After Su Xia got off the plane, she was sent home by Xue Mingan.

After resting, she went straight to recording the show. She was still a little tired. After washing up, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep not long after.


The news that Lu Jingyao is about to perform together as a guest of Han Ling's concert has spread all over the rice circle a long time ago. In particular, the fact that two people in the group that has been rumored to be at odds is going to have a concert together has attracted a lot of attention.

Whether it is a former fan of the group, or a fan of Han Ling or Lu Jingyao. As a result, tickets for this concert are unprecedentedly difficult to grab.

Under the impact of Han Ling's fans and Whale's fans, it was even more difficult to get tickets than Lu Jingyao's own concert.

Su Xia was more nervous.

She had the front-row tickets in her hand, and she couldn't help taking a photo and sending it to Yang Yang to show it off, and Yang Yang was really envious: "You are in such a good position, and sure enough, my brother takes the most Good things for you first."

Su Xia looked at the chat page where she didn't say anything, just posted a photo. She couldn't help but feel a little strange: "How do you know that my brother gave me the ticket, why can't I grab it myself?"

Yang Yang sent a message: "there are people around you who can let you go through the back door. If you rob it yourself, you will be stupid."

Su Xia: "..."

All right.

Yangyang continued: "I envy you, bricklayers have to go to work, remember to take more good-looking photos! It's best to take videos. Let me also feel from your perspective. What is my brother's reaction?"

Su Xia agreed immediately: "OK!"

The gymnasium in the imperial capital is one of the largest gymnasiums in China at present. It can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people in this place. When singers hold concerts, they love it and hate it. Without a fan base, I dare not open here.

Otherwise, if you look around, all the seats are empty, and it is yourself who will be embarrassed.

Su Xia, wearing a hat and mask, quietly sneaked into the infield. She found her place and sat down.

Everyone was holding the support thing in their hands and chatting endlessly. Although the people sitting around may not be fans of their own family, but they all feel the same and speak without any hindrance.

Finally got to the opening of the concert.

Before the opening, the lights dimmed for a few minutes, and the voices around him became more and more obvious.

"You said that Su Xia will come to this concert tonight."

"I think it should come. I also specifically went to see Su Xia's schedule. She had finished recording the show and returned to the imperial capital yesterday, and she has no schedule today, so she will definitely come."

"Didn't you see the man in the middle of the first row wearing a hat and mask! Couldn't that be Su Xia!"

"I've been staring at her for a long time, and I feel like she is! I'm a little excited by me."

"How about we go ask?"

Su Xia's heart tensed when she heard this.

Although I had long thought that they might be recognized, I did not expect that they would be directly targeted by them so quickly.

Fortunately, the lights suddenly came on in a second, and the concert officially started.

This concert was different from Lu Jingyao's concerts in the past. A lot of the original group fans came, and the moment Han Ling and Lu Jingyao appeared on the stage at the same time, they gave out shocking cheers.

Many fans had tears in their eyes.

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