The Best Director

Chapter 280 Too fierce!

Chapter 280 Too fierce!

"Do you think "d" will have a global box office of more than 400 million? I think it will."

Who said this sentence? There was also a laughing "11" who sneered at the idea that "d" would encounter Waterloo, this is definitely arrogant and arrogant! Wang Yang, who had been silent since the war of words, suddenly let go, and continued to speak without surprise. Everyone was a little surprised, he spoke again not to engage in a debate, but to slap the film critics bluntly.

This kind of speech is very dangerous, not to mention the consequences of not being able to do it will definitely be humiliated, and it will become a joke that cannot be erased in a lifetime. It is also suspected of being a madman and a bad boy.

It's not the first time that the 23-year-old Miracle Young has said something similar. Although it was such a clear "400 million" time, Will Smith dared to say anything about the Oscar, so that the words "ten thousand people watched" made people surprised. The scary thing is that his declarations can often be realized, is he arrogant or mentally retarded? Maybe it's just the truth of "it's true", which is one of the reasons why movie fans love him.

However, "400 million" is different from the previous declarations. Those are self-expectations and goals, and no one is involved or harmed. At most, it is just a big cannon; "If you want a showdown with Steven Spielberg, or gossip news fabricated by the media, then the "400 million" clearly shows the horses and horses.

"I won't talk nonsense with you guys. Let's wait and see those who say bad things about me! If you don't like it, there are still countless audiences who like it. "D" still has a global box office of over 400 million!"

Compared with those arguments and irony of different viewpoints, Wang Yang's box office announcement is more exciting, and it is also more concerned and loved by the media. There is no trash talk, but there is a murderous look rushing to the face. Is it arrogance and arrogance? Or tell the truth?

The title of Yahoo Entertainment said: "Magic Yang is not afraid of "Lord of the Rings 3", "d" aims at 400 million global box office", the title of Rotten Tomatoes said: "The war of words has escalated, Yang wants to prove the magic with 400 million global box office", the title of bm said : "Miraculous Yang's counterattack, 400 million box office boast is facing doubts"...

As a matter of fact, neither the fans of Miracle Yang nor the fans of Yang Hei have deluded themselves into thinking that this is crazy talk, because "d" has easily won the North American championship next week, with 74.6852 million; and what about the overseas situation? The performance of "Devil", which has been released simultaneously in many places, is also strong and amazing.

Especially in several major ticket warehouses, the opening results were eye-catching and domineering. 575 theaters in Germany received 10,000 US dollars, accounting for 32% of the market share this week; France, one of the filming locations, received 6.82 million US dollars, accounting for 38%; Italy 4.85 million for 467 screens, accounting for 25%; 4.21 million for Australia, 29%; 6.61 million for the UK, 7.51 million for Mexico, 50,000 for Hong Kong... the sum of all overseas markets,

The weekly result is 48.32 million box office.

The total global box office for one week was 123 million US dollars, and Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, mainland China, Japan and other places are scheduled to release.

123 million is still 277 million away from the boasted 400 million, a very large number, but it is not impossible to achieve. Everyone knows that the performance of "d" in the second week will play a key role in winning or losing. "Lord of the Rings 3" Two days after its full release, it ushered in a weekend.

Last year, "The Hangover", which faced films such as "The Lord of the Rings 2" and "How to Get Away with Law", received 617 million crazily, defeating all opponents in terms of cost-benefit ratio, and created a new era of R-rated comedy; this year, "The Devil Wears Prada" It seems that there is no reason to be afraid of "Lord of the Rings 3". The two markets do not conflict. Some people like to watch epics and gollums, while others like to watch fashionable comedies.

"I love this miraculous Yang so much, the box office and public word of mouth are the best proof! If 400 million is reached, should those idiot film critics kiss his ass?"-m said so in his blog log; crazy love " d) Aparna left a message on the blog of Jeffrey Westhoff of the Northwest Herald: "You are a pathetic piece of trash!" Dut-j's words on Wang Yang's blog are not sure whether it is irony or what: " Amazing Yang, I support you!!! But don’t you think 400 million is too little? 500 million!!”

