Technology, Overthrow Odin’s Rule

Chapter 190 Draw Superman blood and ask if you agree

a week later.

Diana and Bai Ye were still in the same boat. Bai Ye quickly slapped the dolphin and formed a wave.

"What's the matter?" A grunt murmured.

"Honey, get up and watch the aliens."

Diana stared straight at Bai Ye, aren't you?

"No, it's real aliens this time."

At the moment, even the TV in the manor was starting to show some pictures, booming, switching to the earth language in a few seconds.

True · universe · search for relatives.

"This is?" Diana finally became serious.

"What do they want?

Bai Ye: "Simply put, they have a tribe that has lived on Earth for decades, and they came to find this person.

"You know them? Don't try to lie," Diana stared.

"The gas star, who has been in the universe for hundreds of thousands of years, controls thousands of civilizations at the most brilliant time, and is good at genetic technology."

The voice changed: "However, this civilization has died out."

Dying? Dying of a super-civilization that mastered thousands of civilizations?

Red smoke nodded: "In fact, when we came to Earth, we encountered them in the depths of the galaxy."

Ha? Diana 14 turned her head to look at Bai Ye, what's the trouble?

"So, what else do you know?"

"Their people on Earth are called Clark, who was adopted by a farmer, um, very powerful.

"As for why they are looking for Clark, that is because Clark's biological father integrated the most powerful technology of the gas star civilization into Clark's genes."

"And this thing is the key to the resurrection of the gas star civilization."

"What if they can't find it?

Yunxia smiled lightly and said, "That would probably blow up the earth, or transform the earth into something suitable for them to survive.

"There are many life planets in the universe, but for Zod, he has no time to find them.

Diana: "Do you even know who the other is and what their name is?"

Bai Ye laughed: "I'm afraid you don't know, we wanted to rob them directly at that time, alas, I'm still too kind."

"To be honest, their technology is a little weak."

A civilization of hundreds of thousands of years, you tell me weak?

How powerful is Angel?

On TV, they are already threatening Clark, threatening the civilization of the earth. If Clark does not come out, they will destroy the earth.

Diana frowned. "If that Clark doesn't come out, are they really going to destroy the Earth?"

"Uh, Clark will definitely come out."

"How is this possible? As long as a normal person knows, once it gets into the hands of that Zord, it must be death."

"No, heroes always care about people."

Well, Diana though maybe she can't do it.

She'd rather destroy Zod outright, but she'll give her a thumbs up if Clark does show up.

"Do you remember what the military seems to have found in Antarctica not long ago? And the guy who interviewed us at the last dinner party?"

Diana thought for a moment: "You mean the guy with the glasses? The Daily Planet reporter?"

In a trance, he exclaimed, "Isn't he Clark?"


"No, that has something to do with what the military found in Antarctica?

Clark "started the spaceship inside, and then Zod, who was floating in the universe, received the signal, and they came to look for relatives.

It's really fucking bloody, Clark probably wouldn't have thought that he had summoned this group of people, would he?

Ding ding ding .. The phone rang, Diana looked up and saw, Note: Little bat.

Well, very Q remarks.

"Here is Diana,

Opposite: "Have you seen it? Any thoughts?"

"I suggest you evacuate (Bai Ye gestures) the people in the metropolis."

Opposite: "Are you sure? It's an international city, not a small village or an island."

"The people they're looking for are there.

The opposite fell silent, and Batman estimated that after weighing the pros and cons, Diana was worth believing.

Opposite: "Give me a reason.

"Batman likes peeking on the roof in tights?"

Opposite: "...I hope you forget this.

Hanging up the phone, Bai Ye laughed immediately, once he and Diana were flying in the air and saw Batman jumping on the roof.

Diana said that dressing like this won't affect the battle?


Can't make Batman dress like Angel, right? Put on safety pants and go to a fight? That's probably a hot eye.

"Am I going?"

Diana was a little undecided. In the original play, Diana did not appear in this battle.

On the contrary, many of Batman's employees died in the battle between Superman and Zod, which extended the plot of the next movie.

"What are you going to do? That's a star man, Xiao Qiang who can't be killed."

"Damn, let's not make this fun!"

However, Diana was obviously unwilling. Once Clark and Zod had a conflict, the humans below would definitely not be able to bear it.

Pieces of data are being transmitted to Bai Ye's terminal.

Eyes are hot.

The gas star gene is about to be obtained, and even Clark's gene can be obtained.

When Clark boarded the Zod ship, there was a period of weakness due to not getting used to the air on the ship.

Bai Ye decided to take Clark's blood samples first, as long as the sun was shining, he wouldn't die.

At that time, one, three and five will conduct a small experiment, and two, four and six will conduct a large experiment.


There were obviously not many Angels in the manor, and they all stayed on the Bai Ye on standby.

-Day Bai Ye obtains the gas star gene, and will immediately start the shuttle program to leave this universe, not a moment's worth.

Bai Ye suddenly said, "Dear, do you believe me?"

Diana looked puzzled, what, want to eat and wipe it up?

"How about I take you to a nice place?"

"No, now that this gas star appears, no place is safe. I can protect you when you are by my side."

Well, she thought Bai Ye was just a science 143 home.

After all, how much fighting power can a king of a country have?

Otherwise, what would Bai Ye do with so many Angels for safety?

He pulled Diana's arm straight, snapped her fingers, and the next second, the two of them appeared on the Bai Ye.

"Have seen my king,


And the bolder one is already shouting: "I have seen the queen...

Diana's eyes widened: "This is... a starship?

"Well, Bai Ye, how is it? Do you like it?"

Immediately reacted again, she and Bai Ye appeared here directly, and even she didn't react.

Diana asked suspiciously, "Aren't you a weak chicken?"

Bai Ye has a string of ellipses on his forehead, like this:

"It's always been you who begged for mercy, Diana."

Whoops, embarrassing.

She also thought that Bai Ye was a weak chicken, and also, if it was a weak chicken, she would not be satisfied with her, the goddess of paradise island.

This scene made Angel on the side scream.

That exaggerated tone.

Oh my God", is this the sour smell of love? It smells bad.

"Wow, so arrogant.

"But I guess Wang can't beat Diana, and Diana can't beg for mercy."

"The king is a warrior of the fourth generation. Although Diana looks good and has a big butt, well, I guess Wang...

Bai Ye said: This is slander, you didn't say that when you eavesdropped on the foot of the bed.

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