indescribable feeling.

relief? Relieved? fear?

It seems to be all, but it is not. Xiao Yi was suddenly hit by this, and could not help being discouraged, even the Haotian sword in his hand was unsteady.

"Hey, that's boring."

Ye Chen was keenly aware of the problem with the other party, sneered, and said: "I'll help you sober!"


He said that, he punched with a punch, and only heard a loud sound, Xiao Yijue's long sword came out of his hand, and he was retreated by Ye Chen, the punching volley, and fell directly into the valley.

"Xiao Yi is absolutely defeated?"

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly stunned.

They all saw with their own eyes that Xiao Yi had been beaten by Ye Chen since the beginning. Even taking out the housekeeping sword tactics, they couldn't block Ye Chen's two fingers, and they were even murdered. In the end, they couldn't even hold the sword. Is this not a defeat?

Many martial arts families and masters and masters of famous schools all have gray faces.

This surnamed Ye is so powerful, if Xiao Yi can't even fight, who else in the world will check and balance Ye Chen? Is it really necessary for a 20-something imp, to ride the entire Chinese martial arts community for prestige?

"Master won?"

Qingchuan Sayuri couldn't help being excited, completely like a little girl jumping.

Qingchuan Ying frowned and said: "It should be... his heavenly swordsmanship is now answered by people. The heart of Tao is damaged, and even the sword cannot be held just now. In this case, it is impossible to win. ."

What she could see, many gods could naturally see it, and they sighed endlessly.

In their view, Xiao Yi is very strong, no matter the soul, flesh, and true energy have reached the peak of the **** realm. It's just that one person faces five or six gods, and it's not inferior. Swordsmanship is even more fascinating, and has no way to enter.

But Ye Chen was even more terrifying, and his power suppressed Xiao Yijue from beginning to end. The moves used are extraordinary, reaching the level of Xianjia martial arts. It is like the evolution of boxing in the lower realm. Especially the last punch, ancient clumsy atmosphere, occupied the heaven and earth. The powerful gods who comprehend the heavenly ways cannot describe the punch with words. The hard words are:


Yes, that punch is an unmatched punch, and any one of them cannot be avoided, and the strength gap between the two sides is just like adults and children.

Ye Chenhai Emperor's glazed body is small, and it is a condensed golden pill. The true element is infinite and condensed. Even when encountering Xuan Xian, he is not afraid.

"Xiao, Mr. Xiao has just lost this way?" Tang Shiyu dared not talk to each other.

Qin Shuang and Shi Baobo and others couldn't believe it. Xiao Yi worked hard for nearly a hundred years and broke through the barrier. Jianyao Huaxia was defeated by Ye Chen in this way? Even Xiao Yi can't stop it, doesn't it mean he is invincible?

"Do not."

Among the people, only Joyce's eyes narrowed and his fine eyes soared: "No, the real battle has just begun."


Everyone was shocked, so I don't know why.

But at this moment, I saw a white rainbow, and suddenly rose into the sky, breaking through the clouds, revealing the figure of Xiao Yijue.

He looked rather embarrassed at this time. Not only was he disgraced, but even his white suit was stained with dust. It can be seen that Xiao Yi spent almost all of his real money to defend this punch. There is no way to use gangqi.

"Ye Chen, you really deserve the peerless genius that came out in a thousand years. The body of Xuan Xian is really inferior to Xuan Xian, like the sea, and even the martial arts of fist, is even a man who is out of this world, almost a god."

"Especially the wonderful answer just now, it really has the meaning of initiation, and it made me wake up and take it to a higher level in the cultivation of mind!"

Although Xiao Yijie was disheveled and looked extremely embarrassed, his face did not have a gloomy face, but his eyes were even more magnificent: "Unfortunately, after all, you are not in Xuan Xian, and you are destined to lose here today."


Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, and he looked around him, a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "So it is, this is your hole card, it is no wonder that I just came to challenge me."

"what happened?"

Everyone saw the situation, and there was a lot of discussion. How did Xiao Yiju look like he still has a trick?

At this time, Xiao Yijie finally shot, he did not cast any magical powers, nor did he control the flying sword. Just a volley. Suddenly between the heavens and the earth, the vitality was like a tide, boiling and surging, and the heaven and earth vitality within a radius of a hundred feet instantly condensed into a white long sword.

This sword is ten feet long, Xiao Yi never used a trace of true energy mana, just waved his hand like this. Long Sword condensed out of thin air and struck Ye Chen into the sky. This sword's prestige, the rain screen shot shakes, the air is vast, and it is much stronger than before.

How can it be? "Everyone was dumbfounded.

Xiao Yi was absolutely defeated, and even Zhenyuan was weakened. How could such a shocking sword be used? It's the pinnacle of God Realm, can't you make it out?

Joyce sighed a long time, but his eyes shone with excitement: "Sure enough, have you mastered these methods?"

"Ask the earth?"

"World Promise!"

Facing this divine sword falling from the sky, Ye Chen was not afraid. According to Zhenyuan, he punched hard. With this punch, the world is tumbling, and the sun and the moon hang upside down. Numerous bursts of sound exploded in mid-air, and the rain curtain formed a huge fist print. The fist print traversed the sky, hitting fiercely on ten feet of sword gas.

However, the boxing power and the sword were in disappointment.

No difference! This is the first time since the opening, Xiao Yijie blocked Ye Chen's attack.

"How can Xiao Yijue suddenly become so powerful that he is clearly under the master's hands, and he can't hold it anymore." Qingchuan Sayuri didn't dare to channel.

No one else knows, so only Qingchuan Sakura looked and said, "It is the secret method of life burning. In this state, the warrior can use his skills beyond the normal. The previous sword of my master was like this. Exhibited."

Everyone heard this, and immediately thought of that day, although Ye Chen was invincible, but in the end, he was cut by Ito Musashi.

At that time, Ito Musashi was only in the early stage of the Divine Realm. He could hurt Ye Chen with a knife of his life. Then at this time, Xiao Yi, the pinnacle of the Divine Realm, would do his best to act. What a horror?

"The power of Xuan Xian." It was Joyce who solved the doubts for everyone, only to see the dignified expression, staring at Xiao Yi desperately, "At least before he died, he was able to exert some of Xuan Xian's power. !"

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