At present, Wang Yang's average global box office of each movie is 466 million, and there are two films that exceed 500 million; the one with 400 million is also "High School Musical" starring Jessica.

"Too ignorant! In front of "Lord of the Rings 3", he will die a miserable death!", "I don't think it will exceed 400 million! I even doubt whether it can exceed 200 million."... Criticism of Yangpai and Yanghei They continue to sing bad news, and they can only pin their hopes on "Lord of the Rings 3". Except for this behemoth, no one is capable of stopping that dv boy; but Westhoff and other film critics have not spoken for the time being. We're all waiting for clarity after the weekend.

Soon the thin calendar on the wall was flipped a few times, the night of December 19th passed, the number passed away, and the 21st became history...

"People of Gondor and Cameron! My brothers! In your eyes I see the same fear that occupies my heart. Perhaps one day, men will lose their courage, and our congregation will be deserted and defeated, but not today! Maybe one day, wolves will break through the city of humans, and the human world will be completely destroyed, but not today! Today we will fight to the death! In the name of everything you hold dear, I command you to fight to the death! Warriors of the West!"

In the packed "Lord of the Rings 3" screening hall, the audience felt bursts of blood green, and many people had moist eyes, secretly shouting: "Let's fight to the end!"

"It's like in 2 years, Oscar de la Renta designed a series of sky blue dresses at his press conference, and then I remembered Yves Saint Laurent..."

Although it is also adapted from the novel, from the perspective of temperament and scenes, light comedy naturally cannot be compared with magical masterpieces, but these are two different worlds, bringing different feelings Begging the devil, proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young man of the ninth heaven, the king of the Zhou royal family will kill the gods and seal the throne at night, begging the demons and proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young man of the nine heavens The Great Zhou royal family made gods, killed the gods at night, and sealed the throne, seeking the demons, proud of the world, the ninth heaven, the strongest abandoned young Da Zhou royal family. There are only some vacant seats in the back row of the screening hall of "d". At a glance, the audience who are full of women can enjoy watching it with gusto. Beautiful clothes are much more interesting than fighting; if there are women, men are indispensable. They can't offend their girlfriends Well, anyway, the Christmas schedule is so long, you can watch two movies.

The weekend of December 19-21 became the past. "The Lord of the Rings 3" took over the championship with a box office of 72.62 million without any suspense. Next... something happened that made some people lament and go crazy!

The momentum of "D" has not waned in the slightest, it has not been affected by poor reviews, and perhaps the "hype" has played a role in fueling it. Its box office change only fell by 31.9%, sweeping the weekend box office of 34.9684 million, and the total North American box office suddenly rose to 9.6 billion.

The newly released "Mona Lisa Smile" in 2677 theaters received 11.5228 million. It has a higher production cost (10,000), and Julia Roberts and other stars with more box office appeal, but it is not as good as " The woman in "d" was completely defeated in the play, and had no chance at the box office and evaluation. She was defeated by a "confused, arrogant, arrogant, and crazy" miraculous Yang.

The film critics gave it 35% and 44% freshness on Rotten Tomatoes; the audience liked it 61%, imdb 6.5 points, a really rotten work,

The fourth place is "Love is Compromise" with 11.4167 million, "The Last Samurai" with 7.769 million...

In the overseas market, "d" continues its strong "dark horse" posture, and the downward trend is only in the range of %. Unlike North America, 60% of overseas film critics are "praisers", and most of the comments say "a slightly dull and excellent film"; according to the survey, it is the favorite of multi-national female white-collar groups this Christmas file, and many 1 even said that it is : "The best movie I've seen since watching the movie", "The pinnacle of Miracle Young's career as a director".

"Do you think it will be 400 million? I think it will be."

