Shan Yang quickly walked to Tang Yin and others, and arched his hand and said, "His Royal Highness the Wind, Shan Yang, the last, was ordered to protect His Highness back to the city."

Pan He had to be a poisonous hand to Tang Yin in public, which also made Ren Xinsheng vigilant. On the way back to camp, he specially arranged for Shan Yang to come back to protect Tang Yin.

Hearing the coming of Shan Yang, everyone was relieved, and Tang Yin laughed, "So ... then General Ma Dan."

"His Royal Highness does not have to be polite, and the end will also be responsible." Shan Yang said with a smile, humble.

Shan Yang was ordered to protect Tang Yin's return to the city. Ren Fang was really right. Although Pan He missed, Zhen Jun's determination to remove Tang Yin was not shaken.

Halfway along the way of Tang Yin's return to Jinyang, Zhen Jun, headed by General Pan He and Wu Jin, quietly laid an ambush, only to wait for Tang Yin to pass by.

To the surprise of all the Zhenjun people, Shanyang actually went with Tang Yin and others to accompany him, and the Zhenjun personnel who had found out the situation quickly reported to Pan He and Wu Jin.

At this time, Pan He and Wu Jin were in a yard near the street. When they heard the news from the following people, they both felt a shock. Why is Shanyang meeting with Tang Yin? This is troublesome.

Wu Jin frowned and murmured: "Since there is Shan Yang, I think our operation is difficult to succeed, General Pan, let's go back to General Han and return to life!"

Pan He's eyes and bones turned round and round, remembering the situation where Shanyang had stopped himself in the tavern just now. Anger rose from his heart and evil turned to the gall. He gritted his teeth and said, "At a critical moment, Shanyang's dog thief broke me. Now that he is protecting Tang Yin back to the city, the crime should be dead. I don't think we need to talk to him about the friendship of the alliance anymore, just kill him! "

Wu Jin heard that his face was changed, and even Shanyang was killed? Shan Yang is the general of Sichuan. If he dies in his own hands, things will go awry. Will Sichuan be able to give up? Wu Jin was calmer than Pan He, and he said anxiously: "I think ... you should first general Ming, and then make a decision ?!"

"It's too late!" Pan He Shensheng said, "Now go and report to the general and wait for the general to make up his mind before returning the order. Tang Yin * ran back to the city early! If you dare not do it, then I will do it alone, you are now Go now and save yourself from the trouble. "

Wu Jin was not an unknown soldier in Zhen State, but he was also a famous general. When he heard Pan He's words, his face suddenly couldn't stop, he sneered, his mouth scorned, and said, "I'm afraid of causing trouble? The two armies tortured me, and I died nine lives. Haven't you ever been afraid, but you're afraid it won't happen? General Pan, don't look down on people too much! "

Pan He laughed secretly, Wu Jin really couldn't stand his own excitement. He nodded his face in full face and said, "That being the case, then our two brothers will do a big thing today and kill Tang Yin!"

Wu Jin took a deep breath and calmed down, saying, "I listen to you, just do it!"

Pan He and Wu Jin decided to let go of Tang Yin and forcefully get rid of Tang Yin, knowing that there was Shan Yang escorting Tang Yin.

Zhen Jun, headed by the two of them, quietly lurked on both sides of the street, some lying on the roof, others hiding in the alleys of the hutong, only to be ordered by General Pan and Wu Er, and they would be killed together.

Let's say that Tang Yin and others, while walking toward Jinyang's inner city, also had a chatter without a word.

Tang Yin wanted to know more about the current situation of the Sichuan Zhenzheng Army by talking with Shan Yang, but Shan Yang's words were very few. Even if he answered Tang Yin's questions, the answers were vague.

After a conversation, Tang Yin also understood that this Sichuan general named Shan Yang was not an ordinary brave general. He was cautious and silent, and it was not easy to get out of his mouth.

As they walked forward, Tang Yin snapped her feet, squinting her eyes, and silently looking forward.

Seeing this, Jiang Fan, Cheng Jin, Shan Yang and others all looked at him in puzzlement, and then followed Tang Yin's eyes to look at the street ahead. The street was empty and there were no ghosts. They wondered why Tang Yin suddenly left.

"King, what's wrong?" Cheng Jin asked softly with concern.

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "It's a bit wrong." In fact, the Zhen army in front was very ambush. Tang Yin didn't see anything at all, but he was keenly aware that there was murderous energy in front of him.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Fan and Cheng Jin were both nervous. They both converged and focused on the front, but even though they were full of sight, they still didn't see any clue.

Shan Yang didn't notice anything, only when Tang Yin was nervous, he smiled lightly and said, "His Royal Highness don't have to worry. His Highness will be protected in the end."

Tang Yin didn't speak, but a faint black mist was scattered around his body. The black mist surrounded his body, condensing and not dispersing, which was a precursor to spiritual armor. Tang Yin didn't complete the transformation of the Ling armor immediately, but she first sent out the aura. If something was wrong, she could cover up the Ling armor for the first time.

