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"Well, don't pretend to be a ghost wolf. At this time, everyone is gathered together, isn't it for the legendary star evil sword spectrum? Do you want to sneak away, first ask everyone if you agree!"

It was an old man who was sitting on the giant snake. He was Igujar, the king of snakes in Thailand. He was also one of the same. If he really fights with the ghost wolf, it is not necessarily who will kill the deer.

As soon as he said this, the ghost wolf also sneered, and the white wolf under his seat immediately roared loudly, and the giant snake under Igujar also opened his eyes and kept spitting the letter, using a pair of cold little The eyes stared at the white wolf.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense and seemed to be on the verge, but Lu Xinghe suddenly said at this time: "Dear seniors and move slowly, Xingxie Jianpu was born here. I do hear about it, but the question is, who is this news? Came out?"

"Who sent it, it's important?"

Igujar spoke in a hoarse voice, but his eyes were full of greed. His age is high, and there is no other way than God. This star evil sword spectrum can't be used by this snake king, but in the Xuanxian cave mansion, just find some spirit grass fairy pill, maybe you can meet your wish!

Lu Xinghe said in a deep voice: "Of course it is very important. Are you not afraid? This news was deliberately released. Want to bring us together?"

Hearing his rational and well-founded analysis, those martial saints laughed aloud:

"Who is doing nothing like this, and dare to deceive Wu Sheng?"

"What is he doing to gather us here? Do you catch everything?"

"Wow, I'm so scared. I really want to see who it is. I have such a skill."


A group of people laughed unscrupulously, and apparently did not take Lu Xinghe seriously. Seeing this situation, Tang Shiyu could not help but order to start, but at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded:

"Oh, a group of black people, even the child can see through things, but you can't think of it, it's really a sacred thing."

Hearing this group of ridicule, the martial priests were suddenly angry and scolded. With virtue filled with muscles all over their heads, of course, they can’t think of any good way of cursing people. They are just trying to find a relationship between the eighteenth generation of the other party’s ancestors and their own lower body, or expressing a strong heads-up. desire.

"Huh, looking at you, it seems that I really want to see my strength."

The low voice hummed in disdain, and then emerged from the midair: "Since that is the case, go together."

Hearing this, the dozen martial saints were already irritated. They all picked up their weapons and stared at the sudden figure, looking ready to start.

But when this group of people saw the face of the man who appeared in mid-air, it was a trembling, and they dropped the sword in their hands to their feet. The Igujar sitting above the snake's head fell directly from the snake. I couldn't get up on the ground for a long time.

"Oh my God."

"No way."

"Island island island island..."

"Island swordsman, Ito Musashi."

Hearing this sentence, Tang Shiyu suddenly opened his eyes in surprise, and said loudly: "Ito Jianhao, shouldn't you retreat in the embassy of Yanjing at this time, and wait for a decisive battle with Mr. Xiao?"


Although Ito Musashi is over one hundred years old, he looks like a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties when he arrives at Shenjing. He glanced at Tang Shiyu lightly and said: "Little girl, since ancient times, There is a huge conspiracy behind every **** duel, isn't it? Like the battle at the top of the Forbidden City."

Hearing this, Tang Shiyu couldn't help but feel cold. She was also a wise person. When she saw the other person appearing here, the thoughts in her mind kept turning, and she exclaimed suddenly:

"You challenge Mr. Xiao so openly, not to fight him on the vast stage, but to attract many warriors to watch the battle, thus dispersing the power of the dragon!"

Ito Musashi chuckled: "The shame that was lost to Xiao Yijue at that time, could he be defeated by defeating him? What I want is his status in the Chinese martial arts world. What I want is the entire Chinese rivers and lakes!"

Hearing this, Tang Shiyu was completely stunned, and Lu Xinghe was angry and said: "You dream! Mr. Xiao will never lose to you! And even if he loses, we still have countless in China. No one can bow your head to the best people!"

Ito Musashi was also not angry and said lightly: "The influence of one house, two pavilions, three gates and four factions is indeed great, but you Chinese people have a disadvantage, that is, everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, regardless of the others. "

"As long as there is no crisis that will destroy the Huaxia Rivers and Lakes, you will never be united together. As long as I kill Xiao Yijue first, let you have no heads of dragons, and then lead people to defeat those martial arts one by one. Isn’t it in Ito Musashi’s pocket?"

Not to mention, he did not look at Lu Xinghe and others who were completely stunned. He turned to look at the dozens of martial saints who were attracted by the star evil sword spectrum, and said:

"I will now give you a chance to cast the Yin-Yang blood curse and swear allegiance to me. After I have unified China's rivers and lakes, I can grant you prosperity and wealth, and high-ranking officials, and even teach you how to set foot in the gods.

Speaking of which, he paused deliberately, looking at each of Wu Sheng's ecstatic expressions, smiling slightly, but his eyes were incredibly cloudy: "Of course, you can also choose... Reject my good intentions, then only one end, die! "

"Iguzar, the villain, is willing to loyal to Ito Swordsman wholeheartedly.

Before the other party’s words were finished, the Thai snake king, Igujar, took the lead in kneeling down and swearing that his age is too big, even if it is the life span of a strong man in the sanctuary, he must come to an end, if he does not break through God I am afraid that only three to five years will survive.

So for Igujar, as long as Ito Musashi can help himself to break through the realm of God, what is loyal to him, even if you let yourself kneel to sing and conquer, there is nothing wrong with it!

With his leadership, everyone else bowed down. After all, the conditions proposed by Ito Musashi were too tempting, and if they refused, they would be killed. No one wanted to die. Have chosen to obey.

Tang Shiyu et al. watched a desperation. Since the other party dared to hold out his plans and plans in front of them, he would definitely be ready to speak out, and he didn’t even need to do it himself. As long as he commanded this group of novices to come up, it was enough Everyone is completely destroyed here!

Finally, under the weight of death, Liu Ji took the lead to collapse, crying and rushing to Ito Musashi to kowtow: "Ito Sword Master! I am willing to surrender to you too! Be your most loyal subordinate!"


Xu Shou was so angry that his face was pale, and a large gulp of blood spurted out. The whole body was soft and fell to the ground. The disciples next to him hurriedly stepped forward to help.

Tang Shiyu even shouted angrily: "Liu Ji, you are shameless!"

Liu Ji smiled facelessly: "Miss Tang, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, as long as Ito Jianhao is surrendered, what is glorious and wealthy, and the high official Houlu is not at your fingertips, and there is even a chance to be promoted to Shenjing, so great Opportunity, if you miss it, you’re not human anymore."

His hippie smiled, but Ito Musashi narrowed his eyes lightly and said: "Is glory and wealth, high-ranking Houlou is so easy to obtain? Many people can't pursue it in their lifetime, why do you think I will give you, Or, what benefits can you bring me in exchange for what you want?"


Liu Ji was asked dumbly by Ito Musashi, and instinctively felt that the situation was wrong, but before he could speak, he felt a chest pain.


Everyone was horrified. Looking at the blood pool under Liu Ji, he obviously had two or three minutes in the sword, but no one saw when Ito Musashi had the sword, and no one saw it. He was When did the sword get into the sheath!


It was not until Liu Ji completely lost his life and collapsed at the foot of Ito Musashi, the latter said disdainfully and coldly: "Not everyone is eligible to trust me, at least... you are not worthy."

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