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In the middle of the night, Chang Feng stepped out of his tent and strolled in the wind army barracks. Although his eyes could not be seen, the breath of the people around him could not be concealed from his ears.

After wandering, he heard that there were a lot of dark whistle in the camp of the wind camp, which showed that the defense was so strict that it could be seen that the wind army was really afraid of being stolen by the camp. He was pondering in his heart, and there were footsteps from the side of the girl, and then someone laughed loudly: "I thought that I couldn't sleep only, and Mr. Chang didn't sleep."

Is it Tang Yin? !! Chang Feng was a little surprised. He listened carefully and immediately judged that there were four people, including women, who could smell the faint body fragrance of the woman. He took his footsteps, stood upright, then turned around, giving a gift to Tang Yin. Obviously his eyes are blind, but he can be like a normal sighted person. This alone, Tang Yin admires Chang Feng.

He stood before Chang's cover and said, "Mr. Chang doesn't have to be polite." After a pause, he said, "Since you and I can't sleep, we can just talk."

Chang Feng didn't comment, silence was right. Tang Yinhan patted his neck with a smile and walked alongside him. He asked, "How did Mr. Chang's eyes get hurt?"

"Your Highness should know."

"Oh?" Tang Yin couldn't help looking at him and asked with a smile: "Why should I know?"

"His Royal Highness made good relations with his son. Besides, Brother Huangfu, Brother Lu, and Ye died in His Highness. His Royal Highness should know me well."

Chang Feng rarely spoke a long sentence, but it sounded awkward. There was no ups and downs in a paragraph, as if reading a sutra.

Tang Yin blinked, then smiled, nodded, and said, "I do know something about Mr. Chang, but there are many things I don't understand."

After a pause, he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Yes, Mr. Chang's three masters died in my hands. But Mr. Chang hated me so much?"

Chang Feng slowly shook his head and said, "I can't talk about it. I'm not an easy person to make friends with."

Yes! Through the memory of Huangfu Yucheng, Lu Yong, and Ye Zhuo, they did not have a good opinion of their master. Thinking of this, he chuckled a moment and asked, "Mr. Chang, would you like to know your impression in the hearts of your three masters?"

Chang Feng shook his head, and then said, "The fire of darkness is not good. It is even worse to use the fire of darkness to explore the secrets of others."

Tang Yin froze for a moment, and really thought about his words seriously. After thinking about it for a while, he nodded and said, "Perhaps, you are right."

What does His Highness want to know? "Chang Feng asked directly.

"Forbearance ..." Tang Yin hesitated, or said, "Mr. Chang should know Shadow Prison?"

"I've known it before, but I haven't seen it before, Your Highness has given me insight."

"You can't break through the shadow prison, but you can't be affected by the illusion. Why is this?" This is a puzzlement in Tang Yin's mind. "It's simple. Illusions are easy to tell." Before Tang Yin asked, Chang Feng continued: "At least for a blind man."

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and said, "Your brother has blinded his eyes in order to crack Shadow Illusion, but he still dies in Shadow Illusion."

"That's different."

"What is the difference."

"For a blind man, what he sees is always dark. Once a person or thing appears in front of him, he can immediately judge that it is an illusion. It is useless to blind his eyes temporarily, because he doesn't know What the blind man's world looks like will still be affected by illusions. "

"That's it!" Tang Yin nodded, seemingly understandable, and then asked, "So, is Shadow Shadow Prison ineffective for the blind?" "Of course not." Chang Feng shook his head and said, "Just my cultivation is deep enough, At least not worse than His Royal Highness. "

Hearing the low laughter beside him, he said solemnly: "Because my cultivation is higher than that of His Highness, my spiritual pressure can spread out of Shadow Illusion and feel His Highness's true body."

Tang Yin converged with a smile and said positively, "So, even if Mr. Chang is not blind, can he crack the shadow **** I cast?"

Chang Feng shook his head and said, "Absolutely not! If I were a normal person, I would definitely be affected by Shadow Illusion. Even if I let the pressure break through the Shadow Illusion, I would not be able to perceive His Royal Highness."

Tang Yin listened carefully and nodded while listening. The chat between the two of them is very interesting, one is always nodding, and the other is always shaking his head.

Unconsciously, the two went all the way from the vicinity of the Chinese military tent to Nanying. Tang Yin took his steps with a smile and said, "Mr. Chang stayed, and if we go on, we're going to Guankoucheng. Talking to Mr. Chang about Lingwu really benefits me a lot!"

Chang Feng also stopped, and asked, "His Royal Highness and I" unexpectedly met "tonight, is it really just to talk about Lingwu?"

