Chapter 119: Eliminate Evil! Not only to win the war, but also to kill them all!!

Because Luffy was captured, the hopes of these pirates and revolutionary troops had been dashed, and at this moment their morale had fallen to the lower levels.

It was not long before the defeat was imminent, and the whole army was about to collapse.

Morale in a large-scale war like this is very important, and if the morale of which side collapses first, then he has basically lost.

Therefore, when Luffy failed to launch three attacks on the execution platform, the morale of the pirates and the revolutionary army was suppressed one by one.

It has now reached a low point.

If this continues, the Navy will be victorious immediately.

So now all the navies are on their heads, morale is high, and all their energy is thinking about how to deal with pirates.

All the revolutionary troops and pirates looked at this scene that Luffy had encountered, and there was no way to come to the rescue or stop it, and they were all very sad.

Even some people have no intention of fighting, they see no hope, and the drum of freedom can no longer continue to boost their morale.

They pin all their hopes on Luffy, believing that only he can break through Karp’s defenses and eventually save Ace and the others.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and when the hope is dashed, that is, when their morale is shattered.

Originally, the pirates and the revolutionary army had reached this point, and they were basically not far from losing.

Even Whitebeard and Dorag, both of whom were powerless to return to heaven, had no way of pulling back the morale of the pirates and the revolutionary army.

However, at this moment, Kirby suddenly rushed forward to stop The Red Dog, leaving the Red Dog with no way to kill Luffy at the first time.

At this point in time when everyone is concerned, there is no doubt that Luffy’s life and death is the focus of everyone.

All the pirates and the navy thought that Luffy was bound to die.

But no one expected that a naval one suddenly rushed out and stopped the Red Dog.

And a lot of rhetoric.

It was impassioned, and it was an accusation against the Navy. It almost made the Navy reflect.

In his mouth.

The entire battlefield caused this situation, and the navy was all blamed.

Countless casualties were only caused by the Navy, if the Navy did not move, the Navy did not deal with pirates, why so many casualties?

So it’s all the Navy’s fault.

The Navy must stop all this and reduce unnecessary casualties.

Having already won the war, why should we catch the pirates? They even said in front of the soldiers of the Navy that their families were waiting for them to return.

Nakedly disturbing the hearts and minds of the military.

Never mention that these casualties were caused because of the pirates, and never mentioned that everything the navy did was to eliminate the pirates, protect their families, and uphold justice.

In his eyes, he only saw casualties, did not see what the navy defended, without the sacrifice of these people, where is the safety of ordinary people?

Isn’t everything the Navy is doing today to eliminate turmoil and create a peaceful seafaring world for the world?

Nowadays, in addition to the pirates on the sea, there are few normal merchant ships that dare to sail, and the vast sea has become the paradise of the pirates, which is the sea that belongs to everyone, not the exclusive of the pirates, but as long as they exist, other ordinary people dare not go to sea. All the Navy has to do is eliminate all this and return the sea to the masses.

Now, in Kirby’s mouth, all this has become the Navy’s fault, and the things that countless soldiers have desperately guarded have become unworthy in his mouth.

At such a time when the whole army was in the spotlight, it actually rushed up to stop its commander, and the heart of the Virgin mary broke out, reducing the merits of the navy to nothing.

Even the responsibility for these casualties was placed on the Navy.

There is no doubt that Kirby’s remarks, wherever they may be, constitute a sin against the hearts and minds of the military.

Not to mention that it was still when the two armies were at war. The sins suffered are even more important.

This remark was a shame for all the navies.

Not all people’s three views are very firm, and some people are easily distorted by crooked ass speech.

In particular, Kirby’s remarks, which at first glance sound a little correct, seem to make a lot of sense, but it always feels that something is wrong, and many people can’t react.

If you don’t have calm and rational thinking, it’s easy to bias some people who are not very smart.

Even many soldiers began to fall into self-doubt. Began to reflect.

Obviously, what I did was not wrong, I knew that I was for the future of the whole sea, but at this moment, how do I feel that I have done something wrong?

Isn’t that right?

Is it not right to fight for your life in order to make the sea safer, in order to return the sea to all ordinary people?

Are such casualties wrong?

Shouldn’t the pirates be chased and beaten up, after a stage victory? Do you want to spare these pirates?

Could it be that the Navy fights just to win, and if it wins, it can spare others?

Once the hand wielding the blade of justice is confused, it will hesitate, and if it hesitates, it will lose.

Half of the naval soldiers, whose combat effectiveness was disturbed, began to have some of them unable to resist the pirates, and there were also situations that were about to be broken.

