Tong Zheng thought about it and followed.

Don't get me wrong

, Tong Zheng followed, but not to protect these female employees of Liu Hong's company.

He is simply not used to seeing ghosts endangering the world, and wants to take action for Tianxingdao.

And to help Liu Hong's company get rid of this ghost, he may still get a lot of experience points, and now experience points are the most important thing for him.


the face of these worldly female temptations, his Dao heart has long been firm as a rock, and his heart is as calm as water, and he is not moved!

Following the master and Liu Hong to Ancheng, the three went directly to Liu Hong's company.

Came to Liu Hong's company, the female employees of her company had all gathered in the company at this time.

These female employees all dreamed of the female ghost at night.

In the dream, the female ghost said that on the seventh day, she would come and kill them all.

So Liu Hong asked them all to gather today, don't leave them alone, and wait for her to ask Zhang Daolong to protect them together and help everyone solve this ghost.

Now, Liu Hong still doesn't know what this secret ghost is going to do, and if these female employees who have been threatened by female ghosts in their dreams are left behind, they will be easily harmed.

So it's better to gather everyone together first.

Entering the company and seeing these female employees, all of them were surrounded by a strong yin and dead qi, and Tong Zheng and Zhang Laodao's faces changed instantly.

What is going on, why do these female employees have

such a rich dead qi and yin qi entangled around them! The ghosts that can produce such a rich yin and dead qi are not simple masters at first glance, it seems that the ghosts encountered this time are a little tricky.

Ordinary ghosts, even powerful ghosts who have practiced for hundreds of years, cannot be contaminated with yin and death qi on so many people at once.

After seeing Zhang Laodao and Tong Zheng enter the company, his brows were furrowed all the time, his face was solemn, and Liu Hong said: "Chief Zhang Dao, your face is so solemn, is the situation very serious."

Zhang Laodao nodded and said, "There are some complications, Boss Liu, the people of your company, does anyone know this female ghost who threatened you in a dream, did she say why she came to deal with you." "

Generally, ghosts and things harm people, they will not harm them indiscriminately, and only if someone has offended them in some way will they harm that person."

Especially in this situation like Liu Hong's company, this ghost is ready to take a collective action against all the female employees of their company, and there must be some unknown reasons.

When Liu Hong heard this, she also knew what Zhang Laodao meant, Zhang Laodao suspected that someone in their company had offended this female ghost, so this female ghost wanted to come and take revenge together with all the female employees of their company.

However, Liu Hong shook her head and said, "No, after this incident, I carefully questioned all the female employees of our company, and they all said that they did not know this female ghost, let alone have any grudges and disputes with her."

"This kind of thing that concerns everyone's lives, I don't think they will lie."

"That's weird. Zhang Laodao frowned, since the female employees of this company did not have a grudge with this female ghost.

Then why did she pester these people and threaten to kill all the female employees of this company tonight.

Zhang Laodao was a little puzzled.

Zhang Laodao shook his head.

Ghosts want to kill people, and the reason is that it is not necessary for a female employee of this company to offend her before she makes a move.

Perhaps she is not necessarily taking action against the female employees of this company for other reasons.

Since he and Tong Zheng came today, they would not let this female ghost have a reason to continue to harm people.

People and ghosts have different paths, ghosts and things harm people is wrong, destroy them, is right, where so many reasons are needed.

Directly let Tong Zheng take his big pass knife and go beyond the female ghost, why bother to ask so much.

With this idle work, it is better to communicate with the female employees of this company, exchange feelings well, add a WeChat or something, and contact you in the future.

Life is not only about fighting and killing, but also about having people's feelings.

Now these female employees have been haunted by ghosts for a week, and it is precisely the time when they need the comfort of righteous people to let them feel the warmth of society.

Zhang Laodao spoke: "Boss Liu rest assured, no matter what the reason for this ghost, it doesn't matter if you want to take action against the female employees of your company, today with me Zhang Laodao here, she dares to come, I dare to let her come or not." Zhang

Laodao's words were imposing, very confident, and full of security, as if the evil female ghost was coming, and he could directly destroy her now.

When the female employees of Liu Hong's company heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more secure in their hearts.

"Zhang DaoChang is so imposing, so responsible, so responsible, with him, I feel much more at ease." A female employee whispered.

"Well, it's really a very secure man, it's a pity that I'm a little older, otherwise I want to chase him backwards, now there are supernatural events everywhere in Ancheng, and it's really important to have a boyfriend who can catch ghosts." "There were female employees who responded.

"What do you know, is to be old, old to make people feel at ease, this kind of uncle knows how to be considerate best, you are still young, only like those boys who only know how to play basketball a day, and when you reach the age of your sister, you will know how fragrant this uncle is." An older female employee replied.

"Sister Wang's taste is really different. A female employee replied.

"Anyway, I don't like uncle now, little master Tong Zheng is good, that young and strong body, simply, can catch ghosts, I can't stand the temptation of such a boy!" a female employee looked at Tong Zheng and licked her lips.

Zhang Lao said

: "..." Tong Zheng: "..."

Listening to the tiger and wolf words that burst out of the mouths of these female employees.

I am

afraid that after solving the strange ghost at night, these hungry female employees will directly attack their master and apprentice without hesitation.

Zhang Laodao shook his head and revealed a tragic face, it seems that tonight, a vicious battle is inevitable.

However, their cultivators are here to help the world solve their sorrows.

I don't go to hell, who goes to hell! Come at me tonight!

This matter has nothing to do with my apprentice, he is still young, please let him go, don't do anything to him!

Looking at the

master who was lustful on the side, Tong Zheng also shook his head.


the same time, Tong Zheng looked around at the female employees who were watching their masters and apprentices talking, covering their mouths and laughing from time to time.

Tong Zheng sighed, that's why he didn't want to go down today.

Now, he is really being targeted by these female employees!

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