Technology, Overthrow Odin’s Rule

Chapter 273 Declaration of War, Ebony Maw Comes

A week later, all the warships recruited in the universe were all in place, and after statistics, there were a total of 2.5 billion warships.

The huge number can be said to make the solar system crowded, and Angel had to be divided into several areas according to the civilization level and the battleship level.

The warships in each area will be responsible for different places after the outbreak of war.

All battleships, and even all civilizations that can enter the Star Net, will watch this unparalleled war throughout.

It also uses the star network to govern these warships. Commands, orders, etc., will all be downloaded from the star network to the spacecraft, and even accurate to the individual.

Greatly facilitated and improved efficiency.

Regardless of the number of warships, there are 2.5 billion, but for each civilization, the number of warships they are recruited is only one-twentieth of the civilization.

Even if the war is lost, it will have an impact on them, but it won't be that big."

It is also one of the reasons why these civilizations so decisively dispatched and agreed to Angel's recruitment.

"King, it's ready.

Over the human planet Mars, Bai Ye stood in outer space with flapping wings.

This scene was also put into any civilization that could be covered by StarNet, where Bai Ye would issue a declaration of war.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at this young Angel.

This, known as Angel, the god of the universe, will launch a cosmic war of minerals under his leadership.

Defend against enemies from another universe.

And some of them, and some civilizations, will be fortunate enough to be involved.

"40 years ago, I was just born in the Angel civilization,"

The plain voice, but not majestic, spreads to the minds of all the watching beings, without language barriers, without understanding barriers.

The meaning of Bai Ye will be translated into the language and consciousness of various civilizations by Xingwang.

"At that time, there were wars everywhere in the universe, for resources, for territory, and for those enemies who would appear in their own civilization at no time."

"Fear, unease and panic, civilization made people dare not communicate easily. At that time, trust was a very precious thing.

"Who knows if other civilizations will suddenly attack themselves?"

"A strange fleet was found in the universe, and everyone either jumped away directly, or shot directly."

"No one dares to bet that if his level of civilization is higher than his own, will it bring disaster to the mother star?"

"If civilization is lower than me, do I have to stick out my fangs?"

Bai Ye spoke with concentration, and there was an unprecedented light in his eyes.

At this point, he did bring peace to the civilizations of the universe, albeit under Angel's pressure.

However, peace is peace.

"So, the Angel civilization appeared. We have experienced darkness and shed blood with our own hands. Of course, it is more beautiful."

"Angel, is a symbol of beauty and peace.

Bai Ye paused and continued:

"But just today, the once notorious war madman in the universe, he is coming back.

Bai Ye huge amounts of projection appeared in countless civilizations, his eyes looked around as if he could see a person, cold, but domineering.

"He found a weapon, a weapon that could easily accomplish his dream of destroying half of the life in the universe."

Bai Ye chuckled: "Does it mean that at this time, someone will think that maybe they are the other half?"

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid that's not the case."

"As far as I can tell, Thanos has destroyed a universe, remember, a universe."

Extending a finger, the body slightly turned in a circle.

"A universe is destroyed by this person's hands, and all this is just a little preparation for him to return to this universe."

"At first, my clan told me that our Angel could leave this universe completely, why should he stay?"

"I'm also asking myself, why?"

Everyone fell into contemplation, and the low-level civilization might not understand the meaning of Bai Ye's words.

But high-level civilizations can definitely know, even if they understand Bai Ye's meaning as another multi-universe.

So, why did Bai Ye stay?

Bai Ye said loudly: "This universe once nurtured the Angel civilization and nurtured us, and I can't just watch it get lost.

"Justice" will triumph over evil,

From Bala Bala, Bai Ye made a fool of himself, definitely, many of them are sincere.

To take something, there must be something to give.

Diana's eyes are full of light, this person who is proclaiming his ideals towards a cosmic civilization is her husband...

And Angel, the calm faces of the elders showed a proud expression.

Angel today, they are very proud.

After the war declaration, Bai Ye vaguely said something that could be distributed once the war was won.

Such as certain technologies, such as certain materials.

Bai Ye never believes in absolute high pressure, this group of people will really pay, only interests are the unchanging truth.

When Bai Ye said that he could still get benefits, the people on the battleship who came here really changed.

Each civilization is connecting itself to the civilization's fleet through the Star Network, and it is necessary to fight this war well.

All this can't be concealed from Angel, Star Network is their structure, how could there be anything that can be concealed.

This is the benefit of interest.

After the declaration of war, the universe was hot again, and many civilizations said that they could continue to support the battleship formation.

Bai Ye chuckled lightly, no need.

outright rejection.

In a war of this level, the number is enough, and the winner or loser depends on the high-end power.

That is, who wins and who loses between him and Thanos.

Otherwise, everything is in vain.

"King, here comes the man of Thanos."


Bai Yeyi, come at this time?


Direct "Here, the person here is Ebony Maw, who is said to have brought the will of Thanos. 2.1"

A sneer, will?

"Bring him here!

Bai Ye's cross-shaped spaceship just swayed and stopped above the earth, just above the multi-universe passage, so Ebony Maw could see it at a glance.

"I have seen His Excellency King Angel,

Polite and gentlemanly demeanor, ignore his powerful energy response.

This guy has actually reached the energy response of three generations of super warriors, and it seems that he has gained a lot of benefits.

Moreover, Ebony Maw wears a ring on his finger with a blue gem, Space gem.

Bai Ye is very familiar.

Sure enough, Infinite Gems have been found in batches by Thanos.

Bai Ye sat lazily on the chair and spoke lightly.

"Go ahead."

Ebony Maw felt as if invisible pressure was pressing towards him, and his originally calm complexion turned pale in an instant. .

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