The Best Director

Chapter 26 Tonight belongs to card counting!

After the week from July 25th to 31st came to an end, "Extreme Agent 3", which was newly released in 3,344 theaters, won the North American weekly box office champion with 10,000 yuan, although its evaluation was extremely poor, with only 44% freshness and 37% Likes; "Pirates of the Caribbean" with 36.98 million and 32 fourth is the horse racing inspirational movie "The Age of Pentium", "Hard Biscuit" received 31.58 million box office, 77% of the good evaluation of freshness.

Another newly released "Tomb Raider Fifth, 24% freshness" has become another movie that has been reviled by the film critics this summer.

The time has come to Friday, August 1st, and a new weekend is about to begin. "American Pie 3" will be screened in 3,172 theaters, and "-21-em" will also be on the big screen in 3,354 theaters. Countless young movie fans have been looking forward to this day for a long time, some for "American Pie 3", more for the magical Yang who "is a classic at the first shot", for Natalie Portman, Rachel McAdams, for This legendary story.

At this time last year, the mysterious "Ninth District" was the most watched movie in the last month of the summer vacation, and then it dominated the entire month of August; now a year has passed, and when "Ninth District" is mentioned, Many, many viewers still remember its depressing desolation. Today, the second part of Miraculous Young's "Las Vegas Part II" is finally released. They all hope that Miraculous Young can continue the classic, so that the theaters in August will be something to watch.

"Clay, why don't we watch "American Pie 3"! We'll watch "21" next week." In the ticket office of the movie theater in Yugang City, it seems to be very lively tonight. There is a long queue for buying tickets. The young people in front of them After taking the ticket at the ticket counter and spraying a bucket of popcorn and Coke, he and his friends walked towards the theater with great interest.

In the middle and back of the team, a white young man in a T-shirt seemed to have a temporary new idea. The golden girl Claire immediately laughed and looked at her boyfriend with amused and puzzled expression: "Are you crazy? Adam, your first day Know me?" Adam hesitated and said, "I just think that "American Pie 3" is more suitable for young couples like us." Claire rolled her eyes and said, "You know it won't change."

"I know, isn't it because it's a movie made by Wang Yang, so you want to watch it?" A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across Adam's face, and he talked about Miracle Yang all day long, and he couldn't help cursing softly: " A damned bastard, curse him!" Clareton stared at him, gasped and said, "What did you say?" Seeing that she was defending that guy again, Adam simply vented his anger, "I said he's an ass!"

The young people around all glanced at them, and those who were miraculously frowned couldn't help but frown, who is this? A girl glanced at the two of them in disgust, and muttered to her friend: "Seeing that again..."

"Shut up." Claire suppressed her angry voice, glared at her boyfriend and said, "Where were you bastard during my difficult days? I don't dare to take any responsibility. I don't blame you. We were not sensible at that time. But at that time, who gave me the strength to keep going?!" Thinking of that difficult and confused time, her eyes were a little red,

Taking a deep breath, I said, "I wrote him a letter later, and he replied to enlighten me, so I accepted you as a coward again...Anyway, Adam, don't make me hate you."

Adam felt ashamed and knew that he was making trouble out of no reason, so he said in a low voice, "I'm sorry. Claire, I'm just jealous of him... You know, I really like Yang's movies too!"

"Ah! Shut up first." Claire shook her hand with lingering anger, took two steps towards the line, and cursed: "I'm so mad, you've ruined my good mood! Pie 3, will it be funnier than "The Hangover"? I haven't stopped laughing since last year! I'm going to watch the card counting tonight, and see how these geniuses use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to win big money! I'm so pissed off ..."

"I want to see Natalie Portman in the Fantastic Young movie! Don't you know how much I love Juno? It's not because of Juno that I won't be with you now. Go! Participate in the screening in Las Vegas! drn! I'm so mad..."

Adam pursed his mouth, not daring to speak, and listened to her scolding, bowing his head and looking around uncomfortably from time to time. Soon they came to the ticket counter, and Adam said first: "Give us two tickets for "-21-em"! Two big buckets of popcorn!"

The screening of "-21-em" was held at the Caesars Palace Theater in Las Vegas. The red carpet was full of stars earlier, and all the leading actors were present. Wu Yanzu in a black suit and his girlfriend Lisa - Slessner, Lisa Slessner contributed a lot to the crew being able to obtain the filming rights of Caesars and other big casinos; Alexis, Jay Baruchel, Nick Cannon, Karen Mok ...

In addition to film fans, invited media reporters, film critics, etc., Ben Mozrich, the author of "The Capture of Las Vegas", Ma Kaiwen, who came with his parents happily; Te, Margaret and other main creators and main staff of the crew... Flame Movie also invited Zach Galifianakis, a fat card counter, and he was naturally very funny on the red carpet. less shots.

