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"Cut, it's still far away."

Despite defeating the enemy, Ye Chen sighed, with a dissatisfied look on his face.

The water dragon burst bite is different from the previously practiced spells. It is a well-known immortal method. The immortal method usually requires the master of the Jindan period to be displayed. However, Ye Chen is responsible for the emperor’s glazed body. Manipulation can be said to be handy, such as the use of arms, so that it can be used during the period of body repair.

"Wait for me to cultivate Jindan, and then cast this fairy law, the power can be ten times higher, not to mention the divine realm, even if the old Xingxie reincarnates, it may not dare to take it."

Ye Chen secretly thought that this point of the water cell now can trap Qiu Lingyun, but not necessarily trapped in the Ito Musashi as a god.

Sure enough, in the next second, the huge water polo cage exploded violently, and a figure wet out of it jumped out of it. It was the embarrassed Ito Musashi.

However, at this time, he looked at Ye Chen's eyes, and he could only describe it with panic. When he saw the other party still wanted to start, he immediately shouted: "Slow! Mr. Ye, Ye Wushen! I served, please raise your hand, let go Villain, I will definitely return to the island country and never be born again!"

Ye Chen's expression was calm and said lightly: "You have deceived Xiao Yijue by this means, but not me."

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers and summoned the original water **** sword again. Although there was no killing intention in his eyes, it gave Ito Musashi unprecedented pressure.

"Wait, wait!" Ito Musashi was cold and sweating, begging for mercy, "As long as you are willing to let me go, I am willing to dedicate the entire Qingchuan family to you, and my disciple, Qingchuan Sakura, can also be like Sayuri , Become your slave!"

Hearing this, Qingchuan Ying couldn't help but exclaimed: "Master? You said you would avenge our Qingchuan family!"

Ito Musashi didn't even look at her, and said flatly to Ye Chen: "If you like this type of woman, when I return to the island, I can send you one hundred and one thousand!"

Ye Chen's eyes showed a contemptuous expression, and said coldly: "A person like you is also suitable as a human teacher? Ito Musashi, pick up the sword, don't let the name of the **** realm be insulted on you!"

Hearing this, Ito Musashi looked stunned, and then showed a relaxed look. He already knew that the other party would never let go of him today. Instead of kneeling and begging for mercy, he might as well die hard!

Ito Musashi suddenly pulled up to the apex, with a look of martyrdom on his face, slowly putting all the power of his body into his hands, and recondensing a three-foot-long white swordmand from his palm.

This sword awn is very tiny compared to the sword energy that was often several tens of meters before, but it is very condensed, like the bright moonlight, and there are even clouds of smoke in it, and it is solid like crystal jade.

Ito Musashi slowly raised his hands, such as lifting a heavy weight, folded his hands together, and stood on top of his head.

As the palm rose step by step, his lips trembled, his chest vibrated like a blower, blood flowed from his nostrils and ears, and his eyes swelled.

Obviously, this strong man of the realm really started desperately. His behavior at this time is undoubtedly burning his life to condense his strength.

Finally, Ito Musashi lifted Jianguang above his head, and said in a deep voice: "The ultimate sword flow, the final mystery • Six big five rounds!"

Then he exhausted his life's strength and slashed down!


In the void, I saw a bright sword light flashed by. This blade of light traverses Tianyu, I don't know how long it is, or where it is going, as if a comet shot through the sky.

No matter the martial saints who took refuge in Ito Musashi, or the special soldiers led by Tang Shiyu, only the white light left in their eyes. Other than that, I will never see anything else.

"Who's winning?"

When they were confused, a cold voice suddenly came to their ears: "Chenguang is extinct!"

This is the fourth form of Xianwu, the last form of the sun, the moon and the stars, and the most powerful form. The chenguang is extinct!

In an instant, the sky darkened, and then in this endless darkness, there appeared a faint light, followed by two, three... Finally, thousands of shots were shot!

This time, watching the crowd completely lost sight...

At this time, only Ye Chen could see. Ito Musashi still kept his hands split, but countless beams of light had passed through his chest and shot into the sky.

Whether it is the mighty sword spirit or the body protection of the **** realm, it is like paper in the face of the extinction of Chenguang, especially Ye Chen is a sea glazed body, and the cultivation is far stronger than the ordinary cultivation period. Many of the moves are naturally strengthened.

"How could it be that I was a **** realm?"

Ito Musashi's lips were trembling and speechless. His physical body was almost destroyed by Ye Chen, but Wushen's tyrannical spirit allowed him to hold on, saying this.

Ito Musashi couldn't believe it. He clearly had been promoted to the **** realm, and he was invincible. How could it be lost to Ye Chen? Isn’t God Realm invincible? Are not all ants under the gods?

"I said, I want to join forces with you, you are not worthy."

There was indifference in Ye Chen's eyes, and volley stepped towards him, and the spirit of Ito Musashi issued a screaming scream, and suddenly shot out of the broken body, he wanted to escape. Since his soul has just become a divine state, he has not yet been fully promoted, so he is only in a translucent state, far less condensed than Wu Tiangou.

Ye Chen just sneered at this, holding it in one hand with one stroke.

"Wait, wait, don't kill me!" Ito Musashi's soul, madly begging for mercy, "I am willing to serve you as the master and become your most loyal servant..."


Ye Chen crushed the spirit of Ito Musashi, and said lightly: "It's a shame, if you want to be my servant, you don't deserve it."

This Megatron has stood at the apex of the earth for decades, and even the superpower who has broken through the realm of God has just disappeared...

When the dust settled, the smoke disappeared.

Everyone hiding in the woods eagerly looked in the direction of the battlefield, but when the last move was against each other, the two sides had already risen into the sky, so this group of people could not see anything.

"Who won?"

All people have only this idea in mind.

"Surely Ito won, and just now his old man seems to have made a breakthrough again. The power of that sword is absolutely shocking. Ancient and modern, Ye Chen can't take it!"

Igujar, the most loyal to Ito Musashi, shouted first.

Many Wu Sheng also nodded together. After all, Ito Musashi's momentum was too great, even if they were separated by a thousand kilometers of trees, they could vaguely feel it.

In this way, the martial arts were all smiles, compared with Tang Shiyu's side. They thought that Ye Chen had won. Who thought that Ito Musashi was about to break through, and the horrible sword just now, I am afraid that even Xiao Yi would not dare to say that he could catch it?

"Did Ye Chen really lose?"

Tang Shiyu said with tears in his eyes and a trembling voice.

Lu Xinghe was also sinking in water, uneasy. Qingchuan Sayuri knelt down on the ground desperately, crying loudly, and Qingchuan Sakura was weird and wondered whether she should rejoice.

However, when the dragons were sad and bleak, and the sages who took refuge in Ito Musashi were ecstatic, a voice suddenly came from above:

"Why show this expression?"

When everyone looked up together, they saw a young man in black with black hair walking from a height of hundreds of meters in the sky, stepping down step by step, as if stepping on a ladder under his feet.

In the moment when he saw the young man, all Wu Sheng changed their colors at the same time and their faces turned green, and their expressions at this time could only be described in four words:

Such as funeral examination!

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