There were no more accidents on the road, and Tang Yin and his party returned to Yancheng smoothly. Because Xuan Wang was seriously injured, Tang Yin took him directly to the palace, and he brought in Su Yelei and other skilled doctors to treat Xuan Wang.

The arm was cut off, and it may still be connected in modern times, but it was powerless in terms of medical technology at the time. After some first aid, Xuan Wang's life was saved, but the broken arm was completely destroyed.

Xuan Wang went to sleep drowsy, and Tang Yin ordered the Dark Arrow personnel to personally escor Xuan Wang back to his own house, and then ordered Cheng Jin to scrutinize the assassins, in any case, to find out their identity and the commander behind the scenes.

With such a big incident in the capital, Cheng Jin was also frightened, and he should be led away. At this time, ministers such as Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji also rushed to the news. People saw nothing bad about Tang Yin, and they were all out of breath. Then they heard that Xuan Wang was seriously injured, and each frowned.

Tang Yin looked around and murmured, "I don't think the assassin is coming at me, but at Master Xuan!"

After everyone listened, they looked at each other, frowning deeper. Xuanwang is a nerd. He does not deal well with people all day long, but he has no dispute with the world. He has no political opponents in such a complicated court. How can there be enemies? And the enemies are so bad that they can seriously hurt Xuanwang under Tang Yin's eyelids.

Zhang Xin's eyes rolled around and he suddenly took a deep breath and said, "If the king didn't expect it badly, the assassin really came to the Lord Xuan, then things will be complicated, and it is likely to be related to the smart villa."

Qiu Zhen chuckled and shook his head while rolling his eyes. He is Zhang Xin who hates the enthusiasm of igniting the flames everywhere. This is a complete villain, but the king still trusts him, which makes Qiu Zhen very uncomfortable.

Tang Yin asked puzzledly, "What is the basis for Mr. Zhang to believe that the Assassin Association has a relationship with Smart Mountain Villa?"

Zhang Xin said positively, "Master, if you think that Lord Xuan will be the one who benefits the most if he is assassinated? Ingenious villa! Although the king let Xia Yufu supervise the Ordnance Division, the Ordnance Division is actually in the hands of the Lord Here, the manufacture of our military ordnance is still under the command and transfer of Lord Xuan, and if Lord Xuan is killed, the Ordnance Division will be completely in the hands of Xia Yufu. In the future, the development of our ordnance will also be Under the control of Smarty Mountain Villa, if Smarty Mountain Villa had two minds, to do something about our army's ordnance, the consequences would be disastrous. "

After listening to Zhang Xin's analysis, many ministers present couldn't help stimulating Lingling to fight the cold war, and Tang Yin also took a deep breath. Zhang Xin's statement is not unreasonable, but does the ingenious villa really have such a big ambition? Really dare to take the risk to assassinate the Middle Minister?

He pondered for a long time, then slowly shook his head, and said quietly, "Should not. If Xia Yufu wanted to hurt me, he wouldn't save me in the first place."

Zhang Xin showed a look of anxiety and said hurriedly: "In the beginning, Xia Yufu saved the Great King but he was helpless, not to mention that Xia Yufu did not have to let Xia Yufu know ... Wang Yingming, the reasons , No need to repeat it automatically. "

Tang Yin understands Zhang Xin's meaning. Xia Yufu is a man of skill in the villa. As long as she can lift her to the position of head of the arms department, it also means that she is in control of the arms department. As for Xia Yufu's own wishes, then unimportant. Tang Yin was silent, at this moment, Qiu Zhen said: "It is a matter of great importance, involving the lives of many people. Master Zhang has just decided on the basis of his own speculation that the ingenious villain will be accused of undermining the Minister of Assassination. ?! "

Zhang Xin ruled the history of Su Su, and was deeply favored by Tang Yin. He was not afraid of the sky, and he was not afraid of the ground, but Qiu Zhen, the left-handed prime minister, was quite frightened. He chuckled and said, "Qiu Xiang, Xiaguan just talks about things and makes speculations based on common sense. Of course, I can't guarantee the truth of the matter, but I don't want to leave."

Qiu Zhen said coldly: "Many things cannot be inferred from common sense. To condemn others, there must be solid evidence."

Zhang Xin smiled slightly and started to argue. Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't argue anymore. When the dark arrow proves the assassin, things will naturally come to an end." He spoke, walking back and forth in the room with his hands on his back, mouth Li kept saying, "In front of me, I will hurt my minister, and I will not spare you!"

Everyone saw that Tang Yin was in a terrible mood, and people looked at each other and resigned.

Qiu Zhenlin asked Tang Yin for a trial of the assassin before leaving. Tang Yin nodded and agreed. Seeing Qiu Zhen going to interrogate the assassin, Zhang Xin turned his mind and scolded himself for being confused. How could he not win for this rare opportunity of meritorious service and favor Qiu Zhen instead. He hurriedly followed Tang Yin's request to be a jury.

Tang Yin knows Zhang Xin as a person. Although she likes to talk about it, she is still loyal to herself, and she doesn't dare to reverse the black and white in matters of major issues. Tang Yin thought for a moment and agreed to Zhang Xin for jury.

