Chapter 796 Thumb Boy (29)

  There are often forest fires in summer, and the witch rushed out to fight the fire without thinking about it for a while.

  Meanwhile, San sees the mole form and is digging a hole behind the house.

   It’s been a while since I came to this world, and now Sang Jian is very comfortable with things like digging holes.

   Soon dug a small passage between the inside and outside of the house.

  Huanu is trying to climb onto her natal ball and jump out of the glass bottle.

  It's a pity that the natal ball is too slippery, and he can't climb it.

  During the struggle, he felt dizzy.

   Immediately afterwards, the man and the ball fell into the soft hands.

  This familiar feeling?

  Huanu quickly got up, and when she turned around, she saw Sang Jian's ugly face of the mole.

   "Ugly?!" Hua Nu was shocked. come?

   came to save yourself?

   "Shh..." Sang Jian made a silent gesture to him.

  Huanu immediately pursed her lips, frowning tightly.

  Why did she come to save herself?

   Seeing him obediently staying in her palm, Sang Jian was slightly relieved.

  She was still a little afraid that he would be angry and awkward, and she was unwilling to go with her.

  Sang Jian didn't talk nonsense, raised his other big paw, and overturned the table with the magic ball.

   With a bang, the magic ball that had just been glued by the witch was smashed to pieces again.

  Sang Jian turned to Hua Nu and asked, "Apart from this crystal ball in my hand, is there anything else that needs to be destroyed?"

  Huanu immediately regained consciousness, looked at the roster that fell on the ground, "That roster!"

  Sang Jian looked along what he was pointing at, it was the book the witch read just now.

   "Take away or...?"

   Before he finished speaking, Hua Nu said seriously: "Destroy it!"

  Sang Jian didn't ask any more questions, and ran quickly to get the roster on the ground.

  The next second, a big foot stepped on her hand mercilessly.

  Sang Jian's eyes froze, he grabbed the flower slave and the natal ball in his hand, quickly dragged out the roster with the other hand, rolled to the side, and escaped the catastrophe.

  The roster is not very big for human beings, but for Sang Jian and Hua Nu, carrying it is a burden.

   Sang Jian dragged it, it was a bit awkward.

  Sudden changes and Sang Jian's sudden grab, Hua Nu and the natal ball collided, he felt that he was about to be crushed, and his head was so dizzy...

   Before he had time to recover, he heard the voice of the witch.

   "Smelly rat, come to spoil my good work again!"

   She didn't realize she had been tricked until she ran out to fight the fire.

  The magic ball was smashed before, and it was also when she was away.

  After thinking about it, it was this stinky mouse who knew she was not at home!

   Now he is playing the trick of Tiaohulishan.

   Fortunately, I came back quickly!

  Sang Jian thought of a countermeasure almost the second she spoke, "Look at me now! Your pills are useless at all! Big liar! So I have to go back this little thing."

  Witch: "…"

  She said that there seemed to be something strange.

   It turned out that she didn't become a human!

  Huanu heard this just as soon as she recovered, her eyes dimmed a bit.

  He said how could this ugly thing come to save him for no reason?

   I'm afraid you still want to make a deal with the witch?

  But...witches sometimes miss?

   Her pills aren't working?

   "Ah... I really didn't expect the pill not to work. But... don't you look at whose territory this is!"

  The witch narrowed her eyes dangerously, raised her legs and walked towards the scepter that fell to the ground next to her.

   In her territory, there is no such thing as a deal!

  This mouse can't stay!

  (end of this chapter)

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