Jiang Fan and Cheng Jin both followed Tang Yin's subordinates for a long time to understand his personality. If he did not find the existence of danger, the king would never be so close to the enemy. Jiang Fan and Cheng Jin also became nervous, imitating Tang Yin, spreading the aura outside the body, ready to complete the armor at any time.

Regarding their nervousness, Shanyang secretly shook his head and said nothing, followed Tang Yin and others to move forward.

They didn't go far before, all of a sudden, a whistle sounded from the house on the side of the street, almost at the same time as hundreds of Zhen soldiers stood on the roofs on both sides of the street. , Each holding a bow and arrow, aimed at the street center Tang Yin and others launched a volley.

Huh! Arrows flew like locusts, like lightning, and flew towards Tang Yin and others. Tang Yin, Jiang Fan, and Cheng Jin were well-prepared. At the same time, the three veiled their armor, and then fled out with shadow drift. Although arrows still shot at them, the Spirit Armor had prevented them.

The three of them flashed away, but the four followers brought by Shan Yang and Tang Yin did not drift in shadow.

Shan Yang deserves to be a top-ranked general in the country of Sichuan. He responded very quickly, even when he was unguarded, before the arrow shot, he covered the armor, and the eagle eagle nailed to him, clanged, and bounced to the ground, let alone the spirit on Shan Yang. The armor didn't even have a crack, he stood up and didn't move.

As for Tang Yin's four followers, none of them were spared, all died under Feiya and fell into a pool of blood.

The arrows had just come to an end. Suddenly, shouts were heard in the alleys on both sides of the street. Then, hundreds of Zhenjun swarmed out and went straight to Tang Yin, Jiang Fan, Cheng Jin, and Shan Yang.

In the face of the Zhen army like a wolf, Shan Yang still couldn't react for a while. While he dodged the Zhen army, he said in a deep voice: "I am the general of the Sichuan country, Dan Yang, who sent you here? Shiva? Where is your Lord? "

No one answered his question, Sergeant Zhen was sulking his head, and kept waving his sword. The sword was a best-effort killing move.

Some of these zhenzhen soldiers are ordinary soldiers, and some are deeply spiritual practitioners. If they are cut by their spiritual soldiers, even the spiritual armor of Shanyang cannot resist. Under their frenzied attack, Shan Yang was forced to back off again and again.

On the other side, Tang Yin and others are not easy.

Cheng Jin was surrounded by dozens of spiritual practitioners. Although there was a shadow drift, he could dodge every time he hit the ground, but it made people feel that the danger was still alive; Jiang Fan was taken away by Wu Jin. Wu Jin was Zhen Guo Meng general, brave and fierce fighting, and Gao Jun's strength is on par with him. Although Jiang Fan will not fall into the wind, but want to win him, it is difficult to achieve in a short time.

The zhen army that besieged Tang Yin was the most. About half of these zhen army were spiritual practitioners. The first one was not a bystander. It was Pan He who was facing Tang Yinliang in the tavern.

Pan Heyi wanted to do amazing work and attacked Tang Yin the most fiercely. He held a spirit sword and went forward to Tang Yin to strike a killer.

Although there are many enemies around him, Tang Yin is not nervous at all. He has encountered too many such scenes, and he has not experienced even bigger and more dangerous storms.

Tang Yin responded cautiously, seeing the move, and at the same time, she could watch the six roads and listen to all directions, avoiding the killing moves from time to time.

Seeing that many of them could not fight Tang Yin alone, Pan He was anxious and shouted at the surroundings: "All work hard for me, and today, Tang Yin should be taken down anyway!"

With the urging of his hoarseness, the siege of the Zhenjun people became even more fierce, and I saw that Tang Yin was full of sword lights and swords ~ ~ and he could no longer see him.

There are many enemies around, Tang Yin can hardly cast, and flashes to the encirclement of the Zhen Army with a shadow drift. At the same time, he has two more crescent-shaped playing knives in his hands. The two swords were spiritualized at the same time, and then did not have a weird sickle. When Tang Yin waved the sword, the three sergeants of the sergeant could not escape and were cut off.

There is no blood flowing out, only the white spirit mist emanates from the corpse, which is the effect of the soul burning by the fire of darkness.

"Tang thief was so restless!" Pan He shouted, rushed out of his own crowd, saw Tang Yin, shook his hands and threw out a note of chaos and wind.

Tang Yin could not care about killing other enemies, and once again performed Shadow Drift, flashed directly to Pan He's side, the sickle in his hand waved forward and cut across Pan He's chest. The latter also responded quickly, blocking his sword immediately, and when the earwheel heard a crisp sound, Pan He received the impulse of the sword and took three consecutive steps backward to stabilize his figure.

He stared at his eyes in disbelief, staring at Tang Yin. He couldn't think of the monarch Tang Yin. He was so powerful and so powerful! He was still strangling, and Tang Yin's last move came again. Sickle stood up to Huashan and took his brain.


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