Naturally, Yu Qingqian would not waste the painstaking efforts of the master.

She turned her head to look at Feng Li and said: "There are two breaches in this restriction, one for each of us. I will tell you how to break through your breakthrough, but you must not make mistakes."

Although Feng Li was surprised why Yu Qingqian knew so much, he didn't ask further, "Okay!"

Yu Qingqian repeated Gu Yan's cracking method, and Feng Li's eyes became brighter as he heard it, and at the same time, he became more frightened.

Then the two each found a direction to find a breakthrough.

"Yan Jun, keep an eye on it, those who triggered the restriction should be coming out soon." Yu Qingqian said.

Yan Jun nodded: "Okay, you can crack it at ease."

As time passed, Feng Li and Yu Qingqian's foreheads were covered with a thin layer of sweat. They kept drawing with the tattoo pens in their hands, and their mental strength was very concentrated, and they could not tolerate the slightest mistake.

When it was time for a cup of tea, the two of them stopped writing one after another, and a very small crack connected the places where they stopped writing.

Feng Li's eyes were filled with joy, "It turned out to be true."

Before, he only thought that the ban on planting patterns was very complicated, and the level would not be too low, but when he tried to outline the planting pattern himself to find a breakthrough, he realized that the level was not low, it was simply too high.

This planting restriction should have reached the level of a grand master, but because it has been placed for too long, the energy has melted a lot, and now it only has the power of a grand master.

But without the method and a few tips provided by Yu Qingqian, they might be stuck here and eventually become blood essence priests.

Before the three of them could be happy, a lot of murderous aura suddenly surged from all around, and then sharks with human bodies and fish tails emerged from a corner of the altar.

All of them held forks in their hands, their faces were fierce, and their teeth were sharp. In the front was the largest shark with a golden crown. It should be the king of this group of sharks.

Feng Li and Yu Qingqian breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, fortunately they have already drawn out the flaws of the ban on planting patterns.

Yan Jun stared at the mackerel rushing in, startled.

"It turns out that the legendary confinement deep-sea shark family did not become extinct, but hid here."

"You know them?" Feng Li turned around and asked.

Yan Jun replied: "This kind of creature has been recorded in the history books. They live in the deep sea and are very mysterious. They are best at the power of ice and space."

"There used to be a family of sharks in the sea of ​​confinement, but because the shark pearls in their bodies were of high value, and their sebum could be used for forging, they were hunted and killed in large numbers, and finally died out according to legend."

"It's just that I didn't expect them to hide in the taboo land of the Sea of ​​Confinement and survive."

Feng Chen frowned slightly, "Then their so-called extinction was actually caused by your confinement of the monster clan?"

"It's not all. The shark family is very cruel and likes to suck blood. Many of the monster plants and sea beasts in our imprisoned monster clan have been attacked and killed by them, as well as the humans living around. This is how the big fight was launched. Large-scale massacres were carried out to kill the mackerel, and the function of its pearls was discovered from it." Yan Jun obviously did not have the slightest affection for the mackerel group.

"Now they regard us as delicious sacrifices." Seeing the ferocity and greed in the eyes of those sharks, Yu Qingqian couldn't help but frowned. She didn't like these creatures either.

Suddenly, Doudou's little head popped out of his arms, and he looked at the shark fish group excitedly and screamed.

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