The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 306: Qin Slong's condition

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Qin Silong didn’t look at those pale-looking juniors, but just stared at Qin Hongshuang and tempted: "How? As long as you nod, your son, you can overlook Yanjing as the head of the Qin family ten years later. Waiting for status, but how many people can't pursue it in their lifetime!"

"Moreover, I can also take your husband over to Yanjing to reunite your family with three people and share the joy of the world. Isn't that what you have always wanted?"

Qin Hongshuang's face was shaken, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to speak.

But who is Qin Slong? Knowing the way to control is nothing more than intimidation and temptation, and it is just a matter of grace and grace, and suddenly said with a cold face: "Of course, if you dare not agree, father and my means, you know it! Your son has strong skills, but his old man There is no such ability!"

In a word, Qin Hongshuang's face was white and crumbling, and Qin Shuang also persuaded: "Yes, little girl, even if the Qin family admits Ye Nian, in his capacity, he can only insert the door backwards, and the children born with us Isn’t the Qin family name taken for granted?"

Hearing this, although Qin Hongshuang frowned, she felt somewhat reasonable, and finally could not withstand the temptation, she could only nod her head.

"If I don't agree, Nian Ge will be killed by them. This is also for the sake of their father and son. They... will definitely forgive me."

In the face of the powerful Qin Slong Qin father, Qin Hongshuang can only comfort himself like this.

Seeing her nod, Qin Silong nodded in satisfaction, as long as he got this young age, it was enough to match Xiao Yijue's grandson. He believes very much that under his guidance, Ye Chen, oh no, Qin Shuwu will definitely become the first person in the entire Yanjing in ten years. Under his leadership, the Qin family can definitely overwhelm the Xiao family and board China. The throne of the first family!

With a smug look in his heart, Qin Silong's face also showed a hint of joy, and he said: "Since this is the case, Hongshuang, you will take Shuwu to my Qin family tomorrow."


When Qin Hongshuang said this, everyone in the Qin family present had mixed feelings and different feelings. Qin Shuyao covered her small mouth as if she couldn’t believe it. The last time she met, there were some contemptible buns. To become the heir of Qin's future...

Early the next morning, Ye Chen and Qingchuan Sayuri stood under the Red Maple Mountain.

Although he didn't want to see the Qin family in his heart, he already had a phone call with his father last night. Ye Nian cried directly on the phone after hearing the three words of Qin Hongshuang.

"Since I was sensible, my father has always taught me to bleed without tears, but now that expression is enough to see how important his mother is in his mind."

Ye Chen secretly made up her mind: "Must take my mother back!"

Qingchuan Sayuri, standing behind Ye Chen, was full of joy on her pretty face, and said, "Master, is this the Red Maple Mountain that only the four big families of Yanjing are eligible to live in? All of them live in big people. ."

Ye Chen didn't take her when she went to Liu's house before, but now she takes it with her, which makes Qingchuan Sayuri excited: "The host trusts me more."

Indeed, as she spends more time with Sayuri Aokawa, Ye Chen’s attitude towards her is more casual, and her trust is much higher. Of course, it will certainly not reach the previous life and Yin Youlian, which is enough to commit life and death. degree.

Recalling the previous life, Ye Chen smiled slightly and said, "They are big figures, but they are just a group of slightly stronger ants."

"Huh, a big tone!"

Ye Chen's words just fell, and a group of boys and girls not far away stopped, and yelled loudly, and walked over to this side.

Just at the foot of the mountain, Ye Chen had seen this group of men and women once. They drove in three luxury cars, all of them dressed in famous brands, and one of them was Yang An.

At that time, Yang An did not recognize Ye Chen, but just laughed loudly with a group of people, ridiculed these two plainly dressed earth buns, and even dared to come to Hongfeng Mountain.

But when he heard the raucous words and was about to teach the couple, he suddenly shook his body and smiled: "Look, see, this is not Ye Chen."

Ye Chen glanced at him with a calm expression: "Who are you?"

For such a small person, he has never remembered it.

Yang An listened, and immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, you punched Lao Tzu, and you dare to forget Lao Tzu? Today I will let you remember me!"

After that, Yang An spent a lot of energy to investigate, and Qin Hongshuang, Queen Qin, had never seen this fellow Ye Chen at all. After that, he even met Qin Family Major Qin Shuhuan, but the other party said he didn’t know any Ye at all. dust.

This investigation almost caused Yang An to tilt his nose, and the guy who punched himself was not a Qin family guest at all! But he was still terrified and failed to revenge on the spot.

Thinking of this, Yang An's anger was more intense, and said with a sneer: "But there are eyes in the sky, let's meet again, boy, today I will not slap your mouth, I will not be named Yang!"

But at this moment, Qin Shuhuan stepped forward and was surprised: "Are you... Ye Chen?"

He has been outside these days and he has been fooling around with this group of fox friends. He doesn’t even know what is happening in his home. However, Qin Hongshuang did not hesitate to damage the interests of Cangyong Group. He also had to take care of the East China United Chamber of Commerce. The old man will naturally know Ye Chen.

Seeing Da Qin speak, Yang An frowned, "Shuhuan, do you know him?"

Qin Shuhuan Qin Daqin, although he is not the grandson of Qin's grandfather, is implicitly the future successor of the Qin family. His high status and status are far from comparable. In this small group, he is implicitly headed by him.

If this Ye Chen had little friendship with Qin Da, Yang Anke would be hard to do.

Qin Shuhuan's mouth was light, and he sarcastically said: "Ah, I know him, but it's just a native turtle from Jiangjiang province."

The marriage of Qin Hongshuang to the civilians was regarded as a shame by the Qin family. Qin Slong had warned his children not to be rumored, and of course Qin Shuhuan would not say it.

Hearing this, Yang An's mouth raised a grin and said, "Yes, then I'm welcome."

He then turned to Ye Chen, his hands behind his back proudly said: "Boy, you punched me before, Grandpa, I won't take advantage of you, today I called the security guard, punching you a hundred punches, if you can hold it, just Forgive you a dog life!"

Seeing that the other party dared to disrespect Ye Chen, Qingchuan Sayuri flashed a cold flash in her eyes, and took the initiative to ask: "Master, do you want me to cook them?"

Ye Chen shrugged and calmly said: "Random."

Having said that, he raised his head and continued to look at Hongfeng Mountain, where there was his own mother.

From beginning to end, Yang An and others are not in his eyes.

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