The Castle of All People: The Only Random Army Angel at the Beginning of the Game

The Castle of All People: The Random Unique Armor Angel at the Start Chapter 844

Directly blocked their escape route.

Forcing them to choose to fight the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces once again.

However, the war has just begun~

The Dark Empire professionals on the battlefield became even more desperate.

Because the castle troops that came to encircle and suppress them were all elites from the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

In addition to a large number of mortal-level angels, the lowest strength of the other arms is the king rank, and the most powerful is the demigod peak.

in comparison.

The professionals of the Dark Empire are far inferior in overall strength.

Although there are hundreds of billions of them, there are only less than 10 billion powerhouses at the holy level and the demigod level.

The other professionals are all ordinary professionals at or below the king rank.

In the face of the trillions of elite troops composed of countless holy orders and demigods from the Holy Empire and the castle forces, how could they be opponents?

It can be said.

Shortly after the war began, the entire army of professionals in the Dark Empire collapsed.

They didn't want to continue to fight with the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces. When they chose to escape, their morale had been reduced to the lowest value.

They just want to run away!

I don't want to keep fighting anymore!

Today, the elite armies of the Holy Empire and the castle forces have killed them.

They showed a terrifying combat power that far surpassed theirs, as well as high morale.

They are naturally irresistible!

The army of hundreds of billions of professionals from the Dark Empire, facing the attack of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, can be said to be collapsed at a touch.

It does not fully reflect the power of professionals!

The overall strength of hundreds of billions of dark professionals should be very powerful, but now, because of their fear and lack of morale, their overall combat effectiveness is only 30%.

They didn't dare to fight against the elite troops of the Holy Empire and the castle forces.

Because, most people are running away!

Those professionals who summoned the courage to fight against the elite troops of the castle forces have all been killed.

The more people died, the more professionals escaped.

Many professionals in the Dark Empire have a mentality, that is, it doesn't matter if they can run or not, as long as they run faster than others.

Their only hope is that the farther away they are from the armies of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, the better.

It seems that the farther they escape, the more hope they have to survive!


Different space battlefield~

"I surrender!"

"Don't kill me, I surrender!!"

On the battlefield, many gods from the Dark Empire were screaming in horror.

Even though they are immortal gods, in the face of the mad slaughter of the army of gods from the Holy Empire and the castle forces, their hearts are still filled with infinite despair.

Many dark gods collapsed!

They don't want to die!

I would rather betray the Dark Empire than save my own life.

However, their pleas for mercy are meaningless!

Because they are gods!

The treatment of dark professionals at the level of gods and mortals is different.

The purpose of the implementation of the Holy Empire and the castle forces is to kill all the gods of the dark empire, so as to improve the strength of the angel gods on the battlefield and the castle gods.

With the advent of the plane of war is getting closer and closer.

The gods of the Holy Empire and the castle forces all want to kill more gods of hostile forces, so as to raise their god status to a higher level and become stronger.

Only in this way can they be more confident to contend against the army of demon gods from the great abyss world in the battle of gods in the near future.

At this stage, there are too few enemies at the god level!

The gods of the Holy Empire and the castle forces naturally would not miss such a good opportunity.

The angel gods, imperial alien gods, and castle gods on the battlefield have all made up their minds to kill all the gods of the dark empire.

Just because the number of enemies is too small!

And kill and cherish!

"The Lord said that those who make mistakes must pay the price for their mistakes"!"

"Your surrender is not accepted!"


On the battlefield, one after another beautiful figures rushed to kill.

Wherever he passed, the gods of the Dark Empire harvested piece by piece.

Shirley, Angelia, Angel of Love Nina, Irene, Eve, Olivia, Abigail, etc., who hold the peak power of the upper gods, are invincible.

However, among them, except for Olivia, killing the enemy is no longer able to obtain special energy value.

This is because their status has reached the limit of their growth potential.

As the sixteen-winged archangel, their growth limit is the peak of the upper gods.

Before they evolved into the Eighteen-Winged Archangel, no matter how many enemies they killed, they would not be able to obtain 'experience' rewards.