Of course, there is Natalie who has attracted the most attention. She has just finished part of the filming of "Star Wars Episode 3" and will return to the crew in late August. off-the-shoulder evening dress, with curly hair and a sweet smile. Wang Yang and Jessica, who caused the fans to shout and the reporters to flash their lights, were indispensable.

"You should be fine this time, right?" There was a lot of voices in the dimly lit auditorium. The auditorium was crowded with people, and there were not many empty seats. At first glance, it seemed that there were a lot of Asian faces.

Just as Evelyn and her good sister Kelly sat down to watch the movie together, Kelly asked in a worried tone, looking her up and down. Evelyn watched the trailer on the big screen with excitement in her eyes. She shook her head and smiled, "Why? This is a drama about card counting! Card counting!"

Compared with other big cities in North America, in San Francisco, which has a 1/3 Asian population, the native-born Magic Yang has always been more popular, and this time there is another native-born Daniel Wu, "-21-em" naturally gets Asian Especially for the popularity of Chinese people, this city must be an important ticket holder.

Every time Wang Yang's movie is promoted in San Francisco, Flame Films has a different plan. Just like this time, the focus of the promotion for the Asian group is Jeff Ma, Daniel Wu and Magic Yang. Even the Asian market uses the apex. Wang Yang also really hopes that these folks, elders, and Asian-Americans can give more support and encourage films with Chinese-American male protagonists, so that the money-oriented market will change its attitude little by little as soon as possible.

Chinese audiences have no reason not to support this movie, as long as it is not a bad movie. In fact, there is no need for much publicity. Among the Chinese young people, the rate of Wang Yang being regarded as an idol is unbelievably high. Since he announced the plan and confirmed the Chinese male lead, they have been counting the days and looking forward to the release. On the evening of August 1st, Chinese and Asian audiences from all over North America flocked into the cinema.

In other big cities and white groups, Afro-Hispanic Indians... the publicity focuses on the whole "gifted student playing casino" story and the whole team with different skin colors, as well as magical card counting The actors are Natalie Portman and Rachel McAdams. You must know that in the youth market, they have considerable box office appeal, and Magic Young is a 100% guarantee of credibility.

"It's about to start." Among the 3354 theaters in Los Angeles, Nancy Lino, wearing a fisherman's hat, sat in the middle of the auditorium with her hands folded, with a look of thought on her face. The movie hadn't even started yet, and the almost full audience around them were whispering softly, or enjoying soda and food.

What will the film be like? This is a question that Nancy is curious about and thinking about. She has not asked Wang Yang about it, but she has discussed this topic with some classmates and friends who are studying film production. This subject is undoubtedly novel and unique, so how to show it on the big screen will nice? Some students said that filming some degenerate due to windfall, team interest conflicts...or some love scenes with ethnic differences, the living conditions of Asian Americans...

Nancy felt that these sounded unreliable, and the profound and heavy propositions were not suitable for this theme at all, and those conflicts of interest seemed too common... This was just the theme, and more importantly, how to tell the story well with different shots? Recently, she felt impatient because of Wang Yang's strong confidence: "This is a movie that is unique enough and enjoyable enough! I don't say it's cool, but you will."

She knew that Miracle Yang is not someone who likes to brag about Hu Yuan. If he says unique, he must be unique, and if he says cool, he must be cool. Fortunately, I can see the true face of this movie tonight!

Those who have these strong curiosity in their hearts, as well as the media reporters and film critics of the Caesars Palace Theater, they all have a feeling that they are about to suffocate! You must know that they can usually watch a movie earlier than ordinary audiences, but it does not include Magic Young, which is also a point of dissatisfaction with him in the industry. Except for "The Hangover" last time, this guy often relies on his reputation of winning, and refuses to arrange a test screening, so they can't see it until tonight.

A director has won the Oscar for Best Director, and his next second work is naturally highly anticipated by the public, and also attracts the attention of film critics, and the requirements will be stricter. How will Magic Yang play this "Las Vegas 2"?

The night is gradually covering Las Vegas, and the bustling night scene of feasting spreads on the streets. Tourists and gamblers who are looking for fun enter the casino, playing slot machines, big roulette, and blackjack... At this time, the Caesars Palace Theater is full of seats. Whether it's the audience in the back of the movie or the creators of the crew sitting in the front row, they all laughed and chatted with each other, waiting for the upcoming screening.

"It's the first time I've watched it too." Hearing Natalie on the left complain that she couldn't see it until the screening, Rachel immediately agreed, looking at Wang Yang who was sitting on Natalie's left, and smiled with dimples , said: "The director always said to keep it secret, to be mysterious..." Natalie seemed to be in balance after hearing this, and laughed: "I thought I missed it because I was busy shooting "Star Wars."

"No, people who didn't participate in the post-production haven't seen it..." Wang Yang shrugged, it's fun to keep the mystery, that's what makes it interesting! He looked around and said with a smile: "Because I think it's very exciting, it's mine, and I don't want you to see it! Well, well, we can watch it together right away."

