Chapter 766

Tang Yin hasn't been affectionate enough to think that Xiao Xiang, who has only met her two sides, will like herself, so, as Ren Xiao analyzed, she must have made such a gamble agreement, but what she plans is what?

He wanted to break his head and couldn't understand it. Because of this, after seeing that the deposit was still there, instead of relaxing his mood, he became more dignified. {/ 书 友 upload update} Unknown is the most terrible, because you do not know what will happen next.

When Tang Yin left the cellar with everyone, just past Hai, his deposit was not lost, and he had won the bet this time.

People smiled and smiled. Ye Tang and Gao Yu Er went to Tang Yin cheerfully and said, "King, Princess Chuan has no one in her eyes. This time, we are frustrated. When the King sees her, she will be ashamed. She did it! "

Tang Yin turned his corners of his mouth and turned to look at Ye and Senior Two. He blinked, suddenly, a flash of light in his head, and he realized something. He squinted his eyes and asked, "Who is in the Ninth Army camp at the moment?"

The ninth army coach Qi Heng is here, and the two deputy coaches Ye Tang and Gao Yu are also here. Where are there anyone in the military camp? Hearing his questioning, Ye Tang and Gao Yu shuddered, looked at each other, and did not dare to answer.

Qi Heng took a step forward and whispered: "King, the brothers General Ye and Gao are both worried about the safety of the bank, the military barracks outside the city ... temporarily, temporarily no one is in town!"

Tang Yin frowned, her eyes rolled, and she said suddenly, "It's been!"

The faces of all the people at the scene were all the same, and they didn't understand what he meant. Before people could even figure out what was going on, Tang Yin Shen Sheng ordered: "Dark arrows stay behind the county capital, the rest waited, and I rushed to the Ninth Army Camp immediately!"

Before speaking, Tang Yin had strode out of the meteor. Qi Heng hurried to catch up with Tang Yin and asked, "The king is worried ... my army camp will be attacked?"


"However, no enemy troops were found near Yujing. Our army's camp should ... should not be attacked ..." Qi Heng said with a puzzled expression.

"Do you think it is necessary to use a large army for sneak attack on the camp of the first army? Have you forgotten the lesson of the new army's front?" Tang Yin asked coldly without looking back.

Tang Yin's response was fast enough and his thinking was sharp enough. At this time, he realized that Xiao Xiang's gambling contract was likely to be a trick to get away from the mountain. To give the enemy a chance. -()

Unfortunately, he realized it was too late.

When Tang Yin led a general of Fenggan out of the county capital, he looked up and saw that there was light in Dongcheng. Now it is late at night, and of course the sky is not bright. People look at it, where is the light, but the fire.

I saw Dongcheng, the sky was burnt red, and the smoke billowed into the sky. People simply wondered if their eyes were wrong, Qi Heng subconsciously raised his hands and rubbed his eyes hard.

Lotte and Ai Jia were also gazed at each other, murmured: "Then ... it seems to be the ninth army's station ..."

As soon as the words of the two of them fell, they heard the sound of horseshoes on the street. Then, a wind soldier rushed forward on a fast horse. When Tang Yin and others were near, a thump fell off the horse and he Lying on the ground, can't wait to stand up, and shouted at Lotte: "General, bad things, the ninth army camp was attacked, and the granary in the army was burned!"

This sentence made everyone in the presence breathless. I was really afraid of what came and what I didn't expect was really spoken by the King. The Ninth Army stationed outside the city was attacked. Tang Yin, who had just sat on the war horse, clenched his reins, and his teeth clucked.

Now he finally understood why Xiao Xiang had to make this undefeated gamble with herself. She had no intention of winning at all. She had only one purpose, to evade the tiger.

Where is this gambling contract? It's just a joke on yourself!

Suddenly I heard a muffled muffled sound. The reins of the steed were pinched by Tang Yin's palm, his eyes were flaming with flaming flames, his face was so dreary and scary, he drank and waited, "You wait Hurry back to the camp and rescue the granary, how much you can save, fast! "

However, when you return to the camp at this time, where is the time? It ’s true that there are n’t many people stealing camps, but all of them are outstanding spiritual practitioners. Their goal is not to fight and fight with the ninth army generals, to set fire to the granaries, and wait for the fire. Those who did not stay for a while, closed when they saw good, and retreated immediately.

The Ninth Army also sent troops to hunt, but after all, the heavy cavalry was not a light cavalry, and the speed was too fast to get up. The Ninth Army chased and killed five miles away, but finally returned without success.

