The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 524 Why don't you grab it back?

In the private rooms of the two courtyards, it was eerily quiet at this time, and everyone's eyes were on the box in Yu Qingqian's hand.

This broken jade piece actually cost 50 million spiritual jade, and now they still have a feeling of dreaming.

Leng Lingshuang stared at the jade piece, puzzled.

She once heard that there was a small tower treasure in the sea, but she had never heard of this piece of jade. What her aunt said to shoot herself was definitely not simple. What is it?

Leng Lingshuang has a feeling that the jade piece in Yu Qingqian's hand must have a secret, and it is definitely a big opportunity that cannot be missed.

She lowered her head to hide the look in her eyes, and the surrounding disciples did not notice the sudden flash of determination in her eyes.

"Junior Sister Yu, do you know what this jade piece is?" a disciple of the Holy Court couldn't help asking.

Yu Qingqian rubbed the jade piece with her fingertips, and the imprint of the natural spiritual plant on her wrist was extremely hot, "I don't know."

"You're really willing to throw it away! Throw it away if you say 50 million." The man swallowed, wanting to scold Yu Qingqian for being a prodigal.

If you have these fifty million spiritual jade, how many cultivation resources can you exchange for it! Yu Qingqian can definitely step into the Spirit Emperor cultivation very quickly.

Yu Qingqian hooked her lips and said meaningfully: "People always have to fight for a breath when they are alive."

Hearing her words, everyone present couldn't help sighing in their hearts, but they didn't know what to say.

Calling Yu Qingqian a mad prodigal, but people really just want to fight for their breath. Faced with abandoning their mother, people may indeed make crazy actions. Even if it was them, they might also play that way.

Except for Feng Chen, Leng Lingshuang and Chi Moran didn't realize that Yu Qingqian was a premeditated robbery.

Yu Qingqian closed the box and put it away. To say that she lost 50,000,000 spiritual jade did not feel that it was fake. The voice of the artifact spirit from the small tower kept coming, but she was blocked.

The 50 million spiritual jade was indeed given by Meiren's father. When he sent the message, a space storage ring was attached, which could only be opened with her blood.

After opening the ring at that time, Yu Qingqian was taken aback, she never thought that the beauty's father was an invisible rich man.

Because this Lingyu had some commemorative significance, she hesitated before throwing it into the small tower space immediately, and now she is glad that she did.

Yu Qingqian really had no regrets for taking the jade piece with the 50,000,000 yuan given by the beauty's father. Judging from the hot feeling on his wrist, this piece of jade was absolutely extraordinary.

There was a playful smile in Yu Qingqian's eyes, that woman must be very uncomfortable right now.

This is just the beginning. One day, I will let the other party have nothing, trample all the other party's beliefs underfoot, and let the other party have a taste of being abandoned by the whole world.

Just for the beautiful father and myself to let out a bad breath.

Smashing Leng Yujun's face with 50 million yuan, Yu Qingqian didn't feel uncomfortable or felt any emotion in her heart, but felt very happy. She found that she was getting more and more perverted, but she didn't hate this kind of change.

In a private room on the third floor, a man wearing a mask of golden fangs contained a bit of complexity in his eyes.

"Lord, that jade piece did not fall into the hands of the Leng family and the Xie family, what should we do next?" the silver-faced woman behind him asked.

The golden-masked man sighed softly: "Forget it, all of this is destined, and the later plan should be void."

The two people behind him were stunned, and the woman couldn't help but say: "Our purpose was to let the Xie family and the Leng family fight for the jade piece, distract their attention from the search for the small tower in the sea area, and finally Grab the jade piece again. Now that the jade piece has been taken by Yu Qingqian, why don't we get it back?"

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