Probably after the second week, there will be 200 million left! It is said to be a dark horse at the box office, not because of the reputation of film critics, but because of Zhou's "Lord of the Rings 3", it did not fall behind at all! That is the well-known Lord of the Rings! A masterpiece with a global box office impact of 100 million! It will definitely set off a global storm... As a result, "d", the magical and stylish cruise ship "D", sailed leisurely towards the lighthouse with a box office of 400 million?

Even the executives of the producers of "Lord of the Rings 3" and Xingshang Xinxian Company couldn't help sighing when they saw this box office report: "It's so fierce!"

Then many film company executives and many producers suddenly slapped their heads, yes! Fantastic Young is so right! There is only one copy of Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings", but there are too many beautiful designer clothes, designer handbags, and too many fashion stories! The heroine can be an assistant to the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, a fashion designer, a wedding dress designer, a model, an ordinary white-collar worker who pursues fashion, a shopaholic...

Women love these! This is definitely a goldmine and definitely trending! They all know that the lighthouse of Miracle Yang has turned on again, this time pointing to fashion and female white-collar workers! "d," which was bristling with critics, was destined to be a trend-setter.

Because they are sure that they will try to dig this big gold mine and produce this kind of urban fashion movie with a cost of 30 million yuan; and Fox has already held a meeting to discuss the possibility and plan of bringing "The City" to the big screen. "Hollywood Reporter" disclosed this industry news: "After the R-rated comedy, the fashionable light comedy that has recently shined has been favored by many filmmakers. It is understood that companies including Fox, Touchstone, Warner Bros., etc. are interested in entering white-collar women market."

"Amazing Young is leading the way again!"

This news made Wang Yang fans and "D" supporters very excited. It was like adding a box of ammunition, enough to kill those film critics. Grace-1 complained and wrote in the comments: "I can't stand it! Young makes them scramble every time, a lot of song and dance musicals, a lot of early pregnant girls, a lot of R-rated comedies have not yet been released. Will see a lot of fashionable women again in 2020... can there be a lot of playing cards?"

In fact there are.

In the 4-year new film plan announced by Warner Bros., there is a movie called "Lucky Player", the same blackjack, the same Las Vegas background, and the script will be written by the Oscar winner for Best Adapted Screenplay ("Forrest Gump"). "Biography"), the famous screenwriter Eric Ross, and Curtis Hansen, who directed "Wonder Boy" and "8 Mile" and other films popular with young people, will also serve as director and producer. Filmmaker.

This "Lucky Player" seems very ambitious, Warner intends to invite popular young stars such as Drew Barrymore to star in it, focusing on the young market, and it may not mean to "create a new record in the genre".

"It's completely different from -21-em, it's a love story set in poker. Because I'm really interested in what it takes to be a good poker player, everyone is focusing on one thing Every time, you may encounter bottlenecks and troubles, and playing poker is no exception... So the story I want to tell is probably how a poker player successfully improved his poker skills by establishing a successful love relationship up a level."

Curtis Hansen also said that he himself is a very good card player, making "Lucky Player" can be said to be based on interest and hobbies; he also said that he appreciates the style and rhythm of "21", but "Lucky Card "Hand" is not an imitation work, what he wants to shoot is romantic people and love.

When he first heard the news, Wang Yang was really speechless. He had actually watched this movie in his mind, which was made in 5 years and released in 7 years. The success of "-21-em" made "Lucky Player" appear earlier, but it is purely a rotten work worse than "Blackjack", even in its refined genre, everything is wrong . The evaluation of "Variety Show" is: "If you regard it as the choice of leisure and entertainment on weekends, then what a miserable life you have lived!"

If they don't get anything from "-21-em", Eric Ross is useless. Wang Yang thinks that in a year or two, there will be countless audiences who are as disappointed as him and shouted: "I have seen stupid , have never seen such a silly video!"

I don't know what will happen to "Lucky Player" in the future, and I don't know what will happen to those fashion movies that are in the brewing stage, but the vigor of "D" is now well known.