Shortly after the front feet of the ministers left, the three ladies of Tang Yin hurriedly approached from the outside.

"I heard that the king was assassinated outside the city?" Wu Mei was the most anxious, the first one rushed to Tang Yin, and asked with concern while looking up and down to see if he was injured.

Tang Yin smiled and comforted: "I'm okay, don't worry." Then he proudly said, "Before the two army formations, I still can move freely among the enemies. How can a few assassins hurt me?"

After listening to him say that, Wu Mei's face finally showed a wide smile, and then she frowned and said, "The king must be more careful in the future, and he can't leave the palace at will."

Tang Yin looked at Wu Mei's anxiety and couldn't help it. He suddenly felt that Wu Mei seemed to have matured a lot, and now he knew how to care for himself, which made him very useful. He gently held the charming tenderness, and nodded, "I understand."

Wu Mei asked: "I heard that Xuanwang is also injured. How about the injury?"

When mentioning Xuanwang, the smile on Tang Yin's face disappeared immediately, and he slowly shook his head and said, "One arm is useless."

Wu Mei's face was white, and she was surprised: "Have you been so hurt ?!" Among Tang Chen's many courtiers, Xuan Wang is regarded as an old minister, and one of the longest followers of Tang Yin. Wu Mei and Xuan Wang are also very familiar Now that I heard that he was hurt so badly, she felt uncomfortable, and her eye circles gradually became red.

Knowing that Wu Mei's personality seemed embarrassed, in fact she was very soft-hearted, and Tang Yin patted the back of her hand and said, "Fortunately, my life is saved. As long as people are okay, it is a blessing in misfortune."

"Well!" Wu Mei responded, but still choked in her tone.

While Tang Yin and the three ladies were talking, a guard outside ran up and reported recently: "King, Xia Jie, the ingenious villa owner!"

Huh! Xia Jie's news is so well-informed that I knew something had happened so soon! Tang Yin raised her eyebrows, nodded, and waved, "Let the owner of Xiazhuang come!"

"Yes! King!" The guard responded, and turned and walked away.

Tang Yin said to the three ladies, "You go back first, and I'll look for you when I'm done."

Wu Mei, Fan Min, and Yuan Qianyi naturally understand that Tang Yin was inconvenient to be present when they were dealing with the business. The three women left without saying anything.

Not long, Xia Jie walked hurriedly under the guidance of the guard.

"Xia Jie see the king!" Xia Jie knelt and Shi Dali greeted him.

Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "Mr. Xia, please! Ben Wang just visited Mr. Xia. Why did Mr. Xia come to the palace again to see him?"

Xia Jie straightened up and said, "The old man heard that the king left the villa and encountered an assassin on his way back to the capital. So he came to visit and saw the king was fine. The old man was relieved."

He said that visiting was only one aspect, and the main purpose was to clarify that he had nothing to do with the matter. After all, Tang Yin was assassinated on the way out of Qiaoqiao Villa, which makes it difficult for people to cast their skeptical eyes on Qiaoqiao Villa.

Tang Yin narrowed his eyes, the tiger's head turned into a hawk eye, and stared at Xia Jie. After a long time, he smiled and said, "It's really Mr. Lao Xia's trouble, the king is fine, and Mr. Xia no longer needs to Hang on. "

On Xia Jie's face, what Tang Yin saw was calm besides calmness. If he pretended to be out of it, it can only be said that Xia Jie's city hall was too deep and his acting skills were too clever.

Xia Jie did not come empty-handed, but also brought a few bags of top-quality tea, which is said to have the effect of pressing and condensing. Tang Yin only postponed it slightly, and then accepted it with a smile.

After the guest host was seated, Tang Yin asked some of his opinions and suggestions on the Division of Wind Machinery during the chat with Xia Jie ~ ~ Tang Yin's questioning seemed casual, as if it were a routine conversation, in fact Mystery, he wanted to explore through this conversation whether Xia Jie was paying attention to the Ordnance Division and how much he knew about the Ordnance Division.

However, Xia Jie couldn't answer Tang Yin's question at all, and he dared to put forward some opinions and suggestions about an institution that he knew nothing about completely and was in front of the monarch.

Observing its shape and listening to its words, Tang Yin did not see what Xia Jie would have in this matter, but the result of the trial of the dark arrow was beyond his expectation.

Except for the seriously wounded assassin who could not be interrogated, the other two assassins had confessed, and as soon as the confession was given, they were determined to be instructed by the ingenious villa, in order to assassinate Xuanwang.

Such a confession coincided with Zhang Xin's speculation, but Qiu Zhen didn't believe it, and felt that the assassin's confession was too easy. I did not see how much torture was used by the assassin, and the assassin confessed the 'truth'. Have so much courage to assassinate the Minister of Central China?

Qiu Zhen proposed to Cheng Jin that the confession was incorrect and had to be re-tried, while Zhang Xin had been impatient to meet Tang Yin with a confession to convict Qiaoshanzhuang.


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