Although the man in black ran away with Tang Yin's block, but Tang Yin could catch up if he really wanted to chase him, but he felt it was no longer necessary, and the other party didn't mean to talk to himself, even if he caught up, You have to fight, and you are not an Anguo person. There is no need to kill Anguo for the people.

Glancing at the direction in which the man in black disappeared, Tang Yin shook her head and turned to leave. Suddenly, in the corner of her eyes, there was a glimmer of black light on the ground. He lowered his head and took a closer look. There was a black metal sign in the haystack on the ground. He picked it up curiously and turned it over in his hands.

The brand elephant is made of black iron and is heavy in the hands, with patterns and handwriting on both sides. One side is engraved with landscape paintings. Between the mountains, surrounded by white clouds, waterfalls flow, the ponds are wavy, the picture is delicate, and the photos are slick, and there is a dark word engraved on the top of the landscape painting. Turn it over and look at the other side. A big chrysanthemum, there is also a word above it: flower.

Landscape painting, dark; chrysanthemum, flower! What does it mean? Tang Yin was puzzled with a sign. After pondering for a while, he shook his head, scattered the armor on his body, and shoved the iron plate into his arms. This brand is likely to have fallen from the man in black just now. Although Tang Yin couldn't figure out what it meant, it is estimated that the man in black should belong to an organization, not an ordinary thief who fights alone. A brand is like a token held by a member of the organization.

What organization would have a baby that was only a few months old? As he walked out of the forest, he wondered secretly, there are thousands of worlds, there are all kinds of wonders, it seems that the world outside the wind country is more complicated than he imagined!

Tang Yin had just stepped out of the woods, listening to a rushing wind breaking in front of him, and at the same time, three cultivators covered in spiritual armor rushed out of the haystack, blocking him.

The three of them looked at Tang Yin up and down without blinking, and the eyes of the three were flashing strange brilliance, which was the insight of the bright and spiritual spirit.

& t; Darkness! & t; After the three explored Tang Yin with insight, they said in unison.

Oh no! Tang Yin was so clever. The first time I realized that there was a misunderstanding. The man in black was just a dark spiritual practitioner. He was himself. The man in black ran towards the woods. He just came out of the woods again. How can there be such a coincidence? Without waiting for the other three to ask questions, he had a bitter smile and looked up at the three and asked: & t; If I said I was an unrelated person who happened to pass by, would you believe it? Upon hearing this, the three spiritual practitioners did not know whether they were amused or amused. They both laughed and laughed. The person in the middle stepped forward and said quietly: & t; is your foolish ghost? & t; The woman on his left hand said with a sneer: & t; Your Excellency is also a hard-to-see spirit martial artist. Since you have the courage to do it, why not admit it? In terms of Tang Yin's age, the cultivation of the spiritual realm is absolutely a wizard of the world, but his cultivation is not derived from cultivation, but is absorbed through the fire of darkness. It has nothing to do with its own talent. After listening to the other party's words, Tang Yin already knew that the trouble was not to be thrown away. At this time, it would be useless to say more than to fight with the other three.

& t; Although it's hard to believe, I did follow the thief who just came here, but I know you wo n’t believe it. If you do n’t believe it, go for it! & t; Tang Yin beckoned to the three with ease, and at the same time, his arms were covered with spirit armor.

Only cover the arms with spiritual armor. This is half-spirit armor. Of course, the practice of the other party is not so bad, so why only complete half-spirit armor? All three were in doubt, and the man in the middle said: & t; brighten your sword! & t; Tang Yin shrugged and said: & t; There is no need, you can do it! & t; So crazy! No matter whether Tang Yin was the baby thief who just stole the baby, just listening to him would make people angry. The three spiritual practitioners faced the eyes, then fanned apart, sandwiching Tang Yin in the middle. Without any warning, the three played at the same time, with three spirit swords, stabbing Tang Yin's front and back heart and the left side rib.

All three were surprisingly quick, and they came in three different directions. I felt that if they could not hurt each other, they would definitely mess up their hands.

What is unexpected is that Tang Yin is standing still, her feet are not moving like roots, but her body is shaking from side to side, she leans back to avoid the side sword, and then tilts to the side, flashing the killing tricks behind her. When the spirit sword in front of him stabbed to the front, Tang Yin did not dodge any more, but instead reached out and grabbed it, and immediately held the blade of the sword in his palm.

In front of him was the only woman among the three spiritual practitioners. When Tang Yin clasped her spirit sword, she whispered in her heart, carried her whole body strength to her arm, and lunged forward. . The sharp edge of the spirit sword is naturally better than the spirit armor. The opponent only wants to grasp her own spirit sword with the spirit armor on the palm. In her opinion, it is simply impossible.

