The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 211: Cao Family Crisis

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Cao family in northern Jiangsu province.

The Caojia Manor, which was originally broad and magnificent, was now crushed by the demolition team. The walls fell down, crooked, and moans came from the ruins from time to time.

It turned out that the ground was already twisted and twisted, and there were dozens of strong men. These were the elite bodyguards of the Cao family, but at this time, they had no strength to stand up.

On the ground in the center of the manor, there is a tall girl who is kneeling on one knee, her face is unwilling, and in front of him, there is a young man with a scarred face.

"Huh, it's a very sturdy little girl." Qiu Lingyun said lightly, "Unfortunately, his skills are a little worse. You are Cao Xinxuan, Ye Chen's disciple?"

Lan Caier gritted his teeth and grunted: "No, I am not."


Qiu Lingyun raised his eyebrows, and the mad wolf suddenly realized that he raised his hand and slammed the Tianling cover of the girl in front of him.

"Ice and snow!"

At this moment, only a soft drink was heard, and the surging ice aura came from the side, the expression of the wild wolf changed slightly, and he greeted him with his palm sideways.


Only a muffled sound was heard, and the girl who flew from the side directly flew out, but the mad wolf also stepped back continuously, and his face was surprised. He raised his hand, only to see that his right hand was covered with thick frost, so it was extremely difficult to even move it.

"Miss!" Lan Cai'er exclaimed and hurriedly ran over, holding up Cao Xinxuan, whose mouth had overflowed with blood, "How come you still came out, didn't you let you run away quickly?"

Cao Xinxuan snorted and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "I am a disciple of Master Ye Xian. How can I escape from the battlefield? Doesn't that mean that my master is worse than the old man in front of me?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha?!"

Qiu Lingyun laughed in the sky and said, "I didn't expect such a little girl to be so courageous, but it was much stronger than many people in this manor."

He said this, turned his head, and gave a playful glance behind him. Behind him, the Cao family kneeled neatly in a row, and even Queen Yang Lin stood respectfully, leaving Lan Caier to die or die there.

Hearing this, many people showed a look of shame on their faces, but there were also some people who sneered in their hearts. They are all supporters of Cao Xiaoyu. Under the pressure of Ye Chen, they could only watch Cao Xinxuan become the first heir.

But now that Ye Chen’s enemies are here, aren’t you a bad girl? !

Cao Xinxuan took a few breaths and stood up, showing a determined look on his face. Opposite her, the mad wolf also transported his inner breath and thawed the frost on his hands.

If Ye Chen is used, the mad wolf may be frozen to pieces of ice chips at this time, but after all, the little girl is still shallow, and when she is facing Wu Sheng, she starts to appear weak.

Seeing the bleeding at the corner of her daughter's mouth, Yang Lin's distressed eyes were red, and she hurriedly said: "Qiu Wusheng, you are a long-time old predecessor. Why do you need to know the children in general? I'll tell you the first time, please beg you to let Xinxuan go."

Qian Chaosan on the side also persuaded: "Senior Chou Lao, please let go of Xinxuan, she is young and ignorant, she will worship Ye Chen as a teacher, not from her original intention!"

"Do not!"

However, Qian Chaosan's words were firmly rejected by Cao Xinxuan. She looked determinedly and her head was high: "Old man, you listened to me, even if you killed me today, this girl is also a disciple of Ye Xianshi. It is impossible to look back!"

Qiu Lingyun chuckled lightly: "Okay, okay, with temper and arrogance! Mad Wolf, you, as my disciple, can't lose to her!"

Hearing this, the mad wolf immediately led his life to fight with Cao Xinxuan. After all, the little girl was still young, and was quickly shot in the back with a palm, and wowed with a spit of blood.


Yang Lin mourned and stepped forward to hug her daughter and cried, "It's my mother's begging you, give Qiu Wusheng a head down, pay no, he is an old senior, and he will certainly not embarrass you."

Cao Xinxuan was speechless at this time, but shook her head slowly and resolutely. She looked at Qiu Lingyun's eyes, and she never showed any fear.

The mad wolf retreated to the master's side, and once again carried his inner strength, it took him a long time to expel the frost from his hand, and said with a smile: "It's a hard girl, I like her a little bit."

Qiu Lingyun laughed and said: "Have you heard that little girl, if you are willing to follow my disciple, the old man is not unable to spare your life."

Hearing this, Yang Lin immediately hugged her daughter and said, "Yes, I am willing to marry Xin Xuan to this Master Wu Sheng."

However, she said this, Cao Xinxuan didn't know where to put out a force, pushed away his mother, slammed hard, and sprayed a sip of blood on Qiu Lingyun's feet.

Qiu Lingyun was also not angry and said lightly: "Since that, little girl, you can count on your master to save you. But my apprentice's Ben Lei palm also has the success of the old man's four or five, and the inner strength has already removed your five internal organs. All six organs are smashed. If you can't get help from someone with deep internal strength, I'm afraid I can't live for half a month."

"I hope that your Master is really as powerful as rumored, otherwise you little girl will stare at Xiang Xiaoyu, ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Qiu Lingyun laughed and took his disciples out of Caojia Manor. Until the person left, there was a sentence floating in everyone's ears: "Tell Ye Chen that I am waiting for a ride on the Henglan Mountain by the Canglan River!"

Cao Xinxuan gritted his teeth and refused to make a noise until Qiu Lingyun walked away completely, before his body shook, and a spit of blood spurted out, and the whole person collapsed.

"Xinxuan, my Xinxuan!"

Seeing this, Yang Lin no longer cared about her own image of the queen, and cried and threw herself up. No matter how strong she is, she is still a woman after all. In this case, she instinctively feels that the six gods have no master and her brain is blank.

Instead, Lan Cai'er and Qian Chao both came forward and hurriedly entered Cao Xinxuan's true energy, which made her a pale face, a little better.

Qian Zhaosan said in a deep voice: "Miss Lady’s internal organs and meridians and meridians have been shattered. Even if Cai Er and I input true energy, we can only live at most for half a month, and we must immediately find Master Ye Xianshi. Row!"

Lan Cai'er looked at Missy's complexion and couldn't help but sneered: "Thanks to Qiu Lingyun, who is still a long-known martial artist, he didn't feel ashamed of this venomous gangster!"

Qian Chaosan shook his head and sighed, "Wu Sheng is extraordinary, and he has regarded ordinary as an ant. In his eyes, there is no difference between killing us and stepping on an ant. Could it be because of stepping on one Are ants ashamed?"

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