Chapter 759

The handsome young man asked with a smile: "Listening to the accent, Xiongtai seems to be coming from the wind."

Tang