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Ye Chen's name has been quite loud in the Chinese martial arts world. Although there is not yet a loud nickname, it is from his birth to fame, the time spent is too short, but the achievements are too large, and there is no identity strength The right person, come and give him a nickname.

Even Tang Zongze, the great master of Tangmen, can only worship when he sees him. Although the two men are about the same age, the martial arts elite is respected, let alone Tang Zongze, even if his father Tang Shixing is here, he must worship!

But when he was half bent, he suddenly felt an invisible force, and he couldn't afford to bow down.

When Tang Zongze raised his head, he saw Ye Chen shook his head slightly, and suddenly he hurriedly straightened up, clenching his fists and said in shame: "It is Zongze's ignorance that offended the master, please forgive me."

Ye Chen waved her hand casually, as if sending a puppy lightly, "Go."

Tang Zongze nodded and bowed his waist until he pushed out the crowd, and then took a long breath. At this time Yang An also squeezed in, frowning and blaming: "Brother Tang, don't you promise me to make that surname Ye ugly? Why are you so polite to him!"

In Yang An's tone, it was somewhat unpleasant, but Tang Zongze was solemn and said: "Brother Yang, this Ye Chen is absolutely mortal, you must not offend him, otherwise endless troubles!"

Hearing this, Yang An's body was also trembling, looking up at Ye Chen's direction, and he was puzzled in his heart: "Is it Qin Shuyao who just warned Tang Zongze?"

As the eldest lady of the Qin family, Qin Shuyao’s identity is far from his own. The one-liner just laughed, it was already the most excessive thing Yang An could do. .

"Can this kid really be a Qin family guest?" Yang An was puzzled. In his opinion, the surnamed Ye, regardless of his temperament and manners, was definitely not an upper-class person, even if he would martial arts. How can it be?

But no matter what Yang An thought, there was a big mountain in the Qin family, he would never dare to do it again, and could only watch it with a grudge.

Finally, Liu's grandfather Liu appeared. Despite his advanced age, he was a child with a heavy face, and although there was no sign of martial arts practice, he was full of energy, and it seemed no problem to live another ten or twenty years.

Qin Hongshuang immediately waved to Ye Chen and Qin Shuyao, and signaled the two to go. When they arrived, they smiled and introduced: "Lao Liu, this is my niece Qin Shuyao, you have seen several faces before."

Qin Shuyao was very arrogant in front of Ye Chen, but at this time he was too nervous, and whispered with a voice smaller than mosquitoes: "Liu, Grandpa Liu is good."

Mr. Liu responded with a smile: "Okay, okay, Shuyao is really getting longer and more beautiful. It is a pair with Ruochen in my family."

"Oh, huh."

Qin Shuyao grinned awkwardly at the corner of her mouth. She smiled at Liu Ruochen's seemingly dark, inwardly shady fellow, but she couldn't refute Liu Lao's face and could only pass it by.

Qin Hongshuang also hurriedly digressed, and said to Mr. Liu: "Lao Liu, this is Ye Chen, this is is the chairman of the East China Union Chamber of Commerce, a young talent with considerable potential and talent. "

With that said, she turned to Ye Chen again, calling like a junior: "Ye Chen, come and see Mr. Liu."

Ye Chen is not as cautious as Qin Shuyao. He looks calm and nods and nods: "Lao Liu."

This move made Qin Shuyao annoyed. Why could this Ye Chen be so calm? That is the head of the Liu family, who is as powerful as his grandfather!

Rather than saying that she was annoyed at Ye Chen, she was annoyed that she was useless, and hated that she could not be like the other party, even in front of a big person, she could be calm as usual.

Grandpa Liu's eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, and quickly swept across Ye Chen's cheeks, it seemed that a certain emotion was born briefly, but soon nodded lightly and said: "Okay, honor and shame, not humble, not really high, it was a teenager Heroes."

Hearing this comment from Grandpa Liu, everyone around was suddenly awe-inspiring. To know this great man, no young man had ever given such a high evaluation, even if it was his grandson Liu Ruochen, or Xiao who was about to marry the Liu family. Never got away!

It can be said that just by his words, Ye Chen's identity and status immediately reached a hot spot in Yanjing!

Yang An in the crowd stared at Ye Chen with a look of anger and jealousy, but there was no alternative. He knew that from this moment on, the identity of the other party could not be shaken by himself.

Upon hearing Liu Lao's praise, all the people around were amazed. The most excited one was Queen Qin Hongshuang. Her innocent smile was on her face, and her cheeks were flushed with excitement, as if praised. Just like myself, such unprecedented beauty could not help fascinating a group of men.

Grandpa Liu witnessed the change of Qin Hongshuang with his own eyes, and his eyes flashed a clear color, and all of this was seen by Ye Chen in his eyes.

"This old thing absolutely knows the inside story and why Qin Hongshuang is so unusual for me."

Ye Chen secretly speculated in his heart, but did not open an inquiry, because even if he had only heard the rumor of Mr. Liu, he could make a clear judgment, that is, the other party's city was extremely deep.

If this were not the case, he would not be able to seize the property of the original owner, nor would he set up such a wealthy family as the Lius in the chaotic world.

He hurriedly asked, not only did he not get an answer, but was met by the other party's calculations out of thin air. Anyway, Ye Chen could see that this Qin Hongshuang was not malicious to herself. As for the reason for her to do so, she would be able to find out sooner or later.

After some greetings, the banquet officially began, and the various delicacies on display can only be described as luxurious, even if it is regarded as a state banquet, it is more than enough.

But most people don’t focus on food, they don’t panic, and they talk and laugh with the people around them. For them, being able to meet new “friends” means the future. When acting, there is one more way.

This is the importance of connections. Everyone present is a man. There is no reason not to know the importance of connections, so there are basically no swallowing voices, but subtle conversations and laughter are everywhere.

However, today is another exception...


The rude chewing sound came into everyone's ears. They frowned and looked up. They saw Ye Chen who had just been praised by Mr. Liu. He was holding a delicate porcelain bowl and sulked. Drinking porridge!

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