The room where the feast would be held was "during the morning sun" with about 100 square meters.

Literally in the morning, the light of the sun is designed to plug in from the huge windows to the east.

A large gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling, all the candlesticks mounted on the walls, were on fire, giving the impression of majestic luxury to the beholder.

The dishes are more or less arranged on the horizontal table, with the maids arranging glasses of glasses and silver dishes.

Where Jürgen brought Bal and Meena, Otto brought his own clan to face them.

"I'm sure you know more or less Master Bartolomeus, but Master Wilhemina will be the first to meet him. Let me introduce you first, even if it's a hassle"

Otto calls out the names of four men from a family of faces similar to himself, dressed in dark courtesies standing next to his left.

"My uncle Roy is next door first."

Lord Roy is Master Jürgen's brother.

A familiar Bal can provide a supplementary explanation to Meena.

"Next will be my brother Ahim above me, my second brother Reiner, and finally my youngest brother Rohos"

"Dear Bartolomeus, it's been a long time. Nice to meet you, Master Wilhemina. I am honored to have the opportunity to worship your honored face."

Both Roy and Ahim return similar greetings.

It was polite to listen and repay him in silence, even if he was monotonous and bored.

"Next, let me introduce the women. Master Bartolomeus knows about Roy's wife, Barbara."

"When I was just a little girl, I had a couple of plays."

Bal responds to Otto's words.

The men and Barbara introduced to him are nostalgic faces.

When we were still nothing to each other, we were the ones who shared the hard memories of spending the same amount of time.

However, today was my first meeting with Otto's brother's wife.

When I finish introducing myself, Otto speaks up.

"Now let's celebrate the new departure of our great uncle Jürgen and eat and enjoy a great deal"

The long previous phase is finally over and the feast begins.

Jürgen sits in the top seat because of the lead role of the day, Otto on its left and Bal on its right lowering his hips.

Alberta, Zogna and their children sit next to Otto.

Meena sits next to Bal to the right and Ahim sits next to her.

Meena wasn't sure how to sit, but she was satisfied because she could sit next to Bal.

The dishes served are shellfish and onion soup, zawarclaut and salt-boiled sausage, potato pancakes and a large white fish muniel, more than a metre long, known as King Cask Cool.

"What is King Casquel? You're excited, Otto."

Bal spoke to Otto that way.

Kingkas Quelle has a habit of eating celebrations in the Empire, but the price is quite high because the catch is a fish that requires magic gear to maintain quality on top of not much.

It should not have been easy, even if it had been the Count's house, to match the number to be served on today's feast.

"My uncle's need for the country again is a joy for the Altmaiers."

Otto responds as a dust.

"A little embarrassed by the need for all the nonsense, you immatures"

Jürgen vomited a spicy word, but this was a shade of light.

With the exception of Meena and the little children, we've all figured it out, and the soothing air stays the same.

Wine for the adults, and Otto takes the glass where the children are poured with juice.

"To the glory of my uncle. For the visit of Dear Bartolomeus and Wilhemina. Here's to our Altmeier family tomorrow!


The adults outside of Meena were exalted, and the children chanted shaky.

Have a sip of a drink and then everyone grabs a spoon.

The Empire is not a very loud country when it comes to eating practices, but these two were considered manners.

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