The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 336: Coming from the water

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The white man sits cross-legged, his expression is indifferent, and his eyes are as deep as Gujing. Around him, countless long swords were interspersed. Even if everyone had not entered the sword mound, they knew that the masters of these long swords were all under the sword.

Some people who know the goods can't help but whisper:

"Zhu Yanjian, the sword of the red-haired witch. Although she was extremely beautiful, she was very jealous. She was particularly fond of peeling the face of young girls. Finally, Mr. Xiao shot and was killed by Jinghu."

"That was Ling Xiao Jian. At that time, Han Lingxiao, the owner of Shao Zhuang Shao Zhuang, forged the sword that he ran across the world, but in the end, he did not maintain his original intention. He turned to the islanders when the country was at the head, and was finally Old Master Xiao committed suicide to kill the whole family."

"The two pairs here are Zidian and Qingshuang, but ancient swords. Unfortunately, the couple of Ziyangzi and Qingxiazi fell into the devil's path, and Xiao Lao fought with them for a day and night. The rivers are all red, and then they will be killed."


A group of people talked a lot, and the words were full of longing and worship for the sword god. Even the Living Buddha and the Wolf King and others bowed their heads slightly to express their respect to the legendary swordsman.

"Mr. Xiao, we haven't seen you for more than forty years. You are getting more and more unfathomable."

The pupil shrunk when he saw Joyce sigh. Forty years ago, when he saw Xiao Yijue, Xiao Yi was like leaning on the heavenly sword, standing proudly and towering, but he could finally see the end. But bye bye today, Joyce only feels that Xiao Yi is like a vast ocean, never ending.

"Twenty years for my generation, just a flick of a finger."

Xiao Yi's expression was indifferent, his eyes suddenly opened, his eyes overlooking the entire Huashan like a meteor, and he looked around proudly: "Ye Chen, I have been waiting for a long time, please show up for a fight."

In this way, Xiao Yi stood up. When he just sat and closed his eyes, the sharp edge was covered by the sheath, which made people feel like a weak and weak showman; but when he stood up at this time, it was like a sword. It's so sharp that it doesn't even look straight.

No matter Qin Slong, Liu Liu, or many children of the second and third generations of Yanjing, they are all appalled. The other dark world powerhouses also glared wide and waited quietly.

This rare war of a thousand years is about to begin...

On the other side, above a sub-peak, everyone in Xiao House, and the forces of Long Teng, were also discussing.

The most anxious of them was Xiao Yao, who walked anxiously and finally couldn't help but ask: "Fu Bo, in this duel, do you see where the bottom can win?"

As soon as he said this, everyone behind Long Teng also raised his ears. After all, Xiao Fu was Xiao Yijue's steward. If anyone in the world knows the sword **** best, then it is undoubtedly him.

Moreover, this person has also dealt with Ye Chen, what he said always has some reference value.

Hearing the young master's question, Xiao Fu sighed: "According to the old man's guess, Ye Chenxiu was a godsend, a fairy reincarnation, or he himself awakened some kind of memory during the rejuvenation process of the aura. Ordinary teenager, two When he was ten years old, he was so vigorous, how could Ye Chen look down on sentient beings? The power can be passed on to others, but the state of mind cannot be faked. In the face of such old monsters, who knows how many cards he has in his hand?"

The people of the Xiao family standing behind the two, as well as many dragon disciples, including Qin Shuang, Tang Shiyu, Seven Kills, Broken Army, Greedy Wolf and others, all had a tight heart.

Although they did not say on the surface, they all supported Xiao Yijue in their hearts. Xiao Yi is definitely the giant pillar of the Xiao family and even the Chinese martial arts world. If he falls down, he does not know how much trouble he will cause.

"Father, you must win, step on that **** Ye Chen, and step on your feet fiercely!" Xiao Yao gritted his teeth and prayed silently in his heart...

At this time, there was a sudden commotion at the foot of the mountain.

Ye Chen is here!

Immediately afterwards, the Living Buddha, the King of War Wolf, and the High Priest of Eaton opened their eyes and looked at the West with dignity. There is the direction of the Canglan River...

I only saw the dark clouds gradually pressing down, and half of the sky was darkened. Under the dark clouds, there are violent storms and severe storms. Among the many storms, another water tornado suddenly appeared, rushing into the sky for hundreds of meters, as if swept by the end of a natural disaster.

"this is!?"

Everyone looked at them dumbfounded, and they saw an ordinary young man who didn't look so insignificant, stepping on a tornado storm, just like the legendary sea emperor descended across the sky. He carried his hands on his back, black eyes in black, and his breath was as unpredictable as a bottomless abyss. The whole body was shrouded in a piece of blue light, shining like a blue star, shining on the long sky.

Such a noisy grand debut, not who Ye Ye can be?

Ye Chen came from the storm, stepped on a 100-meter-high water column, held the prestige of heaven and earth, and raised the water. Who can't be surprised? Who can not be afraid, is a few powerful gods, can not help but shrink his pupils.

"His, is this mortal's ability? It's like a sea god."

Seeing this scene, the many martial arts and wealthy wealthy people were frightened and took a breath. Even the martial saints' faces changed wildly. Generally, the masters of martial arts walked up to the water and fought against the waves.

But Ye Chen came from the water. Behind him, there were dark clouds, lightnings flying, giant waves like anger, and storms like walls. How can such power be exerted by human beings? Only the legendary gods and immortals can achieve it.

"The surnamed Ye didn't show up for half a day, so it took a lot of money for Zhou Zhang to presume to borrow the power of the Canglan River, but his realm was afraid that he had chased Xuan Xian directly, and only half a foot was left from that realm. Otherwise It is impossible to indulge the Canglan River like this."

The living Buddha of Langri sneered a little, and the words were somewhat tasteful.

Other gods were also amazed. They had been infatuated for hundreds of years. As a result, they were pressed down by a junior in their twenties, but now I think about it. I really feel that my cheeks are hot.

"Ye Chen is so strong that he can control such a powerful storm? Doesn't it mean that he can destroy the city and destroy the ground?" Tang Shiyu and others couldn't help but smash his tongue.

"Huh, this storm is so vast that it covers hundreds of miles. Even if the old Xingxie is close, it may not be so magnificent. I think Ye Chen only spent a lot of time to go to the Canglan River, taking advantage of the storm, a little Just pull."

The broken army who couldn’t bear Ye Chen was able to sneer, and couldn’t help but sneer: “At present, in the decisive battle, we still have to do this kind of face-saving thing. I think this Ye Chen loses!”

Everyone around was also relieved for a long time, echoing: "Yes, yes, this is absolutely done by Ye Chen with the help of time."

Rather than saying that they believed the broken army, it was not that they forced themselves to believe, otherwise, it is likely that the three views would collapse.

But this group of people did not know that Ye Chen... completely did it with his own strength!

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