Chapter 18 takes off perfectly, textbook-like handling

Military flight simulation cabins, also known as flight simulators, are fundamentally different from conventional simulation cabins.

Touching it, Qin Xiao only had reality in his mind. Except that this thing could not be lifted into the air, the other controls were almost the same as the real fighter.

Even the weightlessness during take-off and landing can be clearly perceived by the body.

The flight simulator in front of me, unlike a simulation, looks like a fighter plane that cannot take off.

This simulator is more realistic than regular simulators.

At least, it's more realistic than the simulator he used to learn.

Reality often represents not simplicity, but increased difficulty.

If the difficulty of a conventional flight simulator is 10, then the flight simulator he is operating at the moment has a difficulty of at least 20.

A double or even multiple increase in difficulty may not matter to a real pilot, but for a student who has not really touched a fighter, it is definitely a hellish start.

Seeing Qin Xiao sit in the flight simulation cabin calmly, Lin Shun opened his mouth, this kid is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Not only Lin Shun, other people also showed surprise when they saw Lin Shun bring Qin Xiao to this special simulator.

Few people have actually used this simulation cabin, and most of them are used by some flight instructors in the college.

The student's language is useless at all.

Although using this flight simulation cabin has a lot of effects, the success may be too low. If it fails all the time, it will be too hard for the students. When the time comes, the fighter will actually operate, and the possibility of something happening is too great.

"Lin Instructor actually let Qin Xiao use this simulation cabin. This is really a plan to prevent Qin Xiao from passing the test!"

In the crowd, Li Zhen frowned.

In the case of the J-10 fighter, it is already difficult enough to fly in a conventional flight simulation cabin. Anyway, he did not dare to choose the J-10 fighter.

With this one, the difficulty has almost skyrocketed.

He dared to think about the conventional simulation cabin, but he dared not even think about this one.

Others are also quietly underestimating.

Obviously, Lin Shun's choice of this simulation cabin exceeded everyone's expectations.

Lin Shun had expected this kind of situation, he laughed, and then said directly to Qin Xiao: "How is it?"


Qin Xiao responded with only two words.

Lin Shun was stunned for a moment, he thought Qin Xiao would object, but he never expected Qin Xiao to answer like this.

"This is a special military simulation cabin, which is more difficult than the general simulation cabin, so I will give you ten chances. As long as you successfully take off and land once, I will consider you to pass the JX-10 fighter simulation test. If you succeed twice, I will go up. A face-to-face report will let you skip the beginner training."

Lin Shun said with a serious expression.

Qin Xiao thought for a while, then nodded in response: "Yes!"

"I'll teach you to start..."

As soon as Lin Shun's voice fell, he heard a clear voice ringing in his ears.


In the flight simulation cabin, the sound suddenly sounded, and the simulated light screen and avionics equipment of the JX-10 fighter were activated synchronously at the moment of the sound.

Seeing the flight simulation cabin already in operation, Lin Shun was dumbfounded.


This is a special military flight simulation cabin. Generally, students don't use it for simulation, even starting it is a big project.

The start of a fighter is completely different from that of a car. It has specific steps. Which one to start first and which one to start later has strict requirements.

Not to mention other things, the start-up process of the fighter plane's cold cabin starts by turning on the main power switch on the front right panel, and then turning on the left and right magneto and generator switches. There are only a few buttons, and most people have to find it for a while.

Lin Shundi was surprised that Qin Xiao didn't take care of it. His hands were fast. After turning on the generator switch, he went straight down, turned to the front half of the lower left panel, turned on the radio, adjusted to the frequency of the tower, and asked to start it. Pull up the seat at this time. The handbrake on the right side of the chair, go to the lower right panel, and turn on the starter oil pump (left side).

Press and hold the start button to start the engine, and the speed is stable at 11%. Push the left-hand accelerator lever past the slow parking point, wait for the engine speed to stabilize, turn off the starter oil pump, cover the protective cover of the starter button, and calibrate the ins at the same time.

In the next second, turn the control knob of the radar to preheat and then start the pitot tube heating, start the backup hydraulic system, and test the fly-by-wire system. At this time, the start of the fighter's ground cold compartment is generally completed.

"Lin Instructor, trainee Qin Xiao requested to take off."

Qin Xiao had a solemn and extremely serious expression on his face. A real assessment should be taken seriously. Just like flying a fighter jet, there should be no carelessness in the slightest.


A big mouthful of saliva was swallowed directly by Lin Shun. Seeing Qin Xiao, who was waiting for takeoff, and the flight simulator that was fully activated, Lin Shun's face was full of incredible expressions:

"You... how did you do it?"

"This is exactly the same as the JX-10 fighter jet. You can actually start the fighter jet exactly?"

Lin Shun looked like he had seen a ghost.

Although it is not too difficult to start the fighter, the key point is that this should be the first time Qin Xiao has come into contact with this simulation cabin, and it is not worse than their Instructors, even more standard.


Lin Shun was really shocked.

Others couldn't believe what they saw. Qin Xiao only came to the academy for half a month, and actually started the fighter with the most standard set of controls.

"In the book on the JX-10 fighter jet, the fourth line on page 23 goes to the ninth line on page 40. It should be said that it is the operation method of the special simulation cabin of the JX-10 fighter jet."

Qin Xiao explained word by word, his tone was gentle and natural, as if he was talking about a very normal thing.

However, the earthquake caused Lin Shun to shake more than Qin Xiao successfully started the simulation cabin.

Never forget?

Lin Shun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them again, trembling deep in his heart.

This guy is terrifying.

"Student Qin Xiao is ready, apply for takeoff!"

Qin Xiao's voice sounded in Lin Shun's ears again.

Lin Shun took a deep breath: "Allow to take off!"


The sound of a simulated turbojet engine roaring in the flight simulation room is heart-warming.

Holding the joystick firmly with both hands, the throttle valve slowly output aviation kerosene, and the huge power simulated by the simulator pushed Qin Xiao's back forward quickly.

Speed, getting faster and faster.

The scenery on both sides quickly regressed toward the back, and gradually, it was difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.

In the sight, various instrument data came into view, and on the speedometer, after the speed of the take-off ground was reached, Qin Xiao, who held the joystick with both hands, quickly stretched without any hesitation.

Fast forward, the J-10 fighter quickly raised its head, and the nose went straight to the blue sky.

The rear wheel began to lift off the ground, and the JX-10 fighter began to climb at a speed of more than ten meters per second, and then quickly increased to more than 200 meters per second, until the JX-10 fighter entered an altitude of 10,000 meters and entered a stable flight attitude.

"Perfect takeoff, textbook-level control!"

"Genius! This is true genius!!!"

Lin Shun, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at the X-10 fighter jet that was already flying smoothly, his eyes were sluggish for a moment, and a huge wave had already been set off in his heart.

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