The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 421: : The Bull's Vigor

On November 6, 2013, the Pacers ushered in the most important and most watched game after the season opener. The defending champion will be at home, facing their opponent in the Eastern Conference semifinals last season, the Chicago Bulls.

In addition to the two-final duel, the reason why this game has attracted much attention is naturally because of Derrick Rose's return to the Bankers' Life Arena.

There is no doubt that even after the trough of three games, everyone is still waiting for the day when Rose suddenly comes back.

When encountering such a special opponent as the Pacers, the fans naturally look forward to it.

Before today's game started, Henson became very serious. The players know that this is the message that the boss is emphasizing to them: "Today, no one can take it lightly. If anyone is lax in the game, then go sit on the bench. Anyway, the Pacers' bench depth is very rich. of."

Therefore, in the pre-match training, no player dared to slack off. Today, the Pacers' locker room is a bit less joking, but more frowning.

Spike Lee, who was filming in the locker room, thought it was incredible. How did Henson let the players concentrate without saying a word?

If the Knicks also had a coach like Henson Joe, then...

Before the game started, Henson and his two assistants, Vogel and Becky Harmon, carefully studied the Bulls game video. Spike Lee even thinks that this is the most tense game Henson has made since the start of the regular season!

Of course, Henson's nervousness is not unreasonable.

"I know that in the summer of 2013, the Chicago Bulls, like us, didn’t do much. They lost the'crazy arsonist' Nate Robinson from the 2013 playoffs team, let Hamilton go, and selected New Mexico. The striker Snell, signed a model of'I'm only responsible for making open three-pointers and taking free shots, and nothing else is counting on me'. Mike Dunleavy, who used to play for the Pacers. All this is. The Bulls have all changed this summer, but..."

Henson paused in front of his two assistants, there is always a "but" in everything.

"But compared to the end of the regular season last season, they still have a huge upgrade. The reason is that Derrick Rose is back."

"So, are you going to guard Rose strictly?" Becky Harmon suggested.

"No, Rose's return to the Bulls is not only reflected in scoring, but also in morale! This season, the Bulls' morale has been boosted! Although their 1 win and 2 losses are not very satisfactory now, it can be seen , The Bulls are still full of blood. I think tonight, we will not easily pass. "Henson waved his hand, he is not afraid of Rose, but he is afraid of the impact of Rose on the Bulls.

No matter how humiliated by injuries, the Bulls are always the top three defensive team in the Eastern Conference. They are very good at controlling the three-point line, protecting the penalty area, and attacking offensive rebounds. In fact, last year's Bulls looked like a Pacer with less talent but almost the same stiff!

Relying on Noah and Boozer's melee in the penalty area, and relying on Nate Robinson's persistent stalking, defensively, consuming rhythm, and sprinkling thumbtacks and sand on the Pacers' smooth sliding offensive road.

After the Celtics were disbanded, the Bulls are the team that has the most temperament in the entire league.

After Rose returns, the strength of the Bulls will only increase!

"You mean..." Becky Harmon did not experience the Eastern Conference semifinals in the past year, so she couldn't understand why Henson was so afraid of the Bulls.

"I mean, our trouble is not on the defensive end, but on the offensive end. Today, the Bulls' defense will definitely be very, very hard, even harder than the four teams we have won in the past combined! How to crack theirs Defensively, we need to be prepared for flexible changes during the game. I am also what I want to say to you, this game, we must be prepared anytime, anywhere!"

Both Becky Harmon and Vogel nodded, and after renewing the players, Henson successfully conveyed the tension of the game to the coaching staff.

Everything is ready, only Dongfeng owes it. Where is Dongfeng? Henson couldn't help but glanced at Antetokounmpo, who was still running on the road this morning, through the floor-to-ceiling glass of the office.

Looking at the fans around and the two championship pennants hanging by the Pacers on the dome of the arena, Derrick Rose felt quite uncomfortable.

In the 2011 Eastern Conference semifinals, Rose led the Bulls and eliminated the Pacers in seven games. At that time, the Bulls and Heat were the overlords of the East. The Indiana Pacers can only play the role of a spoiler.

But now? Instead, the Bulls and Heat have become challengers. The Pacers not only dominated the East, they have dominated the league twice!

All this happened during the year and a half when Derrick Rose disappeared. For a year and a half, it is said that the length is not long, and the short is not short. But it was enough to change the pattern of the alliance.

"Hey, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Don't worry, the defending champion is not invincible. Last season, we also won the Pacers in the playoffs." Just as Rose stood there, his hair was like a tramp. Joe King Noah came up and patted him on the shoulder.

Noah is an optimist and always full of passion. So no matter who the opponent is, he is full of confidence.

"I know, I know... I just sigh, as if it's been a long, long time, I haven't played here." Ross took a deep breath. The Banker Life Arena, he must conquer this place today!

