The American Scripture

Chapter 107: Christmas Eve

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Christmas Eve on December 24.

A large rectangular table is set up in Annie's house. The Anne family, and Zhen Fan and Christine sat around the table. There are many exquisite foods on the table. Of course, the main roast turkey is indispensable. There are also roast tuǐ, three fish, pudding, plum, and minced meat pie. , Milk-flavored mashed potatoes, steak, cabbage and a big meal prepared by Zhen Fan-roasted pig.

The two families talked and laughed, and they looked harmonious, which made Claire unknowingly very happy. She had already climbed onto the table, and she was almost drooling at the very human roast pig.

"Claire, don't forget, we still have prayers before meals!"

Annie reminded her in time.

"Yes, mother!"

"Well, Claire, we are waiting for you. You come to pray first, and then you can eat delicious food!" Kristen looked at Claire and pinched her nose.

This action made Claire frowned, and then began to pray in a low voice: "Thank God for giving me Dad, Mom, Uncle Zhen, and of course Aunt Christine..."

Everyone made a very exaggerated expression at Christine, funny and wanted to comfort her. Christine shrugged indifferently, Claire made her feel happy.

"...Thank God for giving me turkey, stuffed pie, Christmas pudding and roasted pig..." Then Claire closed her mouth, raised her head, looked at the crowd, and cast her eyes on Annie's face.

"Mom, if I say thank God for giving me cabbage, will he know I'm lying?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing. Anne mō Claire's small face and smiled: "Yes, God is omnipotent. Since I thank God, then with a pious heart, eat the cabbage!"

"All right, mother!"

Claire pouted, it was obvious that she had a resistance to cabbage.

This is a very good episode, which makes the atmosphere very harmonious, and the sumptuous food, coupled with Zhen Fan's superb fruit wine, opened up the topic of everyone.

Christine talked about some interesting things she encountered while making the movie, which caused Thomas to laugh from time to time, while Annie pouted and smiled softly.

"...I have never seen such a childish side of a big director like Bit, you know, when he said that he wanted to choose the fruit wine, and because of this, I was shocked when he exchanged it with me. I think of Shane? Ulf (the protagonist of "Super Daddy") that bald head... the muscular man is funny, looks funny..."

"Ha, I really haven't seen Bit like this, maybe I really shouldn't give him those wines easily!" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing.

"Of course, if it weren't for Christine, you would be sitting across from me now. I never thought that I would sit with a Hollywood star and have Christmas Eve dinner together." Thomas told Christine Showed a little courtesy, then raised the glass, "Why don't we have a drink for this!"

"Don't, Thomas, you are Zhen's friends, that is, my friends. How about... let's drink to Claire's prayer!"

Christine smiled and raised his glass.

"Well, a toast!"

Thomas was a little embarrassed, but he adjusted quickly, smiled at Christine, and several people raised their glasses and took a sip.

Claire is the most excited. She struggled hard with roasted pigs. Zhen Fan cut her into pieces of meat, put them on her plate one by one, and then told her how to dip the sauce-pure Chinese sauce juice.

The topic changed casually. Zhen Fan talked about some interesting things about going to Yosemite National Park with Annie's family. Annie recalled the love and marriage with Thomas, and some of the nostalgic days when Claire was born. .

Thomas was very excited when he talked about how he was planning for a quick promotion in the company, and he seemed a little energetic.

Zhen Fan looked at him and then at Annie.

Annie's brows wrinkled slightly. It was obvious that everything just now seemed casual, but the chat was in vain. Thomas didn't show any nostalgia for those beautiful days, and he didn't seem to be particularly attached to Annie. The intimate look.

At the end of the Christmas dinner, Anne and Christine cleaned up the table, Claire jumped over to help, the little girl was really happy today.

Zhen Fan and Thomas sat on the sofa in the living room, drinking tea and chatting.

"Claire is such an angel!"

Zhen Fan spoke quite emotionally.

"I know, I don't want to do this!" Thomas looked at Zhen Fan, "I know what you are going to say, yes, I have changed, but what can be done? 50% of American families have Incomplete, I'm just one of them, and... Forget it, don't talk about it, but I still want to thank you for everything!"

"What about Claire?"

"I will visit them often, you know, I love Claire, but this is not the reason why I can't drink Annie apart. Zhen, you are a good person, and you are also very capable...that is, the ability that ordinary people cannot People, I am very sorry for that..."