It was indeed Xiao Xiang's scheme to make a false bet and strike the out-of-town station of the Ninth Army. In terms of Feng Jun, her strategy has been successful, and she must have run away at this time, but in fact, Xiao Xiang not only did not leave, but also lurked near the county capital.

When Xiao Yin and his generals, headed by Tang Yin, stormed out of the county capital and headed directly to the Ninth Army garrison outside the city, Xiao Xiang had a proud smile on his face.

A middle-aged person next to her leaned slowly against her eaves and approached her, whispering, "The wind man was really led away by the princess. Now the emptiness in the county capital is a good opportunity for us to win silver. "

"Have you figured out where the silver is?"

"Subordinates have been sent to find out clearly, absolutely can not be wrong." The middle-aged man said confidently.

Xiao Xiang nodded and smiled sideways, "Since this is the case, it's our turn!"

Talking, her eyes moved on the masked man in black, and she bowed her head softly and said, "Mr. Black, if you can successfully win the army of the wind army this time, this palace will rely on you."

The masked man in black didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

The group of five people jumped back from the eaves to the courtyard. In this small courtyard, there were more than 20 people dressed as ordinary people sitting or standing. These people were all eyes brighter and the insiders were You can see that they are all superb spiritualists.

Xiao Xiang shook his head to the crowd, then led them out of the courtyard through the back door, and rushed to the county capital not far away. They did not dare to walk through the main entrance of the county capital, sneaked around behind the county capital, and jumped in through the courtyard wall.

Now, most of the guards in the county capital have followed Tang Yin to the station outside the city. The defense in the house is empty, which gives them these people an opportunity.

These spiritual practitioners have a lot of experience. After entering the county capital, they did not act immediately. Instead, they concealed in situ, confirming that there was no ambush and did not attract the attention of the enemy. Then they came out from the dark and went to the county capital together. Away from the cellar.

As they crossed the backyard to enter the atrium, a guard patrol came right in front of them.

The guards in Fengguo's guard camp are all elites carefully selected throughout the army. Although it cannot be said that everyone is a spiritual practitioner, spiritual practitioners also account for the majority.

Although Xiao Xiang and others were hiding fast enough, the guards were still alert.

The head of the small team shot the light with both eyes and cast an insight technique, and immediately found that there was a spirit pressure in front. He instinctively pulled out his sword and asked loudly, "Who's ahead? Come out soon!"

As soon as he showed his sword, the guards at the back drew his sword out. Seeing this, Xiao Xiang realized that her side could no longer be hidden. She shook her head to the surrounding people and said decisively: "Kill all those who hinder us!"

With her order, the spiritualists rushed out and rushed to the front patrol. A middle-aged man next to Xiao Xiang rushed to the front first. Before the person arrived, Lingwu skills came first. The sky's spirit blade swept at the guards.

The guards shuddered, and people had no time to think about it. They could only cast Lingwu skills.

It is a pity that their cultivation is very different from the middle-aged people. The spiritual skills of the two sides come into contact with each other. The stabs and blades cast by the guards instantly disappear, and the blades cast by the middle-aged people are castrated. Unabated, continue to fly forward.

Flutter, flutter, flutter! For a time, the sound of the spirit blade breaking through the ears kept on, the four guards fell to the ground on the spot, and looked down at their bodies. They were full of blood, large and small, and their limbs twitched.

The remaining guards were horrified. People screamed and rushed up with swords. They battled with middle-aged people and many spiritual practitioners. Another turned and ran back, wanting to give to their own. Companions report.

Before he ran out, there was a flash of electric light in the crowd, and he heard a flutter. The electric light did not enter the guard's heart, and his rushing figure rolled to the ground ~ ~ trembling a few times Then there was no movement.

The middle-aged man sneered, hurriedly came forward, unplugged the spirit sword he had thrown from the body of the guard, and then turned back to the crowd and said, "The cellar with Tibetan silver is in front, everyone will kill me with anger! "


The spiritualists shouted in unison, followed the middle-aged, and flew forward with full strength.

By the time they reached the entrance to the cellar, there were already more than one hundred Guardians of the Windland. People were neatly lined up, holding a crossbow in their hands and waiting.

Huh! I didn't expect Fengguo's guards to respond quite quickly, so they set up their positions so quickly. However, it can be seen from the number of guards that the county capital is indeed empty, and the combatable personnel are estimated to be here.

The middle-aged man hummed, and while covering the armor, nobody walked forward.

The leader of more than a hundred guards was named Zhang Xiang, and he held the rank of captain in the guard camp. Zhang Xiang stared at the middle-aged man who came forward with a big swing, his eyes flashed, and he yelled, "Arrow! Shoot and kill the enemy!"

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