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Looking at the river that covered the sky, Kong Wanling couldn't help crying: "Ye Chen, although I have provoked you a few times in the past, I don't have to use such a cruel! I don't want to die!"

Bai Xiaoxuan also looked as if he couldn't say a word. The whole person was paralyzed on the ground, biting his lip violently, and his mind was blank.

The other warriors all ran and cried individually, with despair on their faces, all thought that Ye Chen was so mad, they wanted to wipe them all out:

"Ye Wusheng Rao Ming, Ye Wusheng Rao Ming, the villain will never dare to disrespect you!"

"Our Lu family has tens of millions of wealth on Hong Kong Island, and we are willing to give all of them, begging Wu Sheng to spare my life!"

"Ye Chen, you dare to kill me, the Dragon family will never let you go!"


In a panic, only Zhao Ya'er's face was relaxed, and she smiled and comforted her sister and father: "Relax, Master Ye Xian will not hurt us."

Zhao Renqing panicked and said: "Although his heart may not intentionally hurt people, but it may also be that the real power is consumed too much, and he can't control this massive river, so he can only let it fall from the sky!"

The warriors around listened to it, and they all made sense. After all, such a huge river can be manipulated to such a degree. It has been quite difficult. Ye Wusheng is very likely to be exhausted.

Hu Huahao heard this, his eyes flashed coldly. After all, he was also a sanctuary, and he still had confidence to save his life in this terrible river. If Ye Chen was suddenly weak when he suddenly broke out, it is not impossible to kill him!

At this time, in the horrified eyes of those warriors, the entire water of the Canglan River has been severely pressed into the air!


The huge weight made the earth tremble, but the warriors closed their eyes and hugged their heads for a long while, but did not feel any pain.


Zhao Renqing opened his eyes and couldn’t help but startle. Although the river fell back into the river, he didn’t engulf these warriors. Instead, he stopped one meter from each person’s side and stopped. save in.

From a distance, it seems as if there are hundreds of bubbles in the water, and their group of people are protected by the bubbles, safe and sound.

"Wow, it's amazing, Ye Xianshi really is the most powerful."

Zhao Ya'er cheered, and among all people, she was the only one who had never been afraid.

Other warriors, however, have already turned a huge wave in their hearts: such exquisite and meticulous water control ability is even more terrible than raising the whole river! Is this Ye Chen a human or a fairy?

The little abacus in Hu Huahao's heart was completely annihilated at this time, and he secretly determined: "After going back, we must strictly restrict the family members, and we must not step into the East China District for a half step, nor can we provoke this called Ye Chen. 'S horror exists!"

It wasn't until everyone surfaced that Ye Chen landed slowly on the water. At this moment, everyone bowed their heads and paid tribute to the supreme powerhouse.

Ye Chen fell on the water, but didn't pay attention to them, just said lightly: "Crazy wolf."

Before that, Huaxia and Zhang Kuang were extremely crazy. At this time, they were an excited spirit, and they no longer dared to go crazy. They walked in front of Ye Chen. As if they were a pupil, they bowed first before responding: "Ye Xian division."

Ye Chen didn't embarrass him, said lightly: "Ning in Qiu Lingyun is also a generation of guru, allowing you to take his body back to be buried."

He said this, his fingers lifted lightly, and a splash of water brought Qiu Lingyun's body up. This once sturdy Wu Sheng, now with his eyes closed, his mouth with a whimper smile, looks very serene.

Seeing the appearance of the teacher, such a relief appeared in the eyes of the mad wolf, changing his bow and saying, "Thank you, Master Ye Xian."

Ye Chen looked at the mad wolf with interest, and said lightly: "I killed your master, don't you want to get revenge?"

The mad wolf shuddered and bowed again: "You martial arts, I want to avenge the teacher, it is tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg, can get your permission, can take his body back to the snow mountain for burial, it is already grateful extremely."

Seeing the other person saying this, Ye Chen also lost the desire to continue to shoot, and waved lightly: "Go."

The mad wolf bowed down to salute again, picked up Qiu Lingyun's body, and walked away in disgrace. The mentor and apprentice came in a powerful manner, and the world was shocked, but when they walked, they were killed, and one bowed their heads.

Looking at the back of the mad wolf, Ye Chen also had some emotion in her heart...

Qiu Lingyun is very strong and is the strongest rival he has encountered since his rebirth. If it hadn't been to become the Emperor's glazed body, I'm afraid it would take all the cards to defeat it.

But after his Taoism became complete, Qiu Lingyun was not an opponent at all. In the end, the entire river of the Canglan River was lifted by that hand. It seemed to have a huge momentum, like a banned curse.

The stormy waves, these magical powers were personally performed by the owner of the Zhenhai Immortal Palace, and even a planet was turned into a vast ocean. Today, Ye Chen’s display is only the most basic version of this magical power.

When you cultivate the Yuanshen, or even condense the Yuanying, you can even control the entire Seven Seas. By that time, the so-called power of world destruction is nothing more than a matter of raising your hand.

Looking at the back of the mad wolf, everyone's eyes were sorrowful, and the sadness of the change of the times emerged in their hearts. Not even the legendary Wu Sheng, who has two palms and heavens, is Ye Chen's opponent. After today, who in the Chinese martial arts world can compete with it?

In everyone's mind, two words flashed involuntarily:

Sword God.

Although Qiu Lingyun was arrogant at that time, he was defeated by Xiao Yi absolutely empty-handed. That majestic Haotian sword never came out.

But Xiao Yi never later, after playing both defeats with the island nation sword fighter Ito Musashi, has been closed for decades and has not appeared, who knows how much strength he can have at this time? It's not necessarily bad if you get injured or die!

Ye Chen closed his eyes, a stunning handsome beauty, slowly changed back to the ordinary look before, but at this time, no one dared to underestimate this seemingly ordinary young man.

He ignored anyone, but just blinked slightly at Zhao Ya'er, then he rose into the air and disappeared into the mist.

"Master Ye Xian is so handsome!"

Zhao Ya'er jumped up happily at this time, his face full of respect and worship, and the other martial arts looked at Zhao's father and daughter with envy.

By virtue of their knowledge of the relationship between Master Ye Xianshi and the entire East China region and even Huaxia, no one dared to provoke them.

Han Qingshan and Master Wang Duo hid far away, and a breath came out of their hearts: Fortunately, they didn't fall into the rock, embarrassing gossip martial arts hall, otherwise Ye Xianshi liquidated, where is there still life?

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