Technology Bigshot

Chapter 645: : Lord~! ! 】

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When Kowski was in the same room with Professor Cornell again, there was another adult who was walking with him at the moment, and Kowski had great respect for him.

This person is Lex Wayne, with short brown hair, sunglasses, and wearing a black one-piece windbreaker jacket. A pair of black boots touches the metal floor on the quiet laboratory road, making frequent footsteps.

He took off his sunglasses, looked around, and fixed his gaze on the professor. They were light green eyes, without waves.

"Professor! Mr. Wayne is here," Kowski said.

Professor Cornell immediately turned around and looked at the man who had changed his violent temper with his assistant before, and he felt respected, because all the property here belonged to him-Lex Wayne. The surname Wayne also represents nobleness, power, and endless wealth in this land...

Lex glanced at Professor Cornell and nodded silently with a polite smile. He did not speak, and moved his gaze to the large screen behind the professor, staring at the flashing subtitles on it, and for a moment he looked at Cornell again. "As expected of Andy's proud disciple, you surpassed him, choosing you to lead the'God Creation Project' is the wisest choice of my life."

Cornell bowed slightly and said humbly, "Thank you for your compliments, Mr. Wayne. But I only completed half of the plan. At present, I can only fully transform consciousness into data information, but cannot retransform data information. Into consciousness."

"No! Professor, you're done. Now, ‘making god’ begins!" Lex Wayne said calmly.

"We haven't selected a volunteer yet, Mr. Wayne." Cornell was slightly surprised when he heard the other party's words, looked at Lex, and said.

This is too fast.

"I am a volunteer!" Lex Wayne said calmly, taking off his black windbreaker.

The young Kowski and Professor Cornell were shocked when they heard this, and the professor's complexion changed drastically. With a little panic, he quickly dissuaded him: "The God Creation Project is only half completed, Mr. Wayne. If so. Transform your consciousness into data information, and it is very likely that you will not be able to return it back. You are the head of the Wayne family and have a distinguished status. No one can afford this responsibility Mr. Wayne."

The professor had already started to panic and became more and more fearful. Lex Wayne's decision frightened him seriously. If something happens in the laboratory, he will definitely not survive.

Lex Wayne threw the windbreaker on the ground and stood in front of him, with his deep pupils staring at each other motionlessly, "Look at how prosperous the world is now? Omod! Omod! Omod! It won't be long before the world is here. It will spread all over the world, and behind the extreme prosperity is facing the crisis of extermination, do you understand?"

Kowski stood there blankly, Cornell opened his mouth slightly at a loss, Lex turned and took off his shirt, bare his upper body, and said again: "You are the top expert in the AI ​​field, professor. You too I am extremely worried that once AI develops to a complete level, the end of mankind may also come."

"When the super AI appeared, it was like an almighty God descending into this world for us humans. Once the super AI was born, any attempt to control his behavior would be ridiculous." Lex's voice was quiet. The laboratory resounded, and the two eyes met. Lex stared at the professor’s eyes, staring at his own face in his pupils, “Never pray for the destiny to be handed over to the AI. When the trial comes, who can guarantee whether he Will it be a merciful God?"

Lex and the professor passed by, the latter still standing still in a daze without saying a word, his mind echoing with the other party's words. Lex walked to the console and entered a series of instructions. A circular gap broke open on the floor, and a chair slowly rose out of the table. The back of the chair was filled with transparent hollow rubber tubes.

Hearing the sound of the instrument behind him, Cornell turned slowly, and he saw that Lex Wayne was already sitting on that chair.

"Destiny should be in your own hands. When survival requires mercy, and when the race needs the judgment of others, it is not far from extinction." Lex Wayne's deep eyes stared at each other.

Cornell walked to the console with a trembling body, and slowly raised his trembling left hand.

"Please... execute, professor!"

Standing by the side, Kowski swallowed and spit, staring at the professor's trembling hand.

The trembling hand finally pressed the command.

The hollow rubber tube behind the chair suddenly began to be filled with solution. Spinal needles were inserted into Lex’s back and pierced into the axons of the nervous system. Spinal needles were also inserted into the back of his head. At that moment, his eyes suddenly opened. The large, light green pupils almost shrunk to a point.

Bit rate matching...matching completed!

Consciousness connecting... the link is complete!


……100%, the conversion is complete!

On the screen, the data panel showing Lex Wayne's body, the heart rate graphic becomes a straight line, which means that the heartbeat has stopped, the brain wave activity index shows 0, and a series of data shows that Lex's body has stopped life. activity.

Now lying on the chair is a corpse about to cool down.

"Mr. Wayne!"

"Mr. Wayne???"

Without any response, the professor came to the chair. Lex Wayne had closed his eyes and lay motionless on the chair. The professor stretched out to the other side's neck to confirm that he was "dead".

"Professor!" Kowski quietly came to Cornell, "Mr. Wayne..."

At this moment, all the screens in the laboratory suddenly experienced an abnormal condition, and a humanoid silhouette composed of data appeared on all the screens.

An old and a young, the professor and assistant stared at the scene in shock, strange voices resounding in the laboratory.

"Should God wash away the shame on his body? Should God be relieved and merciful?" The electronic synthesis sound effect resounded in the laboratory, and the tone contained Lex Wayne's unique voice.

"Mr. Wayne!" the professor looked at the face made of light green code on the main screen and shouted, and deep in his heart, a certain fear was spreading outwards, a trace of remorse spontaneously, and he felt extremely strong. When he arrived, he opened the Pandora's Box.

"Professor!" Kowski suddenly pulled Cornell's sleeves. The professor turned to look at him. He saw that the assistant's eyes were gazing forward, and Cornell followed his gaze, a humanoid intelligent machine. Appearing here, this is the security robot of the Institute, produced by Boston Dynamics. It is said that the US military has issued a huge order to Boston Dynamics to build an army composed of armed armies.

These security robots are carrying thermal weapons At this moment, an unknown omen appeared in Cornell's heart.

The muzzle burst into flames...

The security robot had no emotional fluctuations, did not hesitate, and fired without any warning. Cornell saw his assistant fall dead in front of his eyes.

When the gunpoint of the security intelligence device was aimed at the professor, he already knew his end, looking around the images on the screens, his eyes locked on the face, Cornell painted on his chest Cross gesture.

"Lord, I..."

The gunfire resounded harshly in the quiet laboratory, Professor Cornell fell to the ground, and the laboratory passageway reverberated with very high frequency sound of pace, metal touching sound. One by one, the security robots had no emotions, holding hot weapons, and the security robots that killed Professor Cornell and Kowowski quickly left here.


…(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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