The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 202: Xuanwu Bloodline

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Realizing this, the three people who stayed in the martial arts complexes all changed their faces. Han Qingshan stood up tremblingly from the Taishi chair and said in a deep voice, "Catch!"

That's right, it must be chased. If the guy is not Wu Sheng, how can he escape so simply? But if he is Wu Sheng...

An excited spirit in Han Qingshan secretly shook his head. How could a young man in his twenties be the legendary Wu Sheng? You have to know that you have exhausted your life, and you haven’t even touched the edge of the sanctuary!

Thinking this way, the two immediately took Zhao Renqing into the car, preparing to catch up with Ye Chen, and calculate the general account.

Bishuitan is located on the outskirts of the city of ten kilometers away from the Bagua Martial Arts Museum. It is surrounded by mountains and water, and the environment is cold. It was originally a good place to play. However, there is always a strange atmosphere in the air, especially the pool water always shows an unknown dark green color, and the legend of the water ghost in the pool makes the place less smoky.

But today, it is lively here. After all, Ye Chen is not very familiar with the terrain of northern Jiangsu, so the two groups of people actually went to the Bishuitan, and when they saw this group of people chasing after them, Zhao Yaer suddenly said angrily:

"You guys are too much, we rush to save people, we have no time to ignore you!"

Wang Duo sneered: "Still talking nonsense, don't you say you want to save people, people?"

As soon as his voice fell, Zhang Tianhang's cold face appeared in the grass not far away, and said coldly: "Huh, a little skill, so many people were actually called, but no more people come to use, old patriarch Anyone who wants to kill will definitely die!"

Zhao Ya'er frowned: "Old Sect Master? Who is that, come back my sister!"

On the contrary, Zhao Renqing on the side heard that, with a horrified expression, he stuttered and said, "Old, old patriarch? Could it be the legendary old patriarch?"

Hearing this, Han Qingshan and Wang Duo also changed their faces. Only Zhao Yaer asked curiously, "Is he very powerful?"

Zhao Renqing said with a smirk: "It's not only the powerful, the old patriarch of the Yin Guizong, who has been famous for a hundred years ago, swept across the three provinces of East China, and founded the Yin Guizong. Compared with him, we are only a group of younger generations, more critical. Yes... his old man is the legendary saint strong!

As soon as this remark came out, even the air seemed to be dignified. The strong men of the sanctuary, but they could only look up at the objects of worship. It was difficult for them to save people from such strong men.

Zhang Tianhang sneered sneerly, staring at Ye Chen emphatically: "Ye last name, I don't believe you are not dead today!"

Zhao Yaer said angrily: "Zhang Tianhang! Are you doing something that betrayed the teacher because you were jealous of your younger brother?!"

Zhang Tianhang heard the news and immediately shouted: "Who betrayed who? When this person came in, everything that originally belonged to me was taken away!"

Zhao Ya'er widened his eyes and said in horror: "It turns out that you are going to harm the younger brother!"

Zhang Tianhang laughed wildly: "Wrong! You people...can't run away!"


Wang Duo shouted and dismissed: "Don't act in a pretentious manner anymore. Under the majesty of my gossip, no one wants to run."

Han Qingshan also put his hands behind his back and came forward with a sneer: "What is the identity of the old patriarch, and how can he make a big move for the sake of a common custom?"

"Zhao Renqing, do you think this kind of pretentiousness can escape the old man's palm? Huh! I haven't been able to win the people I want to get!"

Just as Han Qingshan looked proud and Wang Duo sneered, another low voice suddenly sounded out of thin air: "I haven't heard of anything about the Eight Diagrams and the Eight Diagrams."

Wang Duo was furious and shouted, "Where is the demon? How dare you look down on my gossip door, and you will come out when you have a species.

However, Han Qingshan's face changed a little, and he slightly bowed his hand, and his tone followed him with a lot of respect. He said: "The master of the next Bagua gate, Han Qingshan, I don't know which lord is your master?"

The voice disdaind: "You have discussed this block for a long time, but you don't know who this is?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present shuddered and said in horror: "Old Sect Master?"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past, and the trees and weeds in front of everyone, like living creatures, automatically separated left and right, revealing the scene behind.

Only a leisurely voice was heard from inside: "Guests please come in,"

Everyone walked in along the road with curiosity. I saw Bibo's long pool of water. Zhao Ling'er closed his eyes and was trapped on a tree beside Tan. But on the Bishuitan, it was actually sitting cross-legged in the air, sitting with a white hair and temperament, looking like an old man of Xian Weng.

Seeing each other, sitting cross-legged in the air, everyone almost glared out their eyes. Han Qingshan stepped forward and clenched his fists, saying: "I don't know if the master is here, I waited for Tang, and disturbed your cleaning."

The old man didn't even open his eyes, and said lightly: "Hurry up when you understand. The VIP you are meeting today is not you."

As soon as this remark came out, Han Qingshan just frowned, but Wang Duo was the first. He was already a temper, and he shouted directly: "Old man! I don't care if you are or not, what kind of **** old lord, dare to underestimate I’m going to die if I gossip!"

Drinking like this, he flew up as a whole, and in the midair, he lucked gossip palms and shot the old man fiercely.

Wherever he passed, a crackling electric spark sounded in the air, which looked very powerful. However, the old man still sat quietly in the air without lifting his eyelids.

Seeing this scene, even Han Qingshan was a little puzzled: "It's impossible. Although the old patriarch is a dharma practitioner, but how to say it is a sacred domain, there is no reason why he can't escape this palm. Is he a fake? "

But the next second, the turquoise water exploded violently, and a giant beast covered with a black carapace sprang up inside, and he opened his mouth to Wang Duo.

The giant beast seemed to be a combination of turtle and snake. Its head and limbs resemble a tortoise, but it dragged a long snake tail. The black shell on its back, like a black diamond crystal, shines in the sun. It looks very hard just by itself.

Suddenly, Wang Duo pulled back and hurriedly, preparing to dodge. But he was already in mid-air, and had no position to borrow. The speed of the beast in the water was so fast that he was bitten off his right arm.


Wang Duo screamed and fell back to the shore, his face showing a look of terror, howling: "Here, what kind of monster is this?!"

Instead, Ye Chen was on the side, his eyes lit up, and he murmured, "Xuanwu blood?"

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