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"Fart! Is Lingwu in this palace comparable to you, and you still need the protection of this palace?" Xiao Xiang was so angry, but she immediately realized that there was something in Tang Yin's words, and she paused and carefully. Asked: "What does it mean that Your Highness said to send this palace back home?"

Tang Yinxuan laughed, and asked, "Isn't the princess knowing that this secret passage goes straight to Sichuan?"

Xiao Xiang's heart trembled, her eyes unconsciously revealing shock, how did Tang Yin know that this secret passage would lead to Sichuan?

She talked for a long time, and when she saw this, she could be sure that her guess was correct even if she did not admit Tang Yin herself. He asked with a grin, "What's wrong? Has the princess' tongue been carried away by the cat?"

Xiao Xiang came back, calmed down, stared at his eyes, and said, "Wang Palace ... Why is this palace talking? This palace doesn't know what you are talking about."

Dead duck mouth hard! When you come out of the secret passage, how do you explain it? Tang Yin laughed inwardly, reached out and clasped her wrist, and said, "The princess may know, or don't know. Now, I have to do business with me first."

"Why ... what's the matter?" Xiao Xiang twisted her wrists as she asked, trying to break away from Tang Yin's control, but Tang Yin's large arm covered with Ling Jia was like iron tongs, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break away Cents.

"Arrest Zhang Murong, and by the way look at where the exit of the secret road is this time!"

Tang Yin said lightly, but it made Xiao Xiang's heart feel cold. If she really wanted Tang Yin to go to the exit of the secret road, then all she did would be revealed. By then, the army of the wind country would likely attack the Sichuan country.

Thinking of this, she turned her eyes continuously, whispering in her heart, and muttered in a low voice: "As long as Zhang Murong is caught, why bother to explore it, what if there is an institution in the secret way?"

Tang Yin shrugged and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of a princess company, even if there is a tiger's lair in front of me."

Xiao Xiang heard the words, and even rolled his eyes and greeted Tang Yin's ancestors' eight generations collectively in his heart.

Tang Yin dragged Xiao Xiang to the depths of the secret road unhurriedly.

This closed passage is very spacious and just right in height, so that you can straighten your waist without being too uncomfortable. Tang Yin nodded secretly, praising: "To dig such a long secret passage, even if there is enough manpower, I am afraid it will take several months!"

Xiao Xiang didn't answer, just hummed in his heart.

Tang Yin continued to say to himself: "It seems that Sichuan has coveted Guankou City for a long time and quietly dug this secret way ..."

Xiao Xiang could not help but interrupt his words and said indignantly, "Who said that this secret passage was dug by Sichuan? Do you have any evidence?"

Tang Yin laughed: "Evidence? This secret passage has nothing to do with the State of Sichuan. You will know when you reach the end. When that happens, don't the princess refuse to admit it!"

Xiao Xiang narrowed his eyes and remained silent. In any case, he couldn't let Tang Yin walk out of the secret passage, let him not catch Zhang Murong, but how could he stop him with his own spirit?

Thinking of this, her gaze fell on the torch, and her mind moved suddenly.

Tang Yin walking next to her saw her face changing, although she didn't know what the ghost idea was in her little head, but she could also guess that it was inseparable.

He said cheerfully: "The princess is best not to do anything in the dark, otherwise, you and me are unlucky."

Xiao Xiang sighed, Xiang Xiang's shoulders fell down, and he said in a discouraged manner: "How dare you do anything in front of the palace under the Wind King Hall!"

Yep? Tang Yin turned to look at her.

The more obedient Xiao Xiang behaved, the more he felt wrong. He gave her a deep look, his mouth raised, and he didn't speak again. Xiao Xiang's half a catty is in his heart. Now that she is in her hands, she is not afraid of anything she can do.

I don't know how long it has been, Tang Yin estimated that he has walked more than five miles, he feels nothing, but Xiao Xiang on the side is exhausted and sweaty.

She stopped and panted, shaking her head and saying, "No, this palace can't move anymore, just stop and rest and go!"

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows, even though Xiao Xiang was a spoiled princess, but she was a spiritual practitioner after all, and her physical strength could not be so bad. He groaned for a moment, and the thief laughed, "If the princess can't move, the king won't mind holding you!"

Xiao Xiangyu's face turned red, staring at Tang Yin fiercely, and then flinging Tang Yin's arm that was tied up, Shen said, "This palace is not tired, let's go!"

Tang Yin laughed secretly, and pulled Xiao Xiang to continue. After a short time, Xiao Xiang stopped again. Tang Yin asked impatiently: "I said, Your Royal Highness, what happened to you this time?"

Xiao Xiang muttered, and waited for a while, Fang whispered, "This palace has to go to the toilet."

