Chapter 708

The result, as Tang Yin expected, was that Wei Zheng was disgusted by the dozen or so warships he arranged.

Their more than ten warships did not sink an enemy ship, but they collided on the river, which led to the sinking of more than ten warships and ten Ningjun warships. More importantly, this section The water was relatively shallow, and more than 20 large warships sank to the bottom of the river. The following warships were affected by it. The bottom of the ship was more or less injured. Wei Zheng's fleet forced it through and did not go far. More than a dozen warships were sunk because of severe damage to the bottom.

The battle of the Zhanghe River has finally been defeated by Wei Zheng, and the capture of the Ning Army camp by the wind army is over. In this battle, the wind army was the victor, but the casualties were much heavier than the Ning army. The largest loss was the Skyhawk Army. The number of casualties was more than half, followed by the Plains Army, then the direct army, and the Three Marines. The total casualties of the entire army exceeded 150,000.

Although it was a victory, it was also a terrible victory. Fortunately, the reserve was adequate, and 150,000 casualties did not reach the point of great injury.

Tang Yin was brought into the Ningjun camp by the plain army generals.

Come and look around and see the dead bodies and the wounded most.

All the bodies of Ning Jun were buried on the spot. There is nothing to say. The soldiers killed by the Wind Army had to be transported back to their homeland. When the dead bodies were sorted, the mountains were piled up one after another. The soldiers who had carried the dead bodies could not cry. Numbness, just looking at the military badges of the dead hanging on a wooden shelf in front of the corpse pile, dense and shocking.

It is not difficult to imagine the bitterness and hardship of this battle without having to visit the battlefield, and just looking at the post-war endgame.

Then Tang Yin, who was hard-hearted and steel-hearted, was also moved. He looked at the plain generals who were behind him. All of them were covered with blood. Even the incompetent Xiao Muqing was broken in armor and covered with sharp weapons. Under the dent.

Tang Yinyou said: "Mu Qing, this battle ... it's really hard for you."

With a simple sentence, Xiao Muqing almost burst into tears. He arched his hand and said, "The end will not dare to talk about hard work, but the brethren below, born to death, fighting blood and blood, that is really hard work."

Tang Yin stopped, turned back and patted his shoulder vigorously, and said, "One hundred thousand strong attacked more than two hundred thousand, broke the barracks, and the whole world, only the plain army commander Mu Qing can do this.

Xiao Muqing straightened up, and once again hesitated, saying, "Xie Da compliment."

Tang Yin sighed long and said, "This battle is strong, and it is indeed the first legion of my strong wind." After speaking, he continued to walk inside the camp.

As the so-called first will become famous, it can become a generation of famous generals, and can get the affirmation and praise of the monarch. It was piled up with countless blood and life.

Seeing that the king came over, the soldiers sitting on both sides stood up, most of them were wearing colored bandages, bandages, and looked at Tang Yin with an eye to eye.

Seeing this, Tang Yin took his steps and waved at the crowd, saying, "Brothers, sit down and rest!"

"King!" People stepped in and greeted Tang Yin.

Tang Yin's heart was hot, and she didn't say much, but she gave a salute to the soldiers on the left and right.

Seeing the king saluting himself to ordinary soldiers, people were startled, and they all kneeled on one knee in unison, saying in unison: "The king--"

Tang Yin didn't stop much, and Xiao Muqing and others left for the camp.

Tang Yin was somewhat surprised by the layout of Ning Camp. The big camp was set up with small camps, and the layout was quite unique. He asked Xiao Muqing around him: "Mu Qing, why should Ningjun Camp be like this?"

Xiao Muqing smiled indifferently and said: "The king does not want the layout of the camp. The internal camp is connected to the dock. If our army attacked the front and broke through the Zhang River, it would board 6 from here. After landing, it would be trapped in the internal camp. Shi Ningjun ascended the wall, and it was difficult for our army to break through. The Ning army ’s internal battalion had both offense and defense. Our army attacked from 6 places. The internal battalion was the last line of defense of the Ning army. If it came from the water, The inner camp is the first line of defense of the Ning Army. "

"That's it!" Tang Yin nodded suddenly and realized with a smile: "So cleverly conceived. This camp should be ..."

"It was from Chang Sun Yuanhong." Xiao Muqing replied.

"Oh!" Tang Yin murmured, "Long Sun Yuanhong, this man is both intelligent and brave, really amazing!"

"Unfortunately, he will not be a man. He is too proud and incompatible with Ning Guo's court." Xiao Muqing shrugged. "If he has not been transferred back to Liangzhou, the Ning camp should be guarded by him. Our army wants to capture it, but it may not be so. Easy. "

After a pause, Xiao Muqing said, "King, our army should rest here, it will not be easy to move west in a short time."

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows, glanced at him, and asked, "Why?"

Xiao Muqing said positively: "In this battle, our army suffered a lot of casualties. It is necessary to take a break. Second, our army is close to Liangzhou and Mojun. The king should let Mojun go deep into Ningdi first, and put pressure on Liangzhou. In the future, even if Chang Sun Yuanhong is dispatched, he will first deal with Mo Jun, not our army. "

Tang Yin raised a small hill with a brow, and asked in a dark tone, "What? Are you afraid that Chang Yuanyuan will not succeed?"

