The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 918: nostril

   Ye Xi said sternly: "Stop talking and laughing, the children will set off the day after tomorrow. In order not to expose the existence of the sea caves, I can't go back to Xicheng through the sea caves. I have to start with the team."

   Gun Haizi looked grateful.

   Ye Xi: "Time is tight, so I will fill that hole in these two days."

   Gun Haizi is very refreshing: "Okay, I will walk with you now, I will let the sea giant web carry us, it is very fast, it does not take long to get there."

   But Gun Haizi regretted it as soon as he said it.

  No, wait a minute, if Cangkang or the Great Yuan Wu came to Ye Xi, but people could tell where Ye Xi went, wouldn't the clan be in chaos! He has to stay and cover.

   But Ye Xi is too important to make mistakes in the sea. Someone must be accompanied.

   "I'd better ask two Yuan witches to accompany you. In the sea, Yuan witches are easier to use and safer than warriors, so I won't go." Gun Haizi said.

   Ye Xi: "Don't worry about my safety. Since I can get here through the sea cave smoothly, I will definitely be able to go there again safely."

   Gun Haizi disagrees.

   Ye Xi had no choice but to show him what hidden witch patterns are.

   Gun Haizi repeatedly tested the effect of the hidden witch pattern, and finally relieved, and let go and agreed that Ye Xi would go alone. After thinking about it, he went back and brought a big bunch of hay like snapdragons.

"what is this?"

   "Fish grass, something that can help you breathe in the sea, can save some magic power." Gun Haizi thought that Ye Xi used witchcraft to breathe in the sea before. In order to demonstrate, he pulled the hay down, kneaded it into small **** and stuffed it into his two nostrils.

   "Look, if you put it in your nose like this, you can breathe in the sea. Just keep it tight. Don't let the nose get water. If there is no water, you can stay in the sea for half a year."

   Ye Xi stared at Gun Haizi's nostrils.

   Gun Haizi’s nose was stuffed with dried fish grass, and his nostrils were extra large.

   Suddenly he recalled the other Gun clan people, it seems that their nostrils are bigger than ordinary people? Could it be that this kind of dried fish is too much? This fish grass is good, but it affects the appearance.



  Gun Haizi glanced at Ye Xi, pressing his forefinger on his nose, and squirting out the dried grass from the left and right nostrils.

   "Here, take it." Gun Haizi stuffed the crumpled straw into Ye Xi's hand.

   Ye Xi looked down at the dried fish grass in his hand.

   It is actually more practical than star algae, because it is impossible for star algae to live in the water for half a year without breathing, but the way to use it is...

   "You have to plug it before entering the water, and it will be useless after entering the water."

   Gun Haizi reminded, indicating that Ye Xi can now stuff it.

   Ye Xi blinked and did not say that he had another respiratory system in the water. He experienced why this seemingly ordinary grass stem can make people breathe in the water by stuffing them in the nostrils.

"it is good."

   He tore off a stick of dried fish grass and stuffed it into his nostrils.

   "No, you didn't stop it, you will be choked when you enter the sea like this!"

   Gun Haizi frowned, tore a piece of hay and stuffed Ye Xi personally, slightly violent.

   Ye Xi Tingxiu's nose was stuffed and deformed, and the wings of her nose were expanded and rounded.

   "This is down." Gun Haizi was satisfied.

   Ye Xi glanced at Gun Haizi to confirm that he hadn't deliberately adjusted him.

   He took a breath, his nostrils were so tight that he couldn't breathe at all, and finally Ye Xi had to breathe through his mouth.

   "The water only works."

Gun Haizi asked Ye Xi to put the remaining dried fish and grass into the animal skin bag, and said, "If the fish and grass drops in the nose, just replace the surface, but remember to wring out the dried fish and grass, otherwise Will choke water."

   He said, calling his beast.


   The azure blue water was broken open from both sides, and a peacock-green super giant sea beast emerged from the water. The water washed down like a waterfall, and several white torrents were raised on the surface.

   It seems to know that it shouldn't be too conspicuous this time. It didn't show half of its body like the last time, only a trunk and head were exposed. However, it looked huge enough, like an island.

   "We must protect Xi Wu."

   Gun Haizi solemnly exhorted.

   The sea web raised its huge elephant trunk, and snorted in response.

   Ye Xi: "I'm leaving."

   Gun Haizi nodded: "Come back as soon as possible. It's okay to make up for a while, we can help, but if you are coming back late, it's over.

"Do not worry."

   Ye Xi inserted the bone stick in his back, opened his arms, and took a few steps back, and then made a leap of faith on the 10,000-meter cliff.

   He did not fall into the sea.

   The sea webbed stretched out a long trunk and sucked him in shallowly.

   Ye Xi was sucked into his nostril.

   The nostrils of this sea beast are also very big, like a small cave. Ye Xi couldn't hold him with open arms, and almost slipped into the trunk of the elephant.

   But shortly afterwards, the trunk muscles began to contract, shrinking just enough to wrap Ye Xi, but not to squeeze him, and have enough vision.

   The head of the sea webbed is not in the sea.

   Ye Xi, who was wrapped in the elephant's nostrils, watched the blue sea getting closer and closer to him until it swallowed him completely.


   The sound of impact when entering the water.

   Ye Xi closed his eyes to avoid shocks.

   opened his eyes again, and his sight was completely There were no fish and other marine life in the sea. There were huge blunt-headed sea snakes everywhere. They are not as clumsy as they are on land, they have become extremely flexible.

   After looking at the blunt-headed sea snakes for a while, Ye Xi realized that he seemed to be able to breathe in the water.

   There are small blisters in the nostrils.

   Ye Xi was stunned, and then he found that his skin bag was also blistering, and the blisters were much richer than what came out of his nose, like a super large effervescent tablet.

   He pulled out a straw from the animal skin bag.

The dry grass, which was originally dry, has now become watery and green after being soaked in water. Small blisters are condensing from each of the forked thin leaves. What is more peculiar is that it stops rhythmically like human breathing. A meal.

   "Awesome, this is simply a scuba machine!"

   Ye Xi sighed in his heart that there are so many good things about the clan.

   He touched the back of his ear.

   Probably because oxygen was pouring into his lungs, the second respiratory system was not stimulated to wake up, and his gills did not crack behind his ears.

   After feeling the magic of fish grass for a while, Ye Xi got out the fish grass from his nostrils.

   Although this fish grass can also release oxygen in accordance with the rhythm of human breathing, after all, it cannot take a big mouthful of air like it is on the ground. It has to match the rhythm of the grass in the nostrils without breathing fast with gills. .

   Ye Xi took a deep breath of the sea water, but the cold water still poured into his lungs.

   The gills behind the ears split open.

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