Tang Yin rolled her eyes, looked around, and asked, "Does the princess think there will be a hut?"

Xiao Xiang blushed and waved, "You ... just walk away ..."

Tang Yin stood still, staring straight at her. When Xiao Xiang saw this, he said angrily, "You look at me stupidly, I said I want to go to the toilet, you go away!"

Watching her for a while, Tang Yin breathed a long tone and said coldly, "You better not play tricks with me, otherwise, I can't promise what will happen to you!"

"What tricks can I play in this kind of ghost place? It should be you, not me!" Xiao Xiang said angrily.

"Huh!" Tang Yin stopped paying attention to her, loosened her wrist, and walked forward without looking back. He stopped when he walked about five meters away, and then said in a deep voice, "You better hurry, I don't have time to spend with you here."

"It's too close, go further!" Xiao Xiang held up the torch and waved at Tang Yin's back again and again.

Tang Yin forced the impatience in her heart and walked a few meters forward. As soon as he stood still, Xiao Xiang murmured with dissatisfaction behind him: "It's still too close, you can go further. Dignified monarch, do you still want to take advantage of people's dangers and take advantage of this palace?

If he had a piece of tape now, he would stick it on Xiao Xiang's mouth without hesitation. He walked a few meters more patiently, and said coldly, "Don't go too far!"

At this point, Xiao Xiang could no longer see Tang Yin's figure. Listening to his voice, he felt that he was far enough away from her, and then she slowly crouched down and drew a little bit under the wall.

She yanked her fingers at the corner of the wall, and quickly pulled out a fire twister from under the floating ground. Fire twister is made of oil paper, which is covered with gunpowder. Xiao Xiang lowered the torch and just wanted to light the twister, but immediately removed the torch.

She squatted in place, calmed down, closed her eyes, and calculated carefully several times, confirming that she is now in the right position, so she re-closed the torch to the fire twister, and finally crossed the heart and fired The twister lit.

Just listening to the sound of sand, the fire twister ignited in the middle, and the flame spread quickly to both ends. Tang Yin, standing ten meters away, was already impatient, he frowned, and asked loudly, "Are you okay?"

"Ah! It's coming, it's coming, you'll wait a little longer!"

Xiao Xiang answered in a hurry, but secretly ecstatic in his heart, you can wait for this palace to send you back to the West! After speaking, she also hummed the song easily and leisurely, covering her rustling sound with her singing voice.

Ugh! Tang Yin sighed helplessly, the woman is in trouble. Listening to Xiao Xiang's uncomfortable humming song, he shook his head with tears of laughter. He was waiting. Suddenly, his brows frowned, and he secretly said: What is this smell?

He didn't hear the burning sound of Twisted Contortus, but he smelled the smell of gunpowder after burning. Although the smell was very light, he couldn't hide from the better-known Tang Yin.

He only hesitated for a moment, immediately reacted, and made a bad cry, this was the smell of gunpowder after burning. At this time, he could not afford to avoid any suspicion, and there was a black mist around his body. Then, the person disappeared.

When he reappeared, he appeared on the side of Xiao Xiang, who widened his eyes and hadn't reacted yet. Tang Yin had pressed her under her. As soon as Tang Yin threw Xiao Xiang, she heard two bangs and bangs in the ear wheel, followed by a violent shaking of the mountain, the dust in the tunnel, the air rushing and the ground tremor Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang, lying on the ground, bounced upwards.

After the two loud bangs, the endless collapse sound followed. The two tunnels before and after began to collapse rapidly. The boulder was mixed with mud, completely blocking the way of Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang.

I don't know how long, when there is no sound in the tunnel, then look at the ground, where are the figures of Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang?

After a while ~ ~ An arm covered with a spirit armor first protruded from the dirt on the ground, and then the ground bulged. With a bang, Tang Yin sat up from under the dirt.

He took a big breath and took a moment to slow down before he remembered Xiao Xiang and dragged her out of the dirt.

He thought that there might be an organ in the tunnel, but he did not expect that the organ turned out to be explosives. In the relatively narrow tunnel, the power of explosives was magnified several times, and even Tang Yin was shocked with drowsiness and surge of blood.

Looking at Xiao Xiang again, the person has passed out. Fortunately, Tang Yin has protected her under her body, otherwise, even if she is not killed by the earthquake, she must be buried alive by the falling dust and stones.

Tang Yin loosened the body armor, pinched Xiao Xiang's wrist, and inspected her pulse. After feeling that she was just in a coma, it didn't matter that much, he was slightly relieved.

He secretly wondered that he had been standing here just now without moving. He should haven't touched the organ. How could a sudden outbreak occur?

Thinking of this, he drooped his eyes and naturally fell on Xiao Xiang.

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