
"That's right, have you forgotten what I said before? The core of Martians' technology that is ahead of the Earth's lies in the 'aldnoah' drive, a new energy source similar to magic. According to the prisoners we captured before, this This ability can only be given by the royal family."

Another person also said: "So, we have such a royal family in our hands now, don't we?"

Chaklov frowned: "What are you going to do!"

The man on his left whispered: "Sir, heroes emerge from troubled times. If you help this princess, she will survive and stop the war. You will indeed be credited with a great contribution, but... If something happens to her unfortunately, what awaits the earth is the flames of war that will spread."

Chakrov slapped the table, stood up and roared: "What do you mean!"

"We are just helping you analyze the stakes, sir." Another person said in a conspiratorial manner: "Let's just say that according to your current status, even if you continue to be promoted, there is probably no room for improvement, right? The commander-in-chief is not a position, but the parliament of leaders of various countries. However, if we seize this opportunity and obtain Mars technology from this princess..."

Before this person finished speaking, another person had already spoken: "So... in this war, you are equivalent to having the army of the Earth and the technology of Mars. With this ability, you are still in such a troubled world. , we don’t need to say more about what it does, right?”

Chaklov's face turned red suddenly: "Do you two know what this war means?"

"So we can pretend to promise this princess first." A person said slowly: "For example...let her record a video about the Martian Knight's conspiracy in advance, and then don't worry about it. We only need to get it from her. Aldonah driving factor, this video is our trump card, whether the Earth army fails to hold on first or the Martians fail to hold on first, there will be a guy who takes the blame for this war."

"In other words, the key to the cessation of this war lies in our hands. As long as we have enough strength and the video is released at the appropriate time, even if the war does not end, the Martians will fall into civil war. .And at that time..."

"You may no longer be a commander."

"But a president, or an empire... emperor!"

"After all...in this war, many forces and countries have been reshuffled."

"Asshole!" Chakrov punched the table and roared: "Do you know what you are doing!"

"Of course I know." The guy on his left said slowly: "And not only do we know, but we have actually done this. If nothing else happens, Isairam should be in the auditorium where the video is being recorded."

Chaklov's eyes widened suddenly: "Damn it! You are overstepping your authority!"

However, another person said slowly: "Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. Did you know? In ancient Chinese history, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty was such a high-ranking official."

As he said that, the two of them knelt down on one knee: "We swear on our lives that we will follow the commander to the death!"

Chaklov's face turned slightly pale, and he knew that... this matter could not be stopped.

In other words, after hearing this, he didn't know why and no longer wanted to stop it.

ps: The second chapter is still out. Today is my birthday and it happens to be Wednesday, so there is something wrong with the update. It depends on the situation whether there will be a third update... If nothing else, there will be some.

ps: Then, in the last chapter about building grabbing, it was said that one person can only count one floor, so you can continue. I roughly counted it. Although the number of floors is 208, there are many duplicate floors. One of the moderators is The culprit! ! !

Chapter 658: House Arrest

"Above, Iseiram Visser Eliosia."

After saying these words, Aiseilam took a deep breath, and then looked at an officer next to him: "That's enough, right?"

"Thank you for your cooperation, Princess." The officer smiled.

Aiseiram shook his head slightly: "No, I should thank you for your trust. I didn't expect the earth to work so efficiently."

"We do special things," the officer replied.

"Then when can I set sail here?"

"Well..." the officer hesitated: "You may have to wait a while. Deucalion needs some repairs and ammunition replenishment, so you may have to wait for a while."

Aiseilam nodded slightly: "I understand, can I go back now?"

"Of course." The officer bowed: "I'll lead the way for you."

Aiseiram nodded and followed the officer.

But after walking for a while, Aiseilam frowned: "Wait a minute, this doesn't seem to be my room. This is not where Darzana brought me in the first place."

"Because of your identity." The officer turned back and smiled: "So we need to change your room for the time being to ensure your safety."

However, at this time, Aiseiram became cautious: "You can change rooms, but before that, I want to see Inafan, Xiuyan, or Darzana."

"Um..." The officer shook his head slightly: "It may not be possible for the time being. We are not sure if there are any spies among them, so your location will not be informed to them until their review is completed. This is for your safety. .”

"No." Aiseiram stood where he was: "I believe them, and I won't go anywhere until I see them."

"Hey..." the officer sighed, and then he took out his own gun and pointed it at Aeseilam: "This may not be up to you, Your Highness."

"You!" Aseiram stepped back slightly, and the little maid was already standing in front of Aseiram: "What are you going to do!"


The sound of a gun being cocked was also heard from behind.

"I'm sorry, princess, we didn't want to do this before." The officer said with a pity on his face: "Believe me, I don't plan to use force. Of course, the premise is that you cooperate. Otherwise, whether I knock you out or inject you with anesthesia, you will not be able to use force." It’s uncomfortable, right?”

Aiseiram gritted his teeth and stared at the officer: "You will regret it!"

Although she said this, she patted her maid and chose to compromise.

Seeing the princess's compromise, the officer shrugged his shoulders: "Are you talking about the elite soldiers? Or are you talking about the people inside Deucalion? Don't worry, they won't find out that you are imprisoned, because they will be imprisoned soon. Assign other tasks, if you are not lucky, you may never return to this base again!"

Aiseilam trembled, and anger popped out from between his teeth: "Asshole!"

"You can actually choose more insulting words." The officer said nonchalantly: "If this can vent your anger, I don't want you to be physically angry."


The housing in this base is allocated, and several people live in one room like a dormitory.

Xiuyan was lying on his bed with a leisurely look: "Speaking of which, the last time I slept in bunk beds was when I was in college."

"Xiuyan, you are a college student." Hua An smiled from below: "You can't tell."

"Graduated." Xiuyan replied.

"Looking at your appearance, I guess you haven't graduated long ago." Hua An chuckled and said, "I was a Chinese studies teacher before I entered Eden Garden. I was influenced by my family since I was a child, so I am very interested in Chinese studies. I have heard of this person before. Enter Eden Garden After entering the game like before, they will subtly strengthen in that area. Jiawen and Galen used to do game plug-ins, so now even if they are promoted to the S zone, they still have gadgets in their hands."

"President!" Jiawen was not happy: "Are you still carrying your own money?"

Xiuyan smiled and said: "So you are very dedicated to training new people."

"Not entirely." Hua An's dark color was a little gloomy: "Actually, it was to fulfill a friend's request. Our team originally had six people, but now there are only five left. Roger is the brother who left..., Hi, Why are you talking about this? Just pretend you didn’t hear me. By the way, Forty-Eight, what were you doing before?”

"Mercenaries." Forty-Seven replied: "While on a mission, I somehow ended up in this fucking place called the Garden of Eden."

"I'm on my way to the classroom." Hua An sighed: "What about you, Luke?"

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