What she thought was true. The soldiers were indeed much harder than the armor, but that had prerequisites, and the cultivation of the two sides was about the same. At this time, Tang Yin ’s practice had reached the level of spiritual heaven, and the tenacity of the spiritual armor covered on the palm was completely usable as a spiritual soldier, but her practice was only around the Lingyuan Realm, which was very different from Tang Yin ’s. How could her spirit sword break away from Tang Yin's palm?

Even if she tried her best, Tang Yin's palms were like iron tongs, holding the sword of her sword, and Wen Si wasn't moving. She was taken aback by this, and her face changed suddenly. The other two spiritualists also realized that she was in danger, and both rushed forward to rescue them, but they did not wait for the two to rush to Tang Yin. The latter was extremely fast. Pulling the spiritual sword back in the ground, the female spiritual practitioner couldn't stand, and bumped into Tang Yin's arms. While she was horrified in her heart, her body stiffened. Tang Yin took the spiritual sword in her hand. The palms crossed, and they were combined at will. The spirit sword turned into a ball like a piece of paper. Then he waved his palm to the side, throwing the twisted and unshaped steel sword aside, and held his hands to the woman. On the shoulders of the spiritualists, he smiled and said: & t; Duel is a duel, it is useless to give a hug, and do n’t eat the beauty scheme in the next place! & t; Tang Yin was joking, but after listening to that female spiritualist, her face became red and purple. Fortunately, her body was covered with a spiritual armor. Others couldn't see her face, otherwise she had to look for shame. Get in. She didn't know what it was like at this moment. She gave a poke and waved her fists to Tang Yin's smiling cheek.

Tang Yin does not have a spirit armor on her body. If she is hit by her, her head may be broken, but she punches faster, Tang Yin moves faster, her feet swept away, and the female spiritualist ’s fist has not hit him yet. Nearly, the man had fallen sideways, Tang Yin then lowered his body, smashed his fist, stopped at an inch above the tip of the female spiritualist's nose, and then he said quietly: & t; you lost! & t; As soon as his voice fell, a cloud of black mist suddenly rose around him, and the man had disappeared out of thin air. At the moment he flashed out, two spirit swords were also stabbed from behind, of course, Tang Yin was not stabbed, only He casts the dark mist that emanates from the shadow drift.

& t; Yu, are you okay? As Tang Yin flew away, two other spiritual practitioners rushed forward, pulled the female spiritual practitioner from the ground, looked her up and down, and saw that she was not injured, and they were relieved.

The female spiritualist was also in a state of horror, and was shocked by the cold sweat. After rising, she subconsciously touched her cheek, and secretly booed. The two spiritual practitioners glared at Tang Yin, squeaked with teeth, and both yelled, and they were about to rush to Tang Yin.

At this moment, the female spiritualist reached out and grabbed the arms of the two, shaking her head and saying: & t; he is not the thief just now, so no more fights. & t; After hearing what she said, the two spiritualists were both surprised, and Qi Qi turned to look at her and asked: & t; why did you say that? & t; & t; If he was really the thief just now, he would have a chance to kill me, but he didn't ... & t; opening to admit that it is not easy to be inferior to others, but she also has to admit that the young man's spirit is already amazing and even makes people feel incredible. If he is really a thief, he would simply There is no need to run, even if these people are tied together, they will not hurt him.

After hearing what she said, the other two spiritualists frowned. If you think about it, she also makes sense. The three of them have already seen his true appearance. If he is really a thief, he must kill and kill him. Why bother? What about mercy?

Before waiting for the two of them to speak ~ ~ Tang Yin flashed ten meters away and said with a chuckle, "This girl has more reason than two friends, how about it?" Do you have to fight again? & t; & t; Huh! & t; The two spiritual practitioners really couldn't get used to Tang Yin's stance of supremacy, and both hummed, saying: & t; Even if you are not a thief, that doesn't mean you have no relationship with that person! & t; Tang Yin smiled, but was just laughed, shook his head and muttered: & t; It seems that the ease of life has been too long, even the mind will be degraded. If the people of Anguo are as idiots as you, it will sooner or later be destroyed. & t; His voice is not loud, but it is enough for the three of them to hear clearly. The faces of the three spiritual practitioners were all changed, and they asked in unison: "Who is your Excellency?" & t; & t; Early Tang Dynasty, Ranger! & t; Tang Yin reported his fake name again, and added Ranger to cover his identity by the way. He smiled at the three of them and said, "Thanks, you should spend your energy on the real thief. Goodbye! After speaking, Tang Yin's body disappeared. When she reappeared, she appeared at a distance of twenty meters away, and then the back body disappeared again. When she appeared, there was only the back in the shadow.

It's too fast, so fast that the three of them won't even be able to mention it. With only three flashes, Tang Yin's body disappeared into their sight, looking at the direction he left, and the three of them muttered at the same time: & t; Tang Chu ... & t;

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