After the warm-up, the starting players of both sides have appeared. Although today's game was played at the Pacers' home court, the cameraman's shots were given to Rose more than once.

This defender, who has been away for a year and a half, is not only the protagonist of today's game, but also the X factor of the Bulls! The horror of Rose, Pacers fans can still remember. The breakthrough made by the No. 1 guard at the outset has caused problems for the Pacers' proud defense.

"The Bulls' starting lineup is the same as in the previous three games. As we all know, Coach Tom Thibodeau does not like to change the starting line frequently. If the personnel are neat, Thibodeau can use a set of starting from the first to the 82nd game. In this regard, he is the opposite of Henson Joe."

"It's true. Derrick Rose, Mike Dunleavy, Lor Deng, Boozer and Noah, the Bulls' starting starts are exactly the same as before. Rose said before the game that he will try to get back to his previous form. No. Knowing his wish, will it become a reality today."

With double shouts from the commentator and fans, the game officially kicked off. As most of the time, Horford lost in the faceoff. But Henson never cares about the result of the ball game, as long as the strength is strong enough, it doesn't matter whether he attacked or not.

Of course, Henson’s inner thoughts are, "I lose all losses. Is it possible that time can return?"

On the first attack, the Bulls handed the ball to Rose. Reggie Miller, who explained the game, suddenly opened his eyes. What would Rose do? Will he still choose to bravely break through as before?

But no, Rose didn't even try to break through and handed the ball to Dunleavy, who was in the open. But after Dunleavy received the ball, the space was immediately sealed by George.

Dunleavy, who is 2 meters 06 tall, was a fort that Henson liked very much. His height advantage makes it difficult for this white shooter to be disturbed outside the three-point line. Thibodeau put him in the second position, and undoubtedly hopes to use his height advantage to complete outside shots.

It's just a pity that the Pacers' starting No. 2 position is also a bizarre 2.06 meter tall. Dunleavy's height has no advantage in front of George.

Helpless, Dunleavy had to drop the ball into the penalty area and let Carlos Boozer handle it. Since Boozer came to Chicago, he has not performed as well as he did in the Jazz. It would not be said that it was a fall, but the state was sometimes changed.

So the Bulls' first offense ended in Boozer's turnaround jumper. This time, Rose didn't even try to score. There is no doubt that this disappointed the fans. But Henson had expected this a long time ago.

Rose’s "mental illness" is much more serious than his injuries.

But the Pacers' offense was also not so smooth. As Henson thought, everyone on the Bulls was armed to the teeth. On the defensive end, he bites anyone who might threaten the basket fiercely!

Lor Deng personally put forward to defend George and threw Leonard to Dunleavy. Seeing this, Paul gave the ball to Leonard. He knows very well that the weakest point on the Bulls defense is that of Dunleavy.

Leonard did not hesitate after receiving the ball and broke straight along the bottom line! Dunleavy tried his best to block, but Leonard carried Dunleavy **** his shoulder and broke into the penalty area.

Just when everyone thought Leonard was about to end the attack, Noah suddenly arrived, raised his arms and crossed in front of Leonard!

Henson pouted, Thibodeau's team, the defense will never go wrong!

Leonard collided with the strong Noah, and the reaction force made him almost fall. At the same time, Dunleavy was able to double-team.

Noah is in the penalty area, which proves that Horford should be left unattended outside the three-point line! But when Leonard was about to pass the ball, Dunleavy suddenly grabbed both hands, and then slammed his waist and abdomen!

It is not easy for Leonard to pass between two long men.

"Wow!" Mike Dunleavy abruptly grabbed the ball from Leonard, and the Bulls let the world see how tough they are in the first attack after the game began!

The confrontation between the two teams in the first round seemed to be the epitome of this game.

The Bulls lack effective offensive points and can only make sporadic resistance. The Pacers, under the Bulls meat grinder-like defense, did not score as smoothly as the previous four games.

Although the Pacers have kept their advantage between 5 and 7 points, they have been unable to widen the difference.

In this way, after halftime, the Pacers led the Bulls by 5 points 55-50. Although in the lead, Henson was not satisfied with the result.

In the first half, Rose scored only 5 points on 1 of 6 shots. It stands to reason that this is a good opportunity for the Pacers to open the score, but the team did not grasp it.

In an interview with the midfielder, Henson also said frankly, "The Bulls' defense has brought great pressure to us. The Chicago Bulls seem to have undergone a survival training, and they have sharpened some edge in the worries of smashing and rolling. And this sharp edge is likely to hurt us."

"Then the next second half of the game, how will you respond?" The reporter hit the iron while it was hot.

The name of Antetokounmpo flashed through Henson's mind, but he didn't answer the reporter, "I don't know yet. You can get the answer when the second half of the game starts."

It seems that the strength of the Bulls must be destroyed by some special methods.

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