The Best Small Farm

Chapter 2 The Farm Dilemma

Li Mei and Zhang Xiuying knew that Li Han was fine, so they were relieved and hung up the phone. Li Han put down the phone to rest for a while. In the afternoon, Li Han was checking the agricultural machinery piled up in the agricultural machinery warehouse. He needed to check to make sure those parts needed to be replaced. After a few years, most of the small agricultural machinery Li Han could check directly. . The popularity of agricultural mechanization in the United States is high, and its reputation is indeed well-deserved. Li Han's family has a relatively small mechanical department, including four-wheel drive tractors, wind drills, grass balers, seeders...the total value of these agricultural machines is about 50,000 US dollars. The price of many large-scale agricultural machinery is relatively high. Li Han mostly bought "second-hand goods" from other farmers, and even rented some large-scale farm machinery. However, some of the small machines that are usually used are neat and tidy, and most of them are second-hand machines, which are cheap and use them like new ones. Most of them are second-hand machines that have been eliminated from large farms, which can save a lot of money.

"It's finally finished. I'll go to the town tomorrow to buy some parts and replace them." When the sun was about to set, Li Han finally finished his busy work. Li is a golden retriever, three months old, very lovable, loves to act like a baby, rolls around, and especially likes Li Han to tease her to roll her belly. When Li Han was overhauling the machinery, Mi Li obediently lay on the corner, playing with her master by herself. The little thing was very clever and clever. Seeing that Li Han was done with work, she ran over and chased the master to play with her. noisy.

Li Han Lehe took Xiaomi to run around the pond, stopped at the small pier, pulled up and down the cage in the water, caught some fish and shrimp and went back to the hut in the forest. The golden sunlight shines on the maple trees very beautifully. These maple trees are planted by old Tom, the deceased old farmer, and Li Han likes to keep them very much. Not far from a maple tree is a well, and a pool has been built beside the well. Come to the pool, clean up the fish and shrimp, and it will be dinner.

Most Americans have big dinners, and the time is tight at noon, so eat some fast food to solve it, and make up for dinner. Li Han cleaned up the fish and shrimps and planned to cook a braised fish and stewed a pot of fish soup. Fish and shrimp are troublesome to eat and clean up. Most Americans don’t like it very much. Small ponds on various farms rarely breed fish and shrimp, and most of them keep some pet turtles and the like. Li Han didn't buy fish fry in particular, but bought a few more fish and put them in the pond when he ate fish. Now there is probably no shortage of fish and shrimp to eat.

The fish soup was cooked a little more. Li Han just received a call from Wei Li, and he will come over later. In the baseball game in the afternoon, the Mixing team performed well and taught Hamilton and the gang of arrogant guys a lesson. Weili is here to send the game video to Li Han. In order to express his gratitude, Li Han invited Weili to dinner, braised fish in brown sauce, small fish and shrimp rice tofu soup, stewed beef with potatoes, a cage of white steamed buns, and a stack of marinated chicken, the chicken that died in the snowstorm Duck, Li Han processed it and marinated it, and there is still some left after eating it for half a year.

After a while, there was the sound of motorbikes outside the yard. The semi-new BMW three-wheeled motorcycle was a birthday present from Dad on Weili’s sixteenth birthday. Although it was only second-hand, Weili cherished it very much and maintained it regularly. Good. Li Han stretched his head out to look out when he heard the movement, the guy in Wei Li was sweating profusely and waved his arms to greet Li Han, Wei Li was still following Mickey, probably just came back, and came here before he even went home. "Weili, you brought Mickey here so late, aren't you afraid that Mickey will be punished?"

"Han, I called Mabu, is that Mickey?" Weili is not stupid, the Jews have more rules, of course Weili knows, but because of Mickey's flaws, Mickey's father, Mabu, loves his son more than anything else. When Mickey came to Li Han’s house as a guest, Ma Bu’s family was very relieved. Li Han’s personality was even more rigid than that of a Jew. He only had one girlfriend in four years, which surprised many people.

Old-fashioned, no interest men are not much interested.