But it doesn't matter~

The guardian angel has used the [Great Blessing Magic] to connect all the angels on the battlefield and the alien gods of the empire into a whole.

It's like forming a group.

After they kill the enemy, those special energy values ​​that cannot be obtained will be transferred to other angel gods and imperial alien gods.

So, don't worry that it's a waste for them to kill the enemy.

Among all the top gods in the Holy Empire, there are only two people who can continuously obtain special energy values ​​and do not need to share them with other people.

One of them is Olivia!

Olivia is the spirit of the elf mother tree.

Her body [elven arm] is the arm building of the Holy Empire, and in the process of transforming it into arm building, she has also undergone a mutation.

This mutation made her growth potential limit disappear!

She has become like all castle lords, and there is no limit to the growth potential of arms.

As long as she has enough special energy values, she can even be directly promoted to the realm of the High God King.

Of course, she is still very far away from being promoted to the High God King.

After all, she is only the pinnacle of the upper god.

Her next goal is to be promoted to Lord God!

"not enough!"

"I need to kill more gods before I can enter the realm of the Lord God!"

Olivia, who was wearing a long purple dress, was extremely beautiful.

She turned into a beautiful aurora and shuttled through the battlefield in different spaces.

Every time she paused, there would be gods from the dark empire beheaded by her.

The sixteen-winged archangels at the peak of the other gods knew that Olivia was eager to be promoted to the main god, so when Olivia appeared near them, they would take the initiative to hand over their enemies to Olivia. Kill, so that Olivia can get more special energy value.

"Olivia, here!"

The sixteen-winged Archangel Shirley waved to Olivia.

In front of her, a dark god of the upper god level was suppressed.

see this scene.

Olivia was instantly overjoyed.

Teleport directly over, kill the upper dark god, and seal his soul.

"Another huge special energy value!"

Olivia took a deep breath.

Suddenly, a hint of excitement appeared on her beautiful cheeks.

"Sherry, thank you!"

"I sensed the door to the realm of the Lord God!"

As soon as the voice fell, a dazzling golden light fell from the void, shrouding Olivia inside.

This is the upgrade golden light!

It means that Olivia can already be upgraded!

As long as the upgrade golden light dissipates, her divine position will be able to reach the level of the main god.


The sixteen-winged Archangel Shirley smiled brightly.

Although she envied Olivia, she was also happy that Olivia could be promoted to the main god.

After all, their relationship is not ordinary!

They are all Lin Yi's partners!

Although Olivia is not an angel, the relationship between the two is still close.

"Olivia is about to be promoted to the main god?"

"This is really good news!"

"In this way, my Holy Empire already has nine main gods!"

Above the battlefield in the different space, the eighteen-winged Seraph Archangel Kaedis, the eighteen-winged Fallen Archangel Dale, the God's Punishment Angel Angela, and the Goddess of Aurora Sylvia were all smiling.

Olivia was promoted to the main god, which means that the strength of the Holy Empire has skyrocketed again.

Of course they are very happy!

On the battlefield, there is also a beautiful goddess of the pinnacle of the upper gods, who is frantically killing the gods of the dark empire.

Apart from Olivia, she is the second high-ranking god who can continuously obtain special energy values ​​- the Goddess of Medusa, Christine.

The goddess of the goddess of Medusa, Christine, has reached the limit of the upper gods.

And her growth potential has also entered the level of the main god with the help of many top [arms evolution blueprints].

That is to say~

She can obtain special energy values, and thus be promoted to the main god.

Seeing that Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree, was enveloped by the upgraded golden light, and she was away from the battlefield to break through, the goddess of Medusa Christine's eyes suddenly showed strong envy.

In this war, she also killed a large number of dark gods.

The promotion to the main god is close at hand.

Her intuition told her that if Shirley, the sixteen-winged angel of wisdom, gave her the 'head' of the upper dark god, she could also be promoted.

But she also understood.

Compared to her, the relationship between Shirley and Olivia is the closest.

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