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The savage murderousness in the words made He Cheng tremble involuntarily, but then he recovered, and angrily said: "Ye Chen! You dare to speak bluntly here, are you really afraid that I will start with your loved ones? "

Ye Chen said coldly: "I'm here to kill you and destroy you. Who else can start my loved ones."

He Cheng's heart jumped again when he heard this, but he was already riding a tiger at this time, and said fiercely: "You killed me and everyone else on the scene? As long as one person survives, your evil deeds Sanctioned!"

"That's not necessary. Who is to be sanctioned is not necessarily who."

He Cheng finally revealed a shock, because with a low voice, Qingchuan Gangxiong, chairman of Qingchuan Enterprise, came in.

He looked at Qingchuan Gangxiong and asked in amazement: "Qingchuan Jun, you, what do you mean?"

Qingchuan Gangxiong said: "I mean, I have given Qingchuan Enterprise to Mr. Ye. From today, he will be the chairman of Qingchuan Enterprise."


Hearing this, everyone immediately took a breath. Qingchuan was one of the world’s top 50 companies, controlling 40% of the island’s economy. Its chairman was even called the “Bill Gates of the East”. Under the prime minister of the island nation.

How can such a huge enterprise, such a noble position, and such a strong capital, be transferred to others? And still a person who has nothing to do with it!

He Cheng stuttered: "Qing, Mr. Qingchuan, are you kidding me?"

Qingchuan Gangxiong glanced at him and said coldly: "Do I look like I am joking?"

With that said, he took out a document, which was the transfer contract signed by him. Seeing this thing, everyone had to admit that this continent, who is despised by everyone, is really the chairman of Qingchuan Enterprise!

In this way, who dares to move his family? The power of Qingchuan's enterprises far exceeds everyone's imagination. Even if they use hard money, they can kill everyone present.

The person who just supported He Cheng started shaking, and finally someone whispered, "I, I think this is a misunderstanding."

Some people took the lead, others also agreed:

"Yeah yeah, how can we go against the chairman of Qingchuan Enterprise?"

"He Cheng is all clamoring there alone, it's none of our business."

"Ye Dong, despite your shot, we saw nothing!"


"You, you group of people!" He Cheng shivered with anger at the words of everyone around him. He never thought that he had been running the forces for decades, and he turned to the enemy in a flash. Spearheaded at himself!

Ye Chen snorted and went on to He Cheng. The latter was really panicked, and backed up again and again, shouting loudly: "Ye Chen, if you come back again, I will use the power of the whole He family, and I will die with you. !"

Ye Chen's expression was indifferent, the blue flame in his hand was burning, and said coldly: "After today, the He family will no longer have any influence."

He said this, and snapped the flame into He Cheng's body. The old guy was frightened enough, thumping desperately on the ground, screaming for a long time, but found himself unharmed.

However, when everyone was stunned, He Yingzhuo fainted at the side, but suddenly screamed, a blue flame erupted in his body, and the entire person was swallowed up in an instant.

He Yingzhuo screamed in pain, but could not resist this terrible flame. After a few seconds, he turned into an ashes.

"Yingzhuo!" He Cheng uttered a bitter cry, staring at Ye Chen, "You did this?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "My spell is called Soul Capture. From the day you hit me, there will be a bloodline who dies to death every day. How many relatives you have, this spell will last for as many days, It's your turn at the end."

Speaking of which, Ye Chen showed a devilish smile, and said lightly: "I want you to watch the younger generations with your own eyes and die one by one in front of you. This is how you dare to threaten me with your family!"

Hearing this, everyone fought a cold war. The continent, which they looked down upon before, is now like a demon, making everyone dare not look straight at it!

He Cheng fell to the ground, his lips squirming constantly. He really regretted it now, but Ye Chen didn't give him a chance. He walked directly past this guy and said lightly:

"Opportunity, I gave you, to find all the helpers you can find, but no matter who comes from, any home, they will be destroyed."

Having said that, he walked out of the door without looking back. None of the nearly 100 people in the entire hall dared to step forward and intercept.

He Yuanzhi stared blankly at Ye Chen’s back. He was only the sideline of He’s family, and not his bloodline, so he was not on the death list. After his cousin robbed his fiancee, he was the only one to He’s family. A little attachment also disappeared.

He lowered his head suddenly, looked at the ashes on the ground, and could not help raising the corners of his mouth, feeling that he was down because he was dumped, it was simply stupid to get home.

"If I have this kind of skill, no matter what the power of money, it will be a unified blow!"

On the contrary, Su Ying was completely dumbfounded. She tried her best to climb onto He Yingzhuo's bed. She thought she could fly Huang Tengda and live a princess-like life, but she didn't expect what He Yingzhuo would turn into ashes. What should she do? ?

No one answered her question, and everyone even disliked her as a cockroach. Just now this woman, but she gave a big word to Mr. Ye, who knows if it will cause any trouble.

In a blink of an eye, from a princess standing up high, to a street mouse that everyone shouted at, Su Ying couldn't help but lose her soul. She looked to He Yuanzhi for help and wanted to speak.

But He Yuanzhi didn't give her this opportunity at all, and went out the door with a big smile, Su Ying yelled and chased behind, but unexpectedly the high heels were too high and fell to the ground, crying loudly. .

Not far away, He Yuanzhi stopped, Su Ying felt secretly in her heart and shouted anxiously: "Yuanzhi! Yuanzhi I know wrong, I was just cheated, please beg me to come back to you , I must treat you well!"

If it was He Yuanzhi in the past, I am afraid that he could not help turning around to help her, but at this time, after seeing Ye Chen's style, how could he have Su Ying's green tea in his eyes?

I saw that He Yuanzhi stepped forward and walked to the distance at a faster speed. He didn't look back from beginning to end, letting out the cry of tears from his heart.

Hidden in the dark, I saw the dust of all these things, and the corners of my mouth were light, and I had already thought about it.

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