Technician’s Manual

Chapter 76: Keeping you alive will only cost you food

"Void Realm Turbulent Flow? Void Realm Channel?"

Because this is considered partial knowledge, it doesn’t feel strange that Yaxiu didn’t know about Igola: “This is a relatively rare disaster for the magician. When the magician establishes a connection with the virtual world through the gate of truth, some parts of the virtual world are more unstable. Knowledge will be poured into the door of truth, causing the space in reality to be alienated by the knowledge of the virtual world."

Igula drew a gesture: "You imagine that the virtual world is a big jelly. The magician enters the jelly through a straw and has been in peace. However, some areas of the jelly rot and dissolve, and the liquid inside reaches the reality along the straw. This area has corroded reality through a hole. This is the turbulent flow of the virtual realm."

"The virtual channel is because the knowledge that flows into reality has a tendency to return to the virtual world, but most of the turbulence will quickly overflow, and only a part of the thicker knowledge turbulence will solidify into a channel. Return to the virtual world."

"But Wuzhu knowledge can't open the door of truth, so it has been rubbing around in the void, forming one-half of the void in the channel."

"One-half?" Ya Xiu was very puzzled: "Then how can it become a complete virtual passage?"

"Do you remember what I said earlier that there is a rot in the jelly?" Igola said, "Therefore, the magician disaster like Void Turbulence often does not occur once or twice, but occurs in batches all over the world. The magicians who have been to the decaying area are likely to cause turbulence in the virtual realm, forming different half of the channels."

"The target coordinates pointed to by these one-half channels are the virtual coordinates of the gate of truth. The closer the target coordinates are to the one-half channel, the more likely they are to combine with each other to form a complete one that can travel through the reality. The virtual passage of the earth."

It sounds a bit complicated, but Ya Xiu has used his poor mathematical and geometric knowledge to understand: one-half of the channel wants to return to the virtual point, forming a channel, and at the same time, one-half of the channel also wants to return to the virtual point, forming了channel.

But because the door of truth has not been opened, even if you go to the door and do licking the dog, you will not come out. At this time, the same people who fell into the world, met outside the door, and simply abandoned them, forming a complete passage, and the two died fortunately.

"In other words, the closer the gates of truth opened by two magicians are, the easier it is to form a virtual realm channel?"

Igola nodded: "The truth is the truth, but it is almost impossible to create a passage through this law."

Ah Xiu's face was a bit solemn: "Isn't that magician very dangerous? Once the door of truth is opened in the decaying area, the body must be drawn into the turbulence of the virtual realm?"

"No, the knowledge of the virtual world will never hurt the magician."


"They are afraid of the magician." Igula shrugged: "Even the Shu Ling watched us and ran away. Why do you think the knowledge that makes up the Shu Ling dare to hurt the magician?"

"There is a very interesting saying that our magician is equivalent to a predator to the virtual world. Those who accidentally infuse the knowledge of reality are like refugees who have strayed into the border of an enemy country. They are too late to run, how can they dare to challenge? A vicious predator?"

"Void knowledge often escapes to areas where there are few magicians, such as the underground, such as the sky, and then settles down in the alienated space, trying to return to the void, thus forming turbulence or passage."

This disaster was described by Igula as weak, helpless and cute, and Ya Xiu glanced at the lively registration point: "Is it dangerous to explore the Void Channel?"

"I don't know!" Igula said frankly: "But not all virtual passages are complete. What do you think will happen to the forerunner who walks into the half passage?"

"However, if they find a way to other countries and return successfully, then this credit is indeed enough to offset their death sin."

Ya Xiu raised his eyebrows: "Doesn't it sound simple? I took a look in the past and ran back without dying, betting on luck. Why do I still need the ability to survive and escape?"

Igola shook his head: "If the other side is a no-man's land, you can return immediately, but if the opposite is another country, then the volunteers will definitely not be able to return immediately."

"Why? Do volunteers still need to go through security checks when crossing the border?"

"You can think about it from a different angle. Enemies of the unknown country may also find the Void Realm channel to the Blood Moon Kingdom. Wouldn't you take precautions in advance?"

Ah Xiu just wanted to ask how to guard against unknown enemies, but he suddenly became dumb. This is a magician world full of miracles. The only absolute thing is that nothing is absolute.

What was almost impossible in the eyes of Ya Xiu, for a high-ranking magician, might be as simple as a hiccup with a full meal.

The gap in knowledge level has led to an insurmountable gap between the practitioners, just as Ya Xiu can't figure out how the back-neck chip makes him hold his fart in the non-toilet area.

"There is a global surveillance miracle in the blood moon kingdom. Once an outsider appears, the church will promptly notify the nearby crime hunting hall. At the same time, the blood moon casts a curse. The outsider will not be able to carry out any spatial transfer within forty-eight hours, let alone transmit information." Igola held both hands: "When I was seven years old, an outsider appeared in Feimeng City. He seemed to have fled to my nursing home, and the blood mad hunter turned the nursing home upside down."

"You are not from Kaimon City?"

Igola shrugged: "The fools in Feimeng City deceived almost the same, so naturally they have to open up new markets."

The Void Channel is undoubtedly a major event that will affect the situation, but it doesn't make any sense to the prison escape team, but it increases the difficulty of their recruitment.

Maybe you will come to find volunteers tomorrow?

Maybe I have a chance to return to society in a dignified manner?

This sudden Zhao'an has greatly shocked the arrogance of their group of determined escapers. How can they carry out ideological work in the future?

Just as Ah Xiu was at a loss and was about to go for a meal and find inspiration, the registration point suddenly became chaotic.

"Choose me, please choose me! I am the golden beak of the woodpecker. I am proficient in all kinds of murder methods. I really want to be a volunteer. Please choose me.

"Water, bluff, light, earth, blasting, and trap miracle magic factions meet the requirements, but you only have one wing mana, and you haven't reached the minimum admission threshold. I'm sorry."

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help looking at the tall man kneeling on the introduced: “Goldenbeak is the best killer of the woodpecker gang. The assassination targets include many well-known characters, Parliamentarians, politicians, and businessmen, the difficulty of the task is definitely not lower than that of assassinating a second-wing magician. It seems that his professional ability is unique if he can become a golden mouth with a one-wing magician."

Ash recognized the man: "Isn't he Ronald's friend, Ronald Wade?"

"Yes, and he is also the newcomer who came in this month." Igola gave a subtle smile: "Otherwise, he won't be close to Lang. It seems that he has realized something and is trying his best to save himself."

"Help yourself? Is he in danger?"

"Do you know Ronald's nickname?"

"I know, Gourmet Ronner, his nickname stems from his special hobby, right?"

Although Ronald’s hobbies are quite curious, this prison was originally the ultimate cesspit of perverts, and even now there is an ogre dangling in front of Ah Xiu, so Ah Xiu can say Ronald without holding any mood swings. This little hobby.

"Most people only see the outside, but it's far more than that." Igola shook her finger: "Lonner doesn't even let the inside go."

"What's the difference?"

"Very different, don't look at Ronald now that there is no wound on his body, but the contents in him have been eaten by Ronna."

"Is this a pornographic joke?"

"Axiu, your words and deeds make me feel that the Church of the Four Pillars of God will not be a dating club for middle-aged greasy uncles to relax after get off work. Letting you live will only cost you food." Igola faintly responded, saying Langner's horror Little secrets of people and weird.

But Ya Xiu's eyes became brighter as he listened.

He looked at Ronald, who was still entangled there, and said, "Perhaps, we have found a teammate."

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