The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 3: The male **** Legend (1)

Along the way, Shi Yao's phone was very quiet.

I didn't hear a "ding dong" from her cell phone until I got home.

Bian Shiyao thought it was Lin Jiage's reply to her message, and quickly pulled out her cell phone, but it was an event reminder: at eleven o'clock, the male **** live broadcast.

The male **** of is the male **** of Shiyao, which can also be called an idol.

Many girls ’idols may be movie stars or singers, but Shi Yao ’s idol is the active domestic e-sports player Legend.

Legend, translated into Chinese is legendary.

Legend, as its name implies, is a legend in the e-sports circle.

Twenty-three years ago, he broke into the public eye as the captain of the AE team and won the CF National League championship that year.

AE a brand new team, because of him, became famous in World War I.

八 In August of the same year, Legend won the CF World League title in New York, and then completely opened his legendary path.

Until now, the AE team has won the world championship for three years under his leadership, and has also changed from a new team to a powerful team, and Legend has also changed from a newcomer from the beginning to the current king of sniper gods, the great devil. , L god, and ... legend.

In the past, everyone called the Legend Legend because of his name, and now everyone calls him Legend. In addition to his amazing achievements that can be called Legends, there is another reason because he is mysterious.

这 In these three years, whenever and wherever he appears in the public eye, he will always be wearing a hat and mask.

So the information about him is as follows: Legend, male, unknown name, unknown voice, unknown height, unknown appearance, unknown age, unknown sexual orientation.

In fact, Legend rarely broadcasts live, this time because TX launched a new mobile game "Jedi Survival", spent a lot of money to ask him to broadcast the game to promote the game.

"Jedi Survival" is also known as eating chicken, there are three modes to choose: single mode, double mode, four-person mode.

The rules of the game are very simple. One hundred players fly over the map in the same plane. Players can randomly choose a place to jump. After a certain period of time, a safe area will appear, and the non-safe area will be enveloped by poison gas. If you evacuate quickly, you will be poisoned.

So, the purpose of the game is skydiving, picking up guns, killing people, running poisons. In short, it is to kill everyone except yourself and your teammates, and to ensure that you are in a safe area, and then live to the end even if victory.

Legend is less than 10 minutes in live broadcast and its popularity has broken through a million.

As in the past, Legend did not show his face or speak, and he was playing games throughout the game. Even so, the barrage between his live broadcast was overwhelming, and Shi Yao holding his mobile phone was very interesting.

Legend was broadcast in less than an hour, and Shi Yao reluctantly retired from the live broadcast platform. She was unwilling to relive the wonderful footage of the live broadcast of Legend just a few times, and then couldn't help but pick up the phone and download it. "Jedi Survival" is a game.

Although Shi Yao already knew the gameplay in Legend's live room, when she went to play in person, she failed to kill the Quartet like Legend.

In the first round, Shi Yao jumped off the plane, landed one second before, and was killed by a pistol the next second.

In the second game, after Shi Yao landed, he had not survived for five seconds and was strangled to death with bare hands.

In the third game, Shi Yao landed in the sea and had not yet swam to the shore, but was killed by a boat.

The fourth game, the fifth game ... In just 20 minutes, Legend couldn't finish the game. Shi Yao has jumped nine times.

Where did she fail to kill like Legend? She was obviously killed by someone in the game!

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