Li Han didn't care too much, he was still young, besides, it was very difficult to run the farm, he didn't have much money, and his life was a bit tight, if he wanted to be romantic, he had to waste it first, and Li Han didn't have spare money to waste romance. It’s just that I didn’t expect that because I was short of money, I was recognized by some Jews for running the farm wholeheartedly. It’s really dumbfounding. Li Han shook his head with a smile. Not long after Mickey entered the room, the living room phone rang, and Mabu called. "Yes, Mabu, Mickey will have dinner with me at night, and I will send Mickey home before eight o'clock, so you don't have to worry too much."

After hearing what Li Han said, Ma Bu felt relieved and hung up the phone. "Weili, send Mickey home before eight o'clock, don't forget to eat." Li Han took the Weili digital camera, sat on the sofa and asked casually.

"The stewed beef is really good, Mickey, your favorite white steamed bun." Willi nodded to show that he knew it, and scooped up the beef stew with a spoon. Don't underestimate the beef stew with potatoes. This is Li Han's special trip to leave. The seasoning purchased from the Chinese shop in the town of Kemixing, which is a two-hour drive away, has been stewed for a long time. The stewed beef is so soft that it melts in the mouth, especially when it is served with thick gravy, the taste is not to mention delicious.

Wei Li didn't like it very much at first, but after eating it twice, he was completely fascinated by the taste. There were only fish and shrimp, but Wei Li didn't like it too much, too many fish bones, it was troublesome. Mickey was quiet, eating steamed buns in small bites instead of drinking delicious fish soup. Li Han watched the video for a while, and today's Kemixing team is really impressive. "As expected of Tim, it was a beautiful shot."

"Of course, Tim is on the school team. He came back this time at the invitation of Mark. Han, it's a pity you didn't go there." excited.

"It's a pity that I didn't see Hamilton looking depressed." Li Han returned the digital camera to Wei Li and said regretfully.

"Damn it, I forgot to take a picture of Hamilton, Mickey, why didn't you remind me." Willy patted the table and shouted at Mickey annoyed. Mickey shook his head, made gestures, Wei Li paused slightly, a little embarrassed.

Li Han didn't understand when he saw it. Wei Li must have been too excited at the time, so he didn't notice Mickey. Seeing that Wei Li blushed, Li Han smiled and opened a can of beer and handed it to Wei Li, saying. "However, these are enough to be proud of. The fact that Hamilton lost the game tomorrow will definitely spread throughout the town."

"Cheers to Kemi Xing." Willie was really excited, holding up a beer and shouting loudly, beer, stew, what a combination, dinner time is not long, half an hour, Li Han sent Willie and Mickey out, before leaving At that time, Wei Li thought of something and handed Li Han an invitation letter.

"Harry will hold a charity party tomorrow night at the farm." After Willi finished speaking, before Li Han agreed, he pulled Mickey onto the motorcycle. Han has known Harley for three years, and even had close contact with her, but last year, Li Han devoted himself to the farm and their relationship faded.

As for charity parties, they are quite common. Over the course of a year, there are a few out of ten or eight times. Some of them are similar to second-hand transactions. Usually, some items that are not used are auctioned, and the proceeds are donated to the children's fund. The last time Li Han auctioned himself a dagger in Chinatown, it cost five dollars. It was a nice little thing.

Normally, Li Han seldom buys anything. After all, he is not rich. It is not a good thing to slap a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man in the United States, and it may bring you a lot of reputation loss. However, when Harley was planning a party, some blood was needed. Li Han planned to prepare fifty dollars in cash, maybe someone wanted something, so he didn't think too much about it.

Farm management is the most troublesome problem for Li Han. Not to mention the serious aging of machinery, the gas tank is running out of fuel, and the gas company needs to send someone to refill and check the safety. Septic tanks and sewer pipes need to be paid for. dredge. Buy some materials for the cowshed and stables and rest. Calculated as a whole, as long as it needs nearly 10,000 US dollars, Li Han has cash and 10,000 US dollars in loans, but there are only less than 20,000 US dollars left. For the purchase of chickens, ducks and seeds, all kinds of agricultural insurance have not been paid in full, which is not a small sum of money. Thinking of this, Li Han became a little upset.

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