Technological Hegemony

Chapter 140 The Southeast Asian Offensive, Fighting Against Honda and Yamaha!

After entering July, the outdoor temperature has reached an unbearable level. After only standing outside for a short while, you will sweat profusely, feel chest tightness, and be unable to breathe.

The air conditioner in Luo Jia's office is very well turned on, and it is quite cool. If you sit for a long time, it is best to add a shirt over the T-shirt.

Luo Jia hates heat and cold, because changes in the outside temperature often interrupt his rhythm of thinking, and thinking is his most important job.

Looking around, there are some changes in Luo Jia's office now. In addition to the huge world map and the Milky Way panorama, the blueprint of the offshore wind farm has been added.

Countless wind turbines are lined up along the sea level, like a huge monster standing halfway in the sea.

Exploration ship, floating crane ship, jack barge, semi-submerged installation ship, floating installation ship, piling ship, subsea platform erection ship for installation of offshore wind turbines...

Wind towers for mapping and recording, offshore step-up stations, reactive power compensation stations, large-scale power transformation units, onshore energy storage centers, central control centers...

Even a layman who knows nothing about offshore wind power, after reading this blueprint, will be surprised to find that it turns out that installing a few wind turbines at sea to generate power is such a complex and rigorous huge project that requires to many special ships and special equipment.

Any error in any link will lead to disastrous results.

And now, this complex and arduous project has become the next goal of Star Technology.

The same blueprint is hung not only in Luo Jia's office, but also in the offices of all the heads of the hardware department, reminding everyone that the next industry the company will enter is in the vast ocean.

As the teams dispatched to assist partners return one after another, Stellar Technology has started another all-out attack. In order to solve the big problem of energy, there is too much work to be done.

First of all, Luo Jia needs energy storage batteries.

Different from the 18650 lithium battery prepared for electric motorcycles, the volume of the energy storage battery can be made very large, but the price must be low, the discharge power must be large, the number of cycles must be high, and the loss ratio must be low.

Taken individually, these requirements do not seem to be a big problem, but when taken together, they are a nightmare problem.

After all, following the old path of Siemens and Vitas, it is impossible to overtake the industry hegemony. Xingchen Technology must once again overtake in a corner, and directly come up with a new generation of solutions that completely subvert the two giants.

Just after noon, Hong Tao walked into Luo Jia's office excitedly. He was not polite, took out a bottle of Red Bull from the refrigerator, gulped it down, and then wiped his mouth.

"The pack of wolves is so damn powerful. Our partners are all red-eyed now. We went to Pattaya for vacation. Good guy, one after another specialty stores are just opening up against Honda and Yamaha, directly confronting them! "

Hong Tao gestured excitedly, "A road, on this side of the road are Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, on this side of the road are Wuyang, Haojue, Xindazhou, Zongshen, both sides seem to be at war, you pull a banner, I'll just set up a sound system, you'll have an art show, and I'll draw a lottery to smash golden eggs."

"Can you imagine? The domestic manufacturers are like crazy, directly hitting the foreheads of those foreign manufacturers! Fighting them hand-to-hand!"

"I asked their person in charge, and the person in charge said, this is a request from the headquarters. Where is the Honda store, our store is directly opposite to them! !"

Hong Tao said with joy, as if he himself was on the battlefield,

Luo Jia could imagine the scene of various specialty stores competing for promotions, because such scenes are still very common in China.

"What was the result?" Roger asked.

"Needless to say, compared to sales promotion, Neon is no match for domestic manufacturers, and where do you think the manager of the Haojue store came from?" Hong Tao asked.

Roja shook his head.

"It's from Vivo! The Big Four have so much experience in promoting and promoting. After all, at this time last year, they fought with Samsung and Apple for a whole year!"

This is a very interesting thing. The sales elites of the Big Four are now helping these domestic motorcycle factories to do Honda?

Luo Jia asked Hong Tao to wait for a while, and then called Vivo's Mr. Shen.

Mr. Shen said with a smile on the other end of the phone, "Well, there is such a thing. The mobile phone market is basically settled now, and there is no need for fighting, and we have just trained a large number of sales elites. If there are high-priced dignitaries, recommend them a batch.”

Putting down the phone, Luo Jia laughed, which was an unexpected gain.

After a whole year of fierce wars, the Big Four have cultivated a large number of sales elites all over the world who are especially capable of fighting. Now that the mobile phone market has settled and become more and more stable, these sales elites have begun to help domestic motorcycle factories fight again. went.

Although mobile phones and electric motorcycles seem to be separated by mountains, they are actually the same in essence. They both capture the hearts of consumers and carry out persuasion work.

In this way, I am afraid that Honda will have a headache. The sales elites of the Big Four have all fought tough battles.

Luo Jia raised his head and asked Hong Tao, "Is Pattaya fun?"

The last time the company went to Thailand for a vacation, it only went to Bangkok and Chiang Mai, and did not go to Pattaya, which is legendary for feasting and feasting.

This time, Hong Tao took his colleagues from the Commerce Department on vacation. As far as the entire company is concerned, the Commerce Department is a relatively extroverted department, and the atmosphere of technology geeks is not too strong.

Hong Tao blinked at Luo Jia, "It's fun, but I'm too tired. It's all supported by the little blue pills. Now I just want to get a few skewers of roasted kidneys to mend."

"You bastard." Luo Jia was taken aback, and punched Hong Tao with a smile.


Tokyo, Honda Co., Ltd.

The sudden outbreak of war in Southeast Asia finally reached the headquarters of major motorcycle companies.

Those Chinese who were expelled from Southeast Asia by them, they are back again!

Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Yamaha, and the four giants of Japanese motorcycles were all thrown into chaos by the sudden huge pressure.

