Technology Treasure King

Chapter 1307: Soldier in the Dark (3)

The ruins of the big city.

Smoke and dust from the ocean.

The wind of Southeast Asia. moon. Stars.

In such an artistic environment, a large group of people came out from cities, suburbs, fortresses, and military fronts in long rows of strange personnel carriers.

Immediately after...

"Go and go!"

In front of the ruins of the garbage mountain, or on the long street in the magic world...

A nervous white man, a black man in the free world, and a free face that has seen a blockbuster movie.

Expressionless South American.

Cautious Europeans.

Nervous Australians...

The Southeast Asians who are numb or the tears are blown dry again, and the Africans who are quite war-loving...

Walk forward.

This is a group of soldiers.

The front soldier is a Filipino. Many ignorant soldiers knew at a glance that they had never left the island where they were born, or were just illiterate farmers. Now it is estimated that there is nothing, so I have to come to eat the soldiers' meal.

There are also a large number of men and women wearing the clothes of ordinary citizens, indicating that they were just ordinary citizens before, but now everyone is a weapon that is so heavy that many people can gnash their teeth.

Women’s equipment is mostly lighter sniper rifles.

Interestingly, many women who looked like old women also joined this attack.

Most of them are Filipinos, thin and small. They have wrinkled faces, surprisingly flushing, and their eyes and actions do not look like old people. Then it must have used battlefield drugs, such as stimulants and physical energy drugs.

Anyway, the magic medicine coveted in the old age. It's just cheap goods now.

As much as you want to smuggle, you can get it from our comrades who are diligent in serving the people. How much to get.

Most of the weapons are a new type of automatic rifle that is quite shiny but crudely crafted.

The powerful close-range shooting can penetrate armored vehicles of the old age. It is equivalent to the power of a vehicle-mounted machine gun.

Now it is the revolutionary innovation of recoil and so on from the automatic rifle weapon technology that has been stagnant for many years.

Therefore, ordinary people can also use powerful weapons instead of being unable to control their recoil.

But that's all, the real powerful weapon can only be used by super beings such as Little Superman.

Even a super soldier can't carry a powerful gun launcher on his shoulders.

Elite soldiers of the old age would vomit blood and die if they used more than a dozen old anti-tank weapons. Because the body cannot withstand the shock force.

Nevertheless, this weapon can only be used to deal with ordinary Smecta military robots, acting as an "ant colony surrounding elephant colony" attack.

That's it.

As for dealing with super soldiers, if you are lucky, hit the key, such as the protective goggles with only two small holes under the protection of steel. Shot into a small hole, then it can hurt the opponent, otherwise, it is impossible to hurt.

But this kind of marksman can only exist in the street stall literature.

Or you can only break into the damaged part of the armor, then maybe you can kill a super soldier.

But this kind of credit. The luck index is equal to far better than in the old days when you lay down a plane and walked to pick up a giant diamond.

After all, the basic thickness of Smecta’s super-soldier-style combat uniforms and armor-attached combat uniforms is more than 100 cm.

The 100 cm super material was captured by the World Allied Forces and was overjoyed to open up the study. As a result, they were deeply disdainful, and the original manufacturing process was very rough. Super materials and nano materials are like layers of steel forged and connected.

Compared with the high-tech, real super soldier combat uniform of the China Alliance, it is simply the uniform of the beggars.

But the world coalition forces have been "streaking". Even the "Beggar Gang uniforms" are not fully armed.

This is really a great irony. The American soldier's equipment was killed by a spike, and he was the youngest son of Smecta who was so well-behaved before the New Year.

The soldiers at the back are much more advanced in quality and armaments.

They have all kinds of skin colors, including yellow race, white race, black race, South American race, native African, Mexican race and so on.

Under the translators produced in the United States, various languages ​​are used. It can also popularize ordinary commands.

such as……





At the same time, everyone has a variety of weapons-this is the defect of the world coalition forces, and even the weapons cannot be unified. Logistic pressure can be seen from this.

But the elite of these soldiers, those who are particularly tall and strong, know at a glance that they are toad practitioners, or super soldiers.

For further analysis, please see if his crotch is majestic and mighty.

Their weapons are elite, many of which are all high-tech weapons, with beautiful blue, green, and red lights shining near the energy block. But the "bullet" shot out is very deadly. For the Smecta Super Soldier, it is also quite threatening.

If you suffer hundreds of bombardments head-on, then you have to meet "Marx"-yes, this capitalist country has been transformed into a social country, and in fact, the Pu family is dictating.

This is the most familiar and accustomed rule of the Smecta nation.

But the thought and ideology is that everything is enough. After all, this thought must serve the people.

The armor of these elite soldiers is also extraordinary, and many of them turned out to be standard equipment purchased from China.

We must know that China has eliminated "long time" and eliminated equipment with three or more generation gaps, which is also the most sophisticated high-tech armament in the world.