Natalie blinked suddenly, nodded and said, "I see, no wonder Jessica has so few magazine covers." Jessica, who was sitting on Wang Yang's left, was stunned. She grinned and grinned. He smiled and said, "I'm just a lazy person."

Everyone laughed and chatted a few more words, and the humming conversation in the theater was replaced by thunderous applause. Everyone was applauding vigorously. The screening of "-21-em" is about to begin!

On the dark big screen of 3354 theaters, a moth jumped into the flames, and came to the beautiful pastoral world of Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Clothing Winter Coat M, flying over the flowers and green grass, Dancing with butterflies in the blue sky and white clouds. After the opening animation of the flame movie ended, a casual female voice sounded: "We will find it, what is the most in Boston? Nerds and geniuses..."

The voice of the conversation kept ringing, and the picture on the big screen was a dimly lit bar with young students playing darts and a bartender wiping a wine glass. After a few quick shots, Nata at the bar appeared on the screen. Li, Alexis, and Jay Baruchel are also displaying some text information: "Director: yung-ng, producer: yung-ng, starring: e1-u, e-rmn..."

The applause at the Caesars Palace Theater suddenly stopped, and the film audience looked at the big screen in silence; the long-hungry film critics from all walks of life also immediately became focused, and they had no other thoughts in their minds, they just wanted to watch this movie well. movie.

"My Ali is so cute..." Joshua, whose eyes were full of red hearts and with a silly smile on his face in the middle of the auditorium, could have sat in the front if he appeared here as Ali's male companion , but he insisted that he was a production assistant tonight.

Seeing his name on the screen, Wu Yanzu couldn't help but feel incredible. When he was in school, he never thought that he would be an actor, and he would appear on the North American screen with thousands of dollars as the leading actor... Various cities in North America, including Eve Lin, Claire and countless movie fans' eyes lit up, finally something to watch! They all recited a little excitedly in their hearts: "Counting cards..."

"Let me make it, and it is likely to win the Razzie Worst Film Award." Jessica suddenly remembered the day at the beginning of last year, when she and Joshua were the first to know about this movie, and they were discussing "how should I make it?" She remembers saying it wasn't funny or serious, that she was interested in things like card counting, make-up code word gestures, etc., and he said "As you wish!"

Feeling her right hand being held by a familiar rough hand, Jessica looked at Wang Yang next to her, and said with a soft smile, "Our seventh screening." Wang Yang shook his head with a smile, and said, "No, it's the tenth screening." time." Jessica's heart warmed immediately, she didn't count herself in, but he did.

"I have an addition and subtraction question for you, how about it? What is 2+7+4-5+2+4-1+9+2+6-4+2-8-7+4-2+6?" With the appearance of the fat classmate with glasses who struck up a conversation, Natalie on the screen immediately said a long paragraph casually, as if she was talking nonsense, but many movie mí who have studied the trailer know that the answer is 21. It turns out that this question is Such a plot at the beginning.

And many movie fans who love "Juno" feel that there is something different. Natalie's appearance and acting method seem to be somewhat similar to Juno's Juno, but they are not similar...

"21." Just as the fat classmate opened his mouth stupidly and was ridiculed by the smiles of the three, a voice suddenly sounded, and Natalie turned her head with a change of expression on the screen, following "I have a question too." May I ask you, what is 22-1 equal to?" the voice, and the camera cuts to Wu Yanzu's mocking smile.

Young audiences all over North America have a feeling of being refreshed. The atmosphere is completely different from the trailer. This appearance is very cool! Because they can't remember that simple math problem at all. Although that person is a rare Asian face on the big screen, it is not a kung fu action movie! But they already had this psychological expectation before they entered the theater, and the scene of mocking beautiful women still amuses many men.

The Chinese audience is already very excited, not only the appearance of Jeff Marco, but what is even cooler is this moment!

"Suppose you're on a game show and there are three doors you can choose to open...", "It's the Monty-Hall paradox...the odds of success are 2/3. Why not?"...Next Screening The sound in the hall never stopped, and there was not even a gap in 5 or 6 minutes. Between several shots from different angles at the bar, the two men aggressively asked each other math questions, sarcasm and bewilderment. ... to defeat the opponent!

The inner emotions of the film critics are a bit turbulent, and the very unexpected and oppressive beginning is like a gorgeous and fierce fighting action scene, which makes people feel very strong and violent, but now they give people The feeling is: These two guys are very smart!

Hearing the deep breaths of the audience around, Nancy sighed with emotion, this gave people the same psychological feeling of fighting The Abandoned Young Master of the Great Zhou Royal Family will kill the God Sealed Throne in the night to seek the magic and proud of the world. The strongest abandoned young man of the Zhou Dynasty. Killing God God Seal Throne Begging Demons Proud World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned Young Da Zhou Royal Family, but they use their brains instead of muscles. She thought it was no wonder she felt excited...

"You will soon join a society

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