The Big Guy Who Wears Fast is Crazy Again

Chapter 609: Xi Yao, you are ugly

The man with the red hijab turned slightly towards Shen Xiyang, as if waiting for his next sentence.

However, Shen Xiyang was hesitant to say anything, in the end he didn't say more words in this person's eyes.

The more he thought about it during this time, the more conflicted his heart became.

While thinking about the kindness of the Wang family to him in the past, he has never been able to substitute her into the role of the poisonous woman. At the same time, he can't sleep at night because of the words of the eldest sister, and he is constantly tortured by his conscience.

He naturally knew what it meant when a woman could not bear children.

If he has no children, he has violated the rule of seven births, and his husband's family can abandon him. And the royal family is especially interested in the heirs.

The more glorious this battle was today, the more uneasy and guilty Shen Xiyang felt in his heart.

In the future, the emperor and King Chen found out that the eldest sister could not have children, because the marriage was personally bestowed by the emperor, and divorced his wife would not divorce his wife, but they could divorce, or directly demote the eldest sister to the servant of Israel. Concubine room.

Shen Xiyang could predict how lonely and miserable the eldest sister would be in her later years.

If all of this is really thanks to the Wang family, as the elder sister's younger brother, he should seek justice for her, but facing the Wang family who raised him, he doesn't know how to seek justice.

I'm sorry this time, because he knew what to do but couldn't do it. It was guilt for the elder sister.

Shen Xiyang hesitated for a long time, but Nan Yuan's pause was short.

Noticing that there was no more text after saying sorry, she immediately turned her head back and got on the sedan chair.

"Yuanyuan, the two fools seem to have said sorry to you just now." Xiaotang thought that Nanyuan didn't hear clearly, so she reminded me, after all, there were still the crackling of firecrackers and the beating of gongs and drums just now.

"I heard it." Nan Yuan replied lightly.

"Yuanyuan, do you think the two fools are enlightened?"

After thinking for a while, Nan Yuan explained to Xiaotang: "I stand with Mrs. Wang, I am the rationale, and Mrs. Wang is the relative. Shen Xiyang is probably wondering whether to help the relative or the relative."

Compared with the slaughter and drowning of children by some women in the back house, it is a great fortune that Shen Xiyang was not raised by Wang's crookedness, but although Shen Xiyang's three views are not crooked, he is because of Wang's subtle teachings. Shi is very respectful, and it is inevitable that he will give birth to a shielding heart.

Thinking like this, it would be better to be completely crooked, and also save Nan Yuan from wasting energy on him.

After picking up the bride, the mighty welcoming team went around the bustling streets of the imperial capital as usual, whistling and beating along the way, which was extremely lively.

I don't know who selected the candidates in this wedding team, but they are all clear-eyed and very energetic.

The people laughed in low voices and joined in the fun.

Nan Yuan originally thought that these gongs and drums would stop outside the palace, but she never thought that she would enter the palace all the way.

Until the entrance of Prince Chen's mansion in the palace, someone set off firecrackers, and in the sound of firecrackers, the sound of blowing and beating slowly subsided.

At a certain moment, the sound of firecrackers stopped, and the sound of blowing and beating was no longer audible, and the surroundings suddenly became very quiet.

Not long after, someone opened the car curtain, and a bright red satin was handed over to one end.

Under the red hijab, Nan Yuan raised her eyebrows slightly.

Could the other end of the red silk be that nerd Mu Yixuan?

She also thought that the elaborate etiquette on Mu Yixuan's side had been omitted except for the entrance to the bridal chamber, but now it seems that it is not.

Nan Yuan was about to pick up the red silk and satin, but at this moment, a slender, bamboo-like palm with distinct joints approached her.

In the contrast of the red silk, that hand appeared more and more white as jade, and even the round fingernails were glowing with pink light.

And with the palm down, you can see a festive red sleeve, the sleeve is bordered with gold thread, and there are dark lines with fine workmanship inside, which is gorgeous.

Just seeing the tip of the iceberg, you can see how extravagant the whole wedding gown should be.

At this time, someone next to him reminded in a low voice: "Your Highness! It's not like this. It's the Highness that pulls one end of the red silk, and the Princess pulls the other end."

However, Mu Yixuan didn't seem to hear this person's reminder, so he directly grabbed Nan Yuan's hand, and then pulled her out.

Nan Yuan's mouth twitched, letting him pull her.

It is not easy for this little nerd to wear a different red robe than usual, where can we expect him to really follow all the regulations step by step.


Is this little nerd a little nervous? The palm that held her was sweaty.


The two walked over the brazier holding hands like this, and neither of them paid attention to whether it was in compliance with the rules or not.

The further you go, the quieter the surroundings.

In an instant, it seemed that he had returned to the coffin-like residence of Prince Chen that Nan Yuan first met.

This is true even when entering the hall to worship heaven and earth.

Apart from Eunuch Lin's voice when he was praying to the heavens and the earth, he could only hear some breathing sounds around him.

After worshipping, Nan Yuan was led into the bridal chamber by Mu Yixuan, and the two sat on a wedding bed sprinkled with dates and peanuts.

Xi Niang, who followed up, began to speak auspicious words as usual.

Under the hijab, Nan Yuan yawned lazily.

Little Tang didn't know what was interesting, and laughed out loud, "Yuanyuan, you definitely can't think of who the guests are at the wedding banquet this time."

"Oh? I thought it was only Emperor Jin and Eunuch Lin, but since you said that, then I guess Emperor Jin must have brought over all of Mu Yixuan's imperial brothers."

"Wow! Yuanyuan actually guessed it right! I told you, Yuanyuan, I'm dying of laughter, these princes didn't dare to take a breath, sitting there like wooden sculptures, it's really funny.

By the way, Yuanyuan, the seventh prince saw you for a long time just now, and was spotted by the Emperor Jin.

This baby can't do it, she can't do it without showing her emotions or emotions. No wonder she was taken away from the throne by the ninth prince in her previous life. "

Nan Yuan: "...Xiaotang observed it very carefully."

Xiaotang's chubby little body immediately stiffened, "To tell the truth, Bentang is cultivating the ability to observe words and expressions."

Nan Yuan: "Oh, come on."

Xiaotang suddenly remembered something, and said, "Yuanyuan, you are going to have a bridal chamber soon, and I will block the five senses!"

Nan Yuan: You don't have to be so active.

With Mu Yixuan's dazed appearance, Nan Yuan doubted whether he understood the steps of the bridal chamber.

Probably because the house was too quiet, Xi Niang hurriedly withdrew after saying auspicious words, and did not forget to close the door before leaving.

In Prince Chen's mansion, there is an emperor in charge, and Prince Chen is the emperor's most precious prince, and no one dares to make a bridal chamber.

As soon as Xi Niang left, the inside of this bridal chamber was several times quieter than the outside.

The man sitting beside Nan Yuan held her hand and didn't move any further.

When Nan Yuan was about to remind him to lift his hijab, he suddenly moved.

The next moment, Nan Yuan's eyes lit up.

Before he could clearly see the layout of the bridal chamber, an enlarged handsome face came into view.

Mu Yixuan stared blankly at Nan Yuan's face, her brows furrowed, and her disgust was evident in her words, "Mother Zhou lied, she said that Xiyao would look much better today than usual, but Xiyao has clearly become ugly."

Nan Yuan heard the words, her brows twitched fiercely.

Although she knew that it was because of her makeup, it wasn't that she really became ugly, but she still wanted to punch someone.

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