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Hearing this, Tian Xingzi's face changed in vain, revealing a cold expression: "Ye last name, what do you mean?"

In addition to Xiao Fu, it belongs to the pavilion of Yixian Pavilion, and is the biggest with Ye Chen Liangzi, because when his daughter was going to kill Xue Lily, Ye Chen was arrogantly stopped, although later there was a drama from the middle. This matter is temporarily suspended, but it does not mean that this guy has no resentment in his heart.

Ye Chen calmly said: "Although everyone talks and laughs on the surface, in reality, there are hidden murders. Haven't you already reached an agreement, are you ready to kill me here today?"

He said this, calmly turned his palm up, and hooked his fingers at the crowd: "Since that is the case, stop wasting time. Come on, let me see your skills. After finishing the fight earlier, I can handle it Take away."

Hearing this, Liu Bingyao, who was sitting on Ye Chen's lap, shyly bowed his head involuntarily, and Xiao Yao was full of anger.

Tian Xingzi sneered, and suddenly stood up and said: "What a arrogant little devil, don't think you can leave Xiao House alive today!"

He said this, suddenly stood up, jumped into the courtyard, and stood upright: "Yixiange Tianxingzi, come today to challenge Ye Wushen, please enlighten me!"

Seeing this scene, the martial arts are a little puzzled. Although the martial arts practice double cultivation, but it is only the high order of the sanctuary. It is a fool's dream to want to fight against the martial god.

But then they understood why...

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, and fourth... rose one after another into the sky, all loudly:

"The abbot of Shaolin is real and challenges Ye Wushen."

"The Wudang faction teaches the long virtual Daoist to challenge Ye Wushen."

"The director of Jue Dao Men Men leaves the wind and challenges Ye Wushen."


A series of seven or eight masters secretly raised their inner strength and rose up into the sky, standing in the courtyard, forming a semi-circle, surrounding the hall. Each one of them is either the leader of one religion or the pinnacle of Wu Sheng, but at this time they are fighting against Ye Chen together.

When everyone was suspicious, they saw Xiao Fu standing in the hall standing up slowly, and rose slowly, like Hong Zhong: "Yanjing Xiaofu housekeeper, Xiao Fu, challenged Ye Wushen, please Wushen not hesitate to direct."

After that, Xiao Fu rose into the sky, turned into a blast, and flew into the middle of the other seven people. Eight people looked like stars in the moon, forming a line around the Xiaofu Hall, with a cold look, and the momentum condensed to the extreme.

"What... what does this mean?" Countless people looked dumbfounded.

Wu Sheng is the dragon of man, and he is extremely proud. When did eight people challenge one at the same time? And they are eight highly respected people, and they are also arrogant figures among the big names!

"Wu Sheng challenged, only this time, not one person, but eight people. The challenge was not Xiao Yijue. It was the prestigious martial arts Ye Chen."

A veteran warrior shook his head and sighed: "Is it ridiculous to make a name, the name of the God of War, is it a good name. If not, the consequences will come."

Many people still don't understand it, but there are smart people who have come back to it at this time, and they all regret to look at Ye Chen with regret.

"How is this going?"

Liu Bingyao's face changed, Ye Chen was very powerful. She knew that, but this group of people looked like, none of them were so annoying.

Lu Xinghe's expression moved slightly, could not help but stand out from the sword, and stood beside Ye Chen, shouting: "Everyone is a person with a face and a face in the Chinese martial arts world. Now they gather the power of eight people to encircle a 23-year-old. Young people, don’t you feel ashamed?"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yao only felt that his heart was rising in anger, and roared loudly: "Lu Xinghe! Are you going to be an enemy of my Xiao House?"

Lu Xinghe snorted coldly: "If Yantang Xiaofu is so majestic, he will only use more fights and less bullying, then Lu Mou today must be on Ye Xianshi's side!"

In this way, his wrist shook, his long sword was already out of the sheath, and there was a sound of a tiger roaring in the midair. The layers of sword gas actually made a phantom in the air, making people dare not straighten Depending on.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help changing their expressions. Although Lu Xinghe's momentum at this time was only the first stage of the Holy Land, but seeing this sword spirit, Xiao Fu met him, and he might not be pleased.

"This guy really got the Star Evil Sword." Miao Zhongren's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth, "Ye Wushen is really a big hand!"

He hesitated, and hesitated to open the card in advance, even though Ye Chen was almost mortal, but the price he paid was unimaginable!

But at this moment, Xiao Fu said lightly: "This is what he has to bear, and how much reputation he has to enjoy, he has to bear as much responsibility as he can't escape."

Hearing this, Lu Xinghe's face suddenly changed, and he wanted to say something but couldn't speak.

Some people still don't understand it, but someone already whispered it. Eight people challenge one person, which certainly does not meet the rules of peer engagement. But if the juniors challenge the predecessors, the Holy Land challenges the **** realm? Naturally, you can join forces, otherwise you will lose.

"Don't care if this leaf dust is a **** realm, but who makes him bear the name of God of War?"

Xiao Yao said with a smile on his face, and there was a trace of gloating in his eyes.

It was only then that people around me suddenly realized that everyone finally wanted to understand why Xiao Fu and others initially insisted on welcoming Ye Chen with the ceremonies of Wushen. After attending the seat, Ye Chen was seated in the uppermost seat with respect and respect. The original purpose is here.

"See Tuqiang, this is the real Tuqiang."

"You are treated by the **** of martial arts, then you can be treated as the **** of martial arts. No matter the age of martial arts, the master is respected. Since you, Ye Chen, is the **** of martial arts, you default to a generation higher than everyone. It's nothing."

"Oh, Ye Chen is in trouble."


In the hall, many people bowed their heads and sneered, their hearts were very happy. Liu Bingyao's complexion suddenly changed, and he looked extremely worried at Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen still sits first, expressionless and leisurely.

"Master Ye Xian, you are a mighty warrior god, but you can stand shoulder to shoulder with the sword god. Since these juniors are challenging, you will show your hands a little bit, give them a pointer, and let everyone know the prestige of the war god."

Miao Zhongren took the lead in speaking, and in the language, he has not concealed his sarcasm.

"Not bad, a few juniors, depending on your strength, you can easily swipe." Guan Changhong of Canglong Seven Swords No. 2 also echoed lightly.

The other four swords also spoke separately. In the end, the seventh sword Xiao Yaoyin smiled and said:

"Ye Wushen, you wouldn't be afraid. If you are afraid, go back to this Wushen gift, apologize to the heroes of the world, and leave this wedding. I might not be able to let go of Wushen."

In the end, it was Xiao Fu's ending: "Ye Wushen, my junior is sincere and sincere to the heart of the martial arts, and it cannot be destroyed. Otherwise, your lifetime reputation will be destroyed. By then, it will be difficult to clean up."

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