"So what?" Tang Yin asked casually, but his heart moved.

"I thought that His Royal Highness would ask me about Guankoucheng." Chang Feng said frankly.

"There is nothing to ask at Guankoucheng, but I really have an important matter to ask Mr. Chang clearly." Tang Yin said positively.

This surprised Changfeng quite a bit. Except for Guankoucheng, nothing seemed to interest the Wind King. He asked, "What else does His Royal Highness want to know?" "What about this?" Tang Yin patted his neck and motioned to Changfeng to go back. He held his hands, pondered for a while, and asked: "Xiao Xiangdai How about Mr. Chang? "

"Very good," Chang Feng said without thinking.

Tang Yin heard that he was a little bit lost, but then he thought for a moment that a master such as Changfeng would respect him if he stayed with him.

He said quietly: "No matter how good Xiao Xiang treats Mr. Chang, after all, she is a woman, a dignified seven-foot man. It is a pity to obey a woman!"

Chang Feng shook his head and said, "I'm just an insignificant vain person. Her Royal Highness Princess is willing to accept me. I'm grateful. Without a princess, who would keep me blind?"

"I will!" Tang Yin blurted out without even thinking about it. He stood still, holding Changfeng's wrist at the same time, and said positively: "In my eyes, Mr. Chang is not a wasteful man, but a priceless treasure, a talent that cannot be exchanged for thousands of dollars."

Speaking of this, his tone was a little excited, and he continued: "Mr. Chang, I sincerely invite you. In the future, follow me. Here, I will not restrict Mr. Chang's freedom. Where do you want to go? Wherever you go, you can practice spiritual martial arts. If you want to fight a battlefield, you can fight a battlefield. You can even go to the Lingwu College to live in seclusion. There is no war, no state affairs, and no chores. As long as you can teach students by the way.

Even though he couldn't see Tang Yin's expression, just listening to his tone, Chang Feng could detect his urgency. He slowly lowered his head, wondering, "Your Highness wants to keep me. Don't you care about my origin?"

"Although I am not a sage monarch and a master, I also understand the principle of using people without doubt and doubts! Of course, Mr. Chang doesn't have to answer me in a hurry. You can think about it carefully. The gate of my country is also always available to Mr. Chang Open up. "Tang Yin was desperate for Changfeng. At this time, he was even a little afraid of the reply Changfeng gave himself. People like Changfeng once refused themselves and would like to talk to him in the future. may.

Don't look at Chang Feng's eyes being blind, but his heart is like a mirror. Tang Yin is sincere or don't have any plans for him. He can immediately judge, because of this, he is hesitant.

From the heart, of course, he is more willing to stay with Tang Yin, but once he chooses to follow Tang Yin, it may also mean that he will be against his master or even the entire Shenchi.

does it worth? Although he and Tang Yin share many sentiments, is he worth it?

Chang Feng shook his head secretly in his heart. For a moment, he was indecisive.

At this moment, someone came to me with a big laugh in front of him and said, "Brother Chang always said that he was a waste person. Since he is a waste person, why bother to worry so much?

After hearing Ge's words, Chang Feng was shocked, and said, "My son!"

"Brother Chang doesn't have to be courteous. Here, you and I have the same status, and are both our guests."

Ren smiled and walked over to face ~ ~ He nodded to Tang Yin first, and then said to Chang Feng: "I think I have more concerns than Brother Chang, but even I would like to stay in the Highness What's hesitant about Brother Chang? It ’s the so-called difference between the two. If Brother Chang is concerned about the elders of Huangfu, I do n’t think it is necessary. If it is the day when soldiers meet each other, Brother Chang Don't blame it if it's a big deal. I don't think His Royal Highness will blame Brother Chang. "

"That's right!" Ran Renken willingly stood up to speak for himself, Tang Yin immediately answered: "After all, Mr. Chang is an apprentice to the elder Emperor Changfu, and I'm not so unreasonable. Mr. Chang doesn't need to worry about it. Tang Yin With a sincere invitation, Ren Xiao also stepped forward to beat the drum. It was impossible to say that Chang Feng could not be moved. He lowered his head and remained silent for a while. The villain has to think again. "

Chang Feng did not immediately agree with Tang Yin, but through his self-proclaimed, he can also hear the changes in Tang Yin in his heart.

Tang Yin repeatedly nodded, with a smile on his face, patted Changfeng with one hand, and patted Ren Xiao with one hand, and said, "No rush, no plan, it's rare that we are all together tonight, go, let's drink!"

Ren Xiao laughed and had no opinion, but often closed it, and asked, "Drink? Isn't your Highness going to attack the city tomorrow?"

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