Thomas is determined. Zhen Fan can't say anything. He doesn't have the ability to change people's minds, and he doesn't have the ability to control all people's hearts.

"Then... just so, these two days, be nice to them and do your part!"

This is the only thing Zhen Fan can do.

"I know, I'm not the kind of person who has no conscience, not to mention... I really love Claire."

Thomas looked at Claire, who was walking through the living room and kitchen with a smile, and nodded.

Anne and Christine finished cleaning up the kitchen, and then everyone was sitting around the Christmas tree. Claire had a lot of gifts already packed in socks and hung on the Christmas tree.

There are Zhen Fan’s, Christine’s, and of course Annie and Thomas’s. And the Ray Méngde family also had gifts for Claire.

Barbie dolls, hairpins and dolls that can sing...

All this is the source of Claire's joy.

In the end, Claire sang a nice Christmas song to the family, accompanied by Christine on the violin. Christine had already prepared the instrument.

After playing madly, Claire finally fell asleep. Anne hugged her to the room and arranged for her to sleep. Seeing her young face and the smile on the corner of her mouth, she couldn't help crying. Come.

Thomas sent Zhen Fan and Christine to the door.

"Remember my words, Thomas, I don't want to see Claire frowning on such a day, and you say you love her too, then show your sincerity!"

Zhen Fan did not forget to "warn" Thomas.

"I will, guarantee!"

Thomas was respectful and afraid of Zhen Fan, so he didn't dare to agree with it carelessly.

The two left and walked from Thomas's yard to their own yard. Quietly, suddenly Christine looked at Zhen Fan: "What did you say to him?"

"It's nothing, just... Did you know Thomas and Annie are going to be separated?"

"What can happen then?"

Christine shrugged his shoulders. In her view, American divorce is indeed a very common thing.

"American families have a 50% divorce rate!"

Zhen Fan was taken aback for a moment. How could he speak like Thomas? He frowned.

"But... don’t forget, Christine, fifty percent of the family is complete. Sometimes I suddenly think, if I can’t give my children a complete home, then...I would rather Don't touch marriage, that's it, this is my bottom line!"

Kristen stopped suddenly and looked at Zhen Fan very seriously.

"What do you want to say? Zhen, I know what you think, so... If I really want to marry you, I will consider this issue very carefully... A complete family, yes, I have to be well think about it!"

Zhen Fan suddenly laughed: "Have I said to marry you?"

Christine blushed immediately and couldn't help but cursed: "You are a bastard!"

Speaking of reaching out to hit Zhen Fan on the shoulder, Zhen Fan ran away and laughed at Christine: "If... you can hit me, I might consider this issue!"

"damn it……"

Kristen was angry, and chased after Zhen Fan, raised his hands, and the two chased in the yard. The yard was filled with laughter and laughter.

Suddenly, the church bell rang.


Kristen stopped suddenly. She looked at the night sky idiotically, as if the most beautiful dreams were hidden there, leaning on her slender white neck, like a proud swan.


Zhen Fan also stopped, looking at Christine strangely.

"Listen, the bells—"

"Yes, I heard!" Zhen Fan obviously hasn't reacted After all, it's the first time for Christmas. He didn't have such subconscious behavior.

Zhen Fan approached Christine and stood side by side with her.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and a firework suddenly bloomed in the sky, with little sparks like the most beautiful flower in the sky.

The first firework awakened the night sky, and the continuous sound of fireworks suddenly remembered. The night sky was shining with radiant light. In the bright fireworks, Kristen suddenly embraced Zhen Fan’s waist with his hands and raised his face. There was a sparkle of fireworks in the eyes.



Zhen Fan looked down at the girl's delicate face reflected in the light of the fireworks.

"I love you!"

"Wait!" Zhen Fan was taken aback, and quickly said, "I have to turn on the recording function in the phone, OK, Christine, you say it again now!" Zhen Fan pretended to take out the phone and jumped to the video function. Above, facing Christine's mouth.

"You are a bastard!"

The emotions that Kristen had finally brewed disappeared, and as soon as he twisted his waist, he walked into the house.

"It's not this sentence, Christine, don't fool me, what I wanted to hear just now is not this, there is a word of'love' in it, Christine—"

Zhen Fan yelled triumphantly behind her, shaking her phone...RS! .

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