The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 5: Ogami Middle Ogami (One)

After Shi Shiyao was rescued, the two teammates did not leave her alone, but stayed with her all the way.

"Sister, this house has a three-level bag. Come and pick it up."

"Sister, don't be afraid, don't move while you're here, I'll hit them!"

"Sister, get in the car, we are going to run poison ..."

In this way, Shi Yao did not shoot a shot and was brought into the finals by two teammates.

However, she was a novice and had a lot of unskilled operations. She still dragged her legs. The two teammates died in the finals because of protecting her.

Because there is still a teammate alive, the game has not ended because of this. Shi Yao clicked to watch the game and switched to the perspective of [111111].

She had just been immersed in the game, and found out that [111111], which had been ignored by her, had killed eleven people.

This digital teammate who runs away indifferently in the face of her asking for help is so powerful ... but his name is really perfunctory, 111111 ...

时 When Shi Yao was thinking wildly, a sentence appeared on the screen of your mobile phone: Your teammate [111111] eliminated 98K [Ye Fei Ye wrote a good-looking book] with 98K.

Your teammate [111111] knocked down with AKM [you have **** and you have the final say].

Your teammates [111111] Eliminated with a grenade [Watermelon Meow Fork Waist]

With these words flashing into Shiyao's eyes, there are red numbers on the top of the phone screen, beating constantly: 11 kills ... 12 kills ... 15 kills ...?

She and [111111] clearly see the same picture, but why didn't she find anyone, and why did he shoot out and kill someone?

Also, he and she are both heroes in the game. They have the same blood. How can she run out of blood when someone hits her, and he ran around in the rain of gunfire, just don't lose blood?

This [111111] is too powerful ... and she has a fight with her male **** Legend ... No, no, she won't admit it, her male **** must be so amazing ...

时 As Shiyao was thinking wildly, the eight characters of "Big Lucky, Eat Chicken Tonight" appeared on the mobile phone screen.

Bian Shiyao blinked, and after two seconds, she realized that she really matched the great **** and was successfully taken to eat chicken!

Returning to the lobby, Shi Yao, who had a wonderful experience from the last game, still wants to continue the four-player mode, but she has n’t had time to match, and a dialog box appears on the screen: [Master invited by the monkey] invite you to team .

Shi Shiyao didn't hesitate, and clicked to confirm.

After I entered, she found that the other two teammates were actually [111111] and [is juice].

Shi Shiyao was silent for two seconds and said, "You three know each other?"

[It's juice]: "Yes, the master is my grandson, 111111 is my dad."

[Master invited by the monkey]: "It's your grandfather, you are my grandson."

As in the game, the two men quarreled again.

In this process, [111111] never spoke.

Until the game started, [Master invited the monkey] and [It's juice] stopped, then [Monkey invited the master] and said to Shi Yao: "The three of us are in a dormitory, 111111 is our boss. . "

Wu Shiyao was curious: "Boss?"

[It's juice]: "The boss is the boss because he has the richest money in our dormitory."

[Master sent by monkey]: "And the boss ranks highest in this game, followed by me, and finally my grandson."

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