The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 221: Weird in the middle of the night

In the middle of the night, Ye Xi woke up suddenly.

The night sky was dazzling with stars, and the snoring of warriors of various tribes was heard one after another. Ye Xi looked at the sky and let out a sigh of relief.

He understood that this was a sequelae of having been sleeping in the wild for more than three months.

In the wild, there is often no suitable place to spend the night safely. At night, he has to face giant insects and beasts that emerge from nowhere, and then fight life and death. Before he had practiced the ability to listen to the movement while sleeping, he would often wake up in the middle of the night, and only after he confirmed his safety could he fall asleep.

I didn't expect to wake up again today.

Ye Xi sighed in his heart and turned over.

As a result, the horror picture of thousands of treants with their eyes closed and sticking straight into the soil instantly hit their eyeballs. In the gloomy night, they were like cold zombies, eerie and strange.

I go! Ye Xi was sweating in her heart and turned over again.

Then I saw thousands of spectacular "floating corpses" on the black lake.

Ye Xi: "..."

This Nima was a little bit less timid, and he didn't dare to visit the Shuren clan as a guest. It was fine during the day and switched to the Horror Channel at night.

Ye Xi closed his eyes and stopped looking at any side.

But at this time, the low and ethereal chants coming from the back were strange in syllables, a bit slurred but in line with the rhythm, they were actually very sweet.

Ye Xi only heard one sentence, his brain was a little dizzy, and his eyelids were fighting. He wanted to look back and see who was chanting, but suddenly there was a drenching sound on the water.

Ye Xi was a little awake by the sound of the water. He opened his eyes and looked into the lake.

I saw that on the dark lake, all thousands of tree people actually sat up and looked at the lake bank together!

It was too dark, Ye Xi didn't know if their eyes were looking at him, but this very strange scene made the hair on his back stand up instantly.

The tree people sat on the dark water for a while, and then a celebrity crawled on his body and crawled towards the shore dripping water!

This scene is terrifying.


The sound of the drenching water is endless, but none of the tribal warriors sleeping on the shore wake up!

what happened? !

Ye Xi's mind was a little confused. He heard from the warriors of the tribes that the tree people were a race incompetent. For so long, they had never heard of the tree people relying on their strength to oppress other weak races.

So what is the situation now? Group sleepwalking? !

Ye Xi's body tightened, and he planned to run away as soon as possible, and at the same time, he quickly simulated several escape routes in his heart.

Ye Xi thought in a mess, and then there was a rusty movement in the back of his head. With Ye Xi’s ear power, you can tell that it is the sound of thousands of treants who have inserted themselves into the soil, pulling their roots out of the soil one by one...

Ye Xi's body became stiff, and he dared not turn his head, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, pretending to be asleep.

Amid the damp water and the rustling footsteps, the obscure but rhythmic groaning constantly sounded, echoing in the night sky mysteriously.

In this chanting sound, Ye Xi became more and more sleepy, and his mind became confused. He tried his best to support, not letting himself fall asleep, resisting this intense drowsiness.

The treants who crawled over from the lake landed one by one, stepping on their wet footprints, and bypassing a soldier who was sleeping on the shore. Ye Xi felt that a few tree people had crossed him.

A low voice of conversation came from a distance behind his head.

A flat voice said slowly: "Da Wu...Is that person here?"

There was no answer. After a while, the obscure chanting stopped, and there was a dry and low voice like dead wood: "He's not here...wait for tomorrow."

The rustling voice is endless, and the chanting in the ear suddenly becomes louder!

Ye Xi resisted the sound with all his strength, his teeth bit his tongue fiercely, his mouth was full of blood and still couldn't keep himself awake, and then he fell into chaos.

the next day.

"Ye Xi wakes up, you are still asleep alone..."

Feeling someone pushing herself, Ye Xi woke up from the chaos, and the dazzling sunlight squinted him as soon as he opened his eyes.

Looking at the head that was in front of her eyes, it took Ye Xi a long time before she said hoarsely, "...Pingyao?"

Pingyao grinned and said, "Haha, so you can sleep like this."

Ye Xi sat up and looked around, and found that there was indeed no one around, except that he was still sleeping on the animal skin blanket.

Ye Xi stood up without saying a word, cleaned up the animal skin blanket, frowning slightly.

Pingyao thought that Ye Xi was embarrassed, and said with comfort: "You are young and you are not an adult. Sleeping more is nothing. When I was your age, I couldn't get up every day!"

Ye Xi looked up and saw the smiling face of Pingyao in the sun. He was in a daze. After a while, he murmured: "It seems that something is wrong..."

Pingyao shook his hand in front of Ye Xi's eyes, and said loudly, "Hey! What's wrong, sleeping stupid?"

Ye Xi shook her head, always feeling that she had forgotten something, but she couldn't remember. After a while, she saw Pingyao and looked at herself, and said casually: "...When did you get up?"

"I got up long ago and I've eaten everything! Are you hungry? In the morning, I went outside to hunt the big blue **** and came back. It has been roasted, and most of it is left, which is specially reserved for you!

Pingyao has been very enthusiastic about Ye Xi since Ye Xi promised to tell him the craftsmanship of leather boots yesterday, and after pointing out a few inventions. Not only him, but also other craftsmen.

Ye Xi smiled slightly: "Thanks a lot."

The two walked around the stone houses and came to the clearing.

There was another image of enthusiasm in the open space. Warriors of various tribes were busy trading things in front of the booth. Among them, Ye Xi also saw some strange fighters that he hadn't seen yesterday.

"Two more tribes arrived in the morning, and now apart from the scattered small tribes, only the pastoral tribes living in the grasslands have not Pingyao said.

Ye Xi was embarrassed after hearing this.

How long did you sleep? Two tribes arrived.

But why did I sleep so deeply this time... I have never slept like this before? Could it be that after trekking in the dangerous wild for too long, as soon as they encountered a safe environment, they immediately fell asleep? Ye Xi thought uncertainly.

Da da da! Da da da! !

At this time, there was a rush of trampling of hoofs from a distance.

The two people in the conversation looked in the direction of the sound at the same time.

Amid the billowing smoke and dust, a large group of gazelles leaped and ran to this side. These gazelles are agile and light, running and jumping like rabbits jumping out of the grass and dolphins out of the sea, very fast.

Each gazelle is tied with a thick rattan around its neck, and hundreds of rattans together drag a huge wooden two-wheeled vehicle. On these two-wheeled vehicles sat five warriors pulling canes, yelling anxiously at the gazelles.

"Slow down!"

"Ah ah, slow down! This is not a grassland! I'm going to hit it!!"

The speed of these gazelles is too fast, faster than the fast running cheetah. Seeing them rushing straight, Pingyao and Ye Xi looked at each other and quickly avoided. The people who set up the stall yelled to stop them, and scrambled to tidy up the things on the stall.

The gazelles ran and jumped in an instant, but unexpectedly, when they drifted two meters away from the crowd, they all stopped abruptly. Each one had a small chest, and turned his head and looked around with his apricot eyes open.

And the two-wheeled vehicle dragged behind them flicked its tail and slammed into the center of the dense booth because of inertia.

-Crackling! !

The scene was terrible for a while.

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