Under the auspices of President Takahiro Hachigo, Honda held a top meeting.

All the people present looked stern, because in just two weeks, Honda's sales in Southeast Asia have fallen sharply, and it has fallen into a thrilling situation of being strangled by the Chinese wolves.

Takahiro Hachigo frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, please look at the screen. In Southeast Asia, some unexpected changes have taken place."

Then a picture appeared on the screen. In this picture, on the left and right sides of Honda's motorcycle store, seven or eight new electric motorcycle sales centers of Huaxia Company opened. The Honda sales center is completely fenced off.

This scene is like a lonely person being beaten by seven or eight strong men.

The second photo is not much better, the Honda Center and the Suzuki Center are next to each other, but to the left and right of them and across the street are full of rival specialty stores.

The meeting room was stunned. These Chinese manufacturers are too ruthless, right?

It is completely playing in the face of Honda, choosing to open a branch next to or opposite the Honda store, and then using Huaxia's good promotion tactics to directly compete with Honda.

"This is simply a repeat of the nightmare decades ago." Koji Fukuyama, the oldest executive in the conference room, sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose with his hands.

After a pause, Fukuyama Koji said, "At the end of the last century, Chinese manufacturers also used blitzkrieg to attack our Southeast Asian market just like today, relying on flexible tactics and low prices, forcing us to retreat steadily."

"It was a brutal war. Almost all the old guys who have experienced that war have retired. If they are still here today, they will definitely exclaim that those all-pervasive Chinese people are back again."

Takahiro Hachigo nodded slightly, "pervasive" is a good word to describe Chinese manufacturers. Chinese manufacturers have always been good at strategy, while Japanese manufacturers tend to be slow and old-fashioned in marketing.

This is related to the major companies of Neon and the personality characteristics of Neon people.

There was a very famous video some time ago. In order to please customers, the president actually pressed the head of the member into the hot pot, causing the face to be scalded.

But the members did not dare to resist, and endured it for two full years before taking the president to court.

This is definitely a unique scene in the whole world. If the member who was humiliated was replaced by a Chinese man, I'm afraid he would have chopped it down with a knife.

The Chinese people have known since ancient times that princes and generals have a kindred spirit, and where there is oppression, there is resistance.

But Neon is different. The psychological distortion caused by excessive forbearance and depression has always been a big social problem.

It's no wonder that the Neon members are referred to as social animals on the Internet. Their first reaction when they encounter something is to report it to the level, let the leader make the decision, and then obey.

"How did we survive the crisis at the end of the last century?" Hachigo Takahiro asked.

Koji Fukuyama raised his eyebrows, "We didn't get through it. It was the poor quality of Chinese manufacturers that hurt them. The motorcycles they produced were not of good quality and could not stand the test of time."

"When consumers in Southeast Asia realized that Huaxia motorcycles were so unusable, they withdrew themselves, leaving a mess."

"Thinking back after many years, if the quality of the Chinese manufacturers passed the quality control that time, we might have failed miserably, because our marketing methods always lag behind those cunning Chinese people."

Takahiro Hachigo frowned. Last time it was a quality problem, but this time it was obviously different.

The quality of electric motorcycles produced by Chinese manufacturers is very good, and the price is also not cheap.

Luxury products with a battery life of 200 kilometers are priced at more than 12,000 yuan. At this price, you can even buy the high-end products of Honda underbone motorcycles, wind blades.

It can be seen that this time, Chinese manufacturers did not rely on price to win at all. They planned to rely on quality and technology to compete with international giants!

Throughout Southeast Asia, the flames of war are burning crazily, and there are shocking scenes everywhere.

As long as there is a Honda sales center, there must be a Chinese manufacturer's specialty store next to it. Their promotional methods are full of tricks, which makes people overwhelmed.

Those customers who originally planned to go to the Honda store to look at the car, in the end, a large part of them were pulled away by the nearby Huaxia manufacturer.

As for advertising, Chinese manufacturers have bought prime-time TV stations, naming rights for popular variety shows, bought full-page advertisements in newspapers and magazines, and erected rows of advertisements on the main roads of the city. Please be the most popular! celebrities as spokespersons.

My God, after reading the information from the Southeast Asia branch, Takahiro Hachigo's liver was shaking, overwhelming, it was a crazy offensive like mercury pouring down the ground!

In fact, if Takahiro Hachigo understands the mobile phone market, he will find that this kind of publicity campaign is actually a leftover from the mobile phone industry.

How did Vivo and Opal start their businesses?

That's it!

In the craziest period, when you go to an ordinary town, you can see dozens or hundreds of shops with the signs of Vivo and Opal hanging. If you want to talk about ground warfare and propaganda, Vivo and Opal are the ancestors level!

There used to be so many mobile phone factories in China, and in the end, they were the Big Four.

Now, their sales elites have gone to the major motorcycle factories and copied this crazy offensive again.

Overnight, the flames of war in Southeast Asia ignited, with such a speed and ferocity that even Luo Jia did not expect.

Tai Nima is cruel, and there is absolutely no weak one who can survive the fierce competition in the mobile phone industry.

Whether it is Vivo and Opal's publicity campaign, Xiaomi's fan marketing, or Huawei's scientific research, they have all passed the test of blood and fire.

In contrast, neon manufacturers are slow to respond and have a rigid system. In this fierce competition, it seems a bit difficult to get rid of.

The meeting went on all day.

In the end, Honda decided to use price reduction and publicity strategies in terms of the market, and fight against the fierce Chinese manufacturers, trying to withstand their offensive first.

On the other hand, it is necessary to seek help from the two battery giants of Neon, Panasonic and Sony.

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