Xiao Muqing said with an arched hand: "The end general is not afraid of him, but hopes to compete with him on the battlefield. However, in this way, our army's casualties will be heavy, but Mo Jun will be cheaper. Besides, the king's ambition is not Every country in Ning Ning, the more soldiers left in this battle of Ning, the greater the help for the great achievements of the King in the future. "

Tang Yin glanced at him deeply, not speaking for a long time. Xiao Muqing's remarks are not without reason. During the national warfare, one shouldn't be swayed and take jokes about the lives of the soldiers below. And now the wind country isn't sitting back and worrying, the two countries of Sichuan and Zhen are staring at each other, and they may raise soldiers at any time to commit crimes. If they consume too many troops this time, once there is danger, how can they cope?

Thinking of this, Tang Yin stretched his brow and chuckled a moment, and said, "Who said Mu Qing was not good at conspiracy? Your proposal is good, just as you said, our army will rest for five days in Hexi." Then he called back. Says: "Rakuten, Aika!"

"Subordinates are here!" Rakuten and Ai Jia hurried forward and stepped in to salute.

Tang Yin rolled his eyes and said, "Immediately pass a book to Shao Fang to explain the situation of our army in this battle. In addition, tell Shao Fang the specific casualties of our army, the more detailed the better."

Lotte and Aijia frowned secretly, because Fengmo is an alliance. After the war, they explained to the other party that the situation should be, but although the battle was won by their own side, the victory was not beautiful, and the degree of casualties was far better than the defeat. Ning Jun, such a shameful thing, why is the king still showing off?

Seeing his incomprehension, Tang Yin said with a smile: "Shao Fang is a man, he is self-conscious and arrogant. Our army has won so miserably in this battle. He must laugh at it and speed up the attack. He wants to be the first. After entering Liangzhou, we will give him an encouragement. "

Lotte and Ai Jia glanced at each other, both smiled, and arched hands and said, "Yes! My subordinates will send a book to Mo Jun's flying pigeons."

The wind army with Tang Yin was stationed at the big camp in Hexi, saying it was resting, but the whole army was not idle. On the proposal of Qiu Zhen, the wind army fought around and launched attacks on the counties and cities of Hexi County to achieve control. The purpose of the whole territory of Hexi County.

Hexi County has three counties and eight cities, three of which are located along the Zhanghe River. These three cities are also the main producing areas of the Ning State warships.

Tang Yin really frightened the water battle, and realized the importance of the water battle. He first sent troops to attack these three cities.

The main force of the Ning army had fled with the Wei conquest, and the entire territory of Hexi County was empty. It could not resist the attack of the Wind Army. Most of the resistance in the cities came from the civilians. It may be that such a temporarily formed civilian group can deal with the bandits, but it is undoubtedly a night talk to counter the regular army of a country.

Feng Jun did not take much effort to win the three cities. He adopted a soft-hearted policy towards the civilian groups organized by the people, and executed only a few leaders. As for the people below, they never blame. Tang Yin's sudden kindness is not his generosity. He needs these three cities to build warships for the wind country. If the killing is too heavy, it will rebound and be detrimental to the overall situation.

Down the three cities along the water, and then the wind army invaded Hexi Nei 6, and took another five cities. To these five cities, Tang Yin was not polite, and passed down military orders. If there was a resister, kill without amnesty, resist the mighty, and slaughter the entire city.

Feng Jun strictly implemented Tang Yin's orders.

When they attacked the first city, they encountered strong resistance from the people in the city. The defenders in the city were all the people in the city. After breaking the city, the wind army poured in from the four gates of the east, west, south, and north, and massacred the people in the city.

This killing ~ ~ From day to night and from day to daybreak, more than 200,000 people were beheaded and killed in the city, and few people survived. After the killing, it was a mad looting. At this time, the Fengjun was like a red-eyed bandit. When he saw what he robbed, he carried all the valuable things in the city, and when he left, he burned the city and the people's bodies. It was clean.

The brutality and cruelty of the wind army played a deterrent role to a certain extent. The next four cities that attacked had little resistance. The wind army was almost bloodless and took the four cities lightly.

If the wind army still converges in Hedong County, it is considered to be its own land. In Hexi County, it is completely disregarded. In addition, the wind army's discipline is relatively loose, especially the direct army. Do it. In a few days, it was the direct army that gained the most and seized the most trophies.

When Qiu Zhen submitted the loot account to Tang Yin, Tang Yin also laughed, and the army directly under Lianzan deserved to be his close army, and he was working **** the battlefield.

Xiao Muqing, Liang Qi, and Ziyi smiled secretly. The Plains Army, Sanshui Army, and Tianying Army only robbed the wealth of officials or large households, while the immediate army saw what they robbed, regardless of whether the other party was a common person or a rich man. It is precisely because of the lawlessness of the direct army, that Feng Jun's reputation is extremely bad, which makes Ning people fearing like tigers and leopards and moving to the west to take refuge.

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