Seeing its box office soaring day by day, even "Lord of the Rings 3" can't stop it, critics who criticize the critics feel a sense of powerlessness, what else can they do? What can I say? Roger Ebert, Joe Morgenstern, Stephanie Zre and others already know that, purely from a commercial point of view, they have made a wrong judgment, why! ? Roger Albert shook his head resentfully at home: "Stupid, shame! There are so many people watching this V fashion show! What's wrong with this world? What's wrong with those women?!"

"You're wrong.", "You don't understand.", "You really should give "d" the highest rating." The girls of the younger generation of the Albert family who were asked for their opinions all shrugged.

"400 million? I think it will."

In the silent study room, thinking about all these things in the past few days, Jeffrey Westhoff at the desk became more and more angry. He couldn't help but slapped the keyboard hard, and said with a snap: "Damn it! God curse him! "

Except for some gunmen and lackeys, real film critics, production companies, directors and actors have never been friends. Critics are correct" and "public approval"; now this war of words seems to be developing in the direction of "film critics are wrong", what the hell is this! That damn kid, call him funny, make him look bad...

"Asian kid! This thing is not over." Jeffrey Westhoff gritted his teeth and pondered for a while before typing on the keyboard. The blog on the computer screen quickly updated an article: "There is At that time, you were so superficial that you only had box office."

"Some directors are remembered because they have produced timeless classics and great masterpieces. They don't need much box office, just one movie is enough; some directors are not remembered, but they have a series of box office honors. Because they only make Hollywood commercials, popcorn movies where it doesn’t matter who directs them, I don’t even want to describe them as movies, it’s just a bunch of dead film.”

Fans and netizens who followed this war of words saw Westerhoff finding reasons to attack Wang Yang condescendingly, as well as many directors of commercial films, such as the leader "Bedtime Story" Chris Columbus.

Westhof moved out "Lord of the Rings 3" with 94%, % freshness of film reviews, and 83% likes as a weapon: "What is a movie? As long as you watch "Lord of the Rings 3", you will know, it is straight to the bottom of my heart It was deeply shocking! It made the "Lord of the Rings" in my bookcase begin to fade, great! In the screening hall where I watched the movie, all audiences were trembling because of it. This should be the pursuit of all filmmakers, and it will have An easy $400 million at the box office, a bunch of Oscars and an ode to history."

"And I realized how sad some films are, such as the recent "d", which just took advantage of people's curiosity about the fashion industry and piled up something unknown. If Wang Yang thinks that it has a box office of 400 million, everything will be fine Great, it’s just that his wallet is very good. The high box office does not mean that "d" has any great achievements. On the contrary, it shows its shallowness. When its director’s pride is only at the box office. What’s more sad is that Wang Yang completely Without realizing it, he just yelled 'I'm going to make $400 million!' And what else? He couldn't say it."

"All the audience of "D" should be angry, you have been used; all those who chose Wang Yang as the best director at the 75th Oscar should regret it, you sent him to the grave."

That's great! A group of members of the Yang faction followed this line of thinking and scoffed at the statement of "400 million box office". They insisted that "d" was a failed movie, and mocked Wang Yang for being superficial and vulgar. Netizens and Yang Hei who wanted to see Wang Yang deflated also responded. They were very happy to see this new situation of "not judging success or failure by box office". Anyway, Magic Yang has nowhere to escape this time!

Blog film critics, movie fans and other critics scoffed at "do not judge success or failure by box office", which should be "do not judge success or failure by low box office", and movies with high box office undoubtedly have their charm. They counterattacked one after another: "The box office does not represent everything, but it represents many things!", "A good movie is recognized by the audience. You have to say it is not good because you think it is not good? This cannot change the fact."...

The past night of the 22nd, the past night of the 23rd... as the center of the vortex, "d" continues to harvest the box office as a "dark horse" around the world, step by step towards the 400 million box office club; the Christmas bell is getting closer However, the critics and praisers are not only preparing to celebrate Christmas, but also waiting for Wang Yang's counterattack at any time.




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[...Chapter 280 Too fierce! The text of the green novel is updated the fastest...] a! !

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