Compared with the current confusion of the Navy, the pirates are somewhat cheered and have a feeling of being recognized by the Navy.

This young pink-haired navy gave them even more encouragement than Luffy’s freedom drumbeat.

Yes, your navy has won the battle, why kill them all? It’s your fault to kill them all!”

Although we are pirates, although we burn and loot, vandalize at will, rob prisons and rob the court, attack the navy, and ignore the rules, but… We are a good person!

Although there were countless casualties and caused a lot of damage, we were there to save people! What’s wrong with saving people! Obviously, your navy is not right, if you don’t arrest people, do we need to save people? If we don’t save people, do we need to die so many people?

The pirate’s animalistic nature was ignited at once, and the slashing force towards the navy was even harder. Suddenly, there was a tendency to suppress the Navy.

Kirby was still there crying and shouting, “Stop this battle, don’t add more senseless casualties.” ”


The sound kept spreading out.

Red Dog’s brow wrinkled deeper and deeper, and the anger at this moment had been ignited. He really wanted to punch down and kill this person directly.

However, today is not the same as in the past.

If he had done so before, he would have done so without hesitation, but now it was different.

Now the Navy has someone to supervise the war.

In the direction of the highest command platform sat a inspector general who had come down from the world government.

Therefore, before Red Dog does everything now, he must consider the meaning of the inspector general.

After all, before this, many people’s practices were criticized by the inspector general.

Therefore, nowadays, if he kills a naval soldier in public, it will definitely have a bad impact.

Will the Inspector General agree?

However, just as Akatsuki hesitated, suddenly, a voice came from the high command platform.

Only to see Ron slap the chair violently. Then he angrily said, “Red Dog, I now order you to execute this naval soldier on the spot.” ”

“Kill him.”

“The Navy does not need soldiers who are wrong-minded, soldiers who disobey orders, and soldiers who sympathize with the enemy.”

Red Dog couldn’t help but admire the decisiveness of the inspector general, and did not hesitate at the moment. Directly raised the hot lava giant fist and hit Kirby directly. The hot magma was still tumbling.

The intense temperature scorched the whole land red.

For the Red Dog, it was a breeze to kill such a naval soldier.

However, he still used such a large battle.

How could Kirby not have imagined that the Admiral would actually do something to him? What I just said is not wrong.

The Navy must have been told that it was in pain before it would do anything to itself.

At this moment, in his pupils, the fist that burned hot lava was constantly expanding, getting closer and closer.

“I’m right.”

Kirby wanted to say something, but Red Dog didn’t stop punching at all. Directly punched down.

Together with the entire ground, it directly turned into a magma depression. Suddenly, a fierce flame burned.

Kirby had already been burned to ashes.

For this kind of mother who disturbs the hearts of the army and sympathizes with the enemy, there is no need to reason with him, there is no need to argue with him about right and wrong, and it is all done by simply killing him.


Karp couldn’t help but sigh, after all, this was the soldier he had brought.

But there was no way, and Karp knew how bad Kebby’s behavior was in the war between the two armies.

When others saw this scene, they couldn’t help but feel differently.

First of all, the pirates, none of whom thought about it, couldn’t help but be stunned at this time. I was really frightened by the Navy’s fierce position.

On the Navy side, most people did not react for a while. Because some of them have been biased by Kirby’s remarks.

Ron looked down from the podium, looked at the naval soldiers, and knew that this was the best time to set up three views for them.

Just take advantage of the counterexample of Kirby to strengthen the justice of the Navy and reshape the three views of these navies.

After all, since they became the Navy, they have never really understood what the Navy is guarding. I don’t know what the Navy is going to do?

It’s not just them, a lot of senior admirals don’t know.

They only knew that the Navy wanted to catch pirates, but never thought about why they wanted to catch pirates, and they didn’t know the deepest reasons.

It is precisely because they do not know what the ultimate purpose of justice is, that many of them are easily biased.

Ron slammed his chair at this point.

Then he said in a voice that overwhelmed everyone present: “The purpose of our navy has never been to win any war, our purpose has always been to eliminate all pirates.” ”

“In addition to evil, the whole sea will be clear and clean, and this vast ocean will once again raise the sails of safety.”

“What you are doing now is to make more people no longer live on this sea in fear, and no longer have to worry about when their homes will be plundered by pirates, let alone fear of being killed by pirates.” 」

“We want to make all the seas and land flow, so that people can sail the seas and never have to fear pirates again.”

“To achieve this, we need not only to win a war, but to exterminate the pirates.”

“As long as they exist for a day, there will be a place where people live in fear.”

Ron’s impassioned speech, like an empowerment, instantly awakened the naval soldiers.

Justice suddenly became clear!

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