"After Wei Sihao left, I walked over with the things she liked, and I gently said to her, stay with me, I will be nice to you, and I will take everything you like. buy it for you.

I said I liked her, but I was greeted by her disgusting eyes and scolding,

She said that my liking would only make her feel sick. She said that she thought I was ridiculous, that I had been bullying her all the time, but said she liked her.

She left, leaving me standing here all alone.

But why.

Why is Wei Sihao also bullying her, why is he different from me, why! "

It came to an abrupt end.

Su Xia didn't know what to say after reading it.

She closed the notebook slowly and let out a breath for a moment.

But this has already proved that Wei Sihao is indeed innocent. Someone put these things in his room and put the blame on him.

Adding in Chen Wei, who was also mentioned in the notebook before, and removing Wei Sihao and their two girls, only Hu Baichuan, Mu Chendong, and Lu Jingyao are left.

She was sure that the person who wrote the notebook was the murderer.

It was one of the three of them.

Su Xia slowly stood up from the chair. There were too many things to think about in her mind, and it was a little confusing. She felt a trance in front of her, and the room in front of her had also undergone earth-shaking changes. Like being locked in a TV, there is a small frame made of glass in front of him, and over there, a few unfamiliar faces suddenly appear.

Accompanied by the sound.

"Is it fixed yet?"

"No, the bugs in this game are a bit tricky to fix. They should be fixed before twelve o'clock tonight at the latest."

"As soon as possible, because of this bug, this reasoning game has been suspended for three days today, and I lost a lot of money. The above is not urgent, and I want it to be fixed as soon as possible. I played it during the test before, and it felt quite interesting. of."

"I think it's also very fun. When I'm on the island, I can't find the way, it's easy to get lost, and I'm always scared. Doesn't this game stipulate that there is a time limit for staying on the island? If you exceed the time limit, you will be Death, I'm always dying there, annoying."

"Previously, players complained that the characters in this game could not be controlled, and they also said that as long as they died, if they were revived, they would keep repeating. I was thinking, this virus is too powerful, I really don't know where the virus came from. Understand."

The next words were covered by the current sound of 'Zizi Lala', and in an instant, all the pictures in front of him disappeared, and the room was restored to its original state.

It was as if everything that had just happened was blinding her.

Su Xia stood on the spot in astonishment, her eyes widened, and she felt like she had been hit in the head.

When the stamina hit, she couldn't help but folded her arms around her chest, stepped back, and sat on the chair.

If what just happened is true, then the world she is in now is the world of a game, and she is a character in the game, a virtual character controlled by the players.

Always die on the island because the game has a set time, you can't stay on the island for too long.

And it keeps repeating the same day because of a bug in the game.

Before, they had seen strange things invariably. For example, the place where there was no one just now was filled with people in the next second. For example, Chen Wei encountered the illusion that the entire cruise ship disappeared out of thin air, all because this was the world of the game.

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