Groups of soldiers, coming from all directions, coming out of the occupied areas, cautiously, moving in groups on the ruins, walking with cats on their waists, or heads up for the last part of life. I quickly approached the point of approaching the airport.

Once the airport is laid down, the Smecta army can be driven out of the city.

At present, the Smecta Army in Manila has established the top ten military airports and also the top ten military fortresses. Second only to the Jakarta area.

Once lost, it will need to attack Citigroup’s Guam. It is also an important stronghold of the world coalition forces and was forced to fight a decisive battle.

Otherwise, the transportation chain will be interrupted, and the army scattered in Southeast Asia will suffer heavy losses.

Without the bullet, can a super soldier kill with his bare hands? Or use the King of Superman to transport? Even if the abs will pay the bill!


Hidden among the soldiers in the skyscraper area of ​​Captain Park, a Citi colonel in charge of the scene spoke a sentence in English, which was quickly translated into hundreds of languages.

He then made a simple and powerful hand gesture: offense!

There is a group of people who are generally more than 1.9 meters in height. His physique is huge, his body is not only extremely well-armed, but he also has an amazing weight. Everyone's high-tech military boots were submerged in the muddy concrete floor that was hit by heavy rain overnight, reaching more than fifty centimeters.

However, this group of people can move effortlessly, even if ordinary people don't have any burden. It is also unable to reach the speed of this kind of person climbing the ruins, it can only be one-tenth, or can't do anything about the ruined terrain-not afraid to go up.

Can you climb up the half-collapsed house?

Basically difficult.

These are the famous Marines from the old days.

But now it has become a super soldier version of the Marine Corps.

Of course, compared with Smecta's super fighters, the armament alone was killed in seconds, so it was difficult to fight each other.


Although Smecta originally captured important cities from Manila to Southeast Asia through a sudden airdrop.

The sea power has always been in the hands of the world coalition forces. Therefore, both parties can freely regulate military resources.

Therefore, for the first time, the number of a large number of sea-going ships surpassed those in the coastal areas of China.

With the help and innovation of new technologies and resources, tens of millions of people are holding weapons against the Smecta army.

The Philippines has a population of nearly 100 million, plus more than 200 million people in the Thousand Islands, and the world coalition has invested 20 million troops. Therefore, the scale of the war in this new era can be imagined to be huge and astonishing.

So here. It is more than tens of thousands of soldiers gathered.

A siege has been completed, and there are only 50 elite super soldiers in the skyscraper guarded by Captain Park alone.

Colonel Citi and other top commanders on the scene ordered an attack, and the soldiers were immediately divided into thousands, and the soldiers began to attack.

All sentient beings are exposed from this.

Some people run wildly, like participating in a feast; some people walk with a cat on their waists; some mother-in-laws, if it were not for the cold and ruthless eyes of the whites of the military police, and the more ruthless muzzle, then they would surely advance slowly and slowly.

However, the attackers consist of four or five people as a team, and each team is dispersed within tens of meters.

Although there was no heavy artillery and artillery in this war-in a short period of time, this island nation could not invest in artillery of this scale.

The warships of the World Coalition are still carrier-based bombers on aircraft carriers.

Or the super-advanced small amount of air force of the Smecta Army...

None of them can support further strength.

Because of the large-scale artillery attacks and bombings, although the netizens of the China Alliance could not ask for it, they must have loudly applauded and are willing to pay for it.

But it is also a humanitarian organization from the China Alliance; nature and animal protection organizations will not tolerate such an escalation of war.

So it can only be solved by a simple and effective army.

This is also the most effective new type of war.

Do you want to kill people with heavy artillery?

Go to sleep, the cannon is no longer the **** of war.

Super talents are.

"Don’t be afraid, don’t forget that you first took a $100,000 life-saving fee, and then you took a $1,000 hire fee for an hour, and finally there are various rewards for killing the enemy, killing a South Korean super soldier, rewarding $300,000. !"

"US$300,000. You idiots can earn a full US$300,000 in legal income through your innocent and diligent hands throughout your life, and is it cash?!"

"Just kill one, kill two is $600,000! And promoted to super fighter! Go!"

Commanders’ masterpiece is to motivate with wealth. Anyway, in the new era, these money are trivial. You always have to consume, and the big capitalists headed by the state can certainly provide almost infinite consumption.

What's more, the US dollar is not as good as it used to be. It can only fool the illiterate people who don't know the truth or are drawn from the slums...


Sure enough, many idiots were irritated "excited", not to mention that it is difficult to restrain the stimulation of stimulant drugs. That is the effect at one point.

The attack formation was suddenly confused.

It's just that they are very careful. There are absolutely no two veterans who leaned within five meters with pitying eyes and looked at these poor bugs who were about to deal with super soldiers the first time they came up.

farewell. The rookie never dies, but gradually withers...

-Lie you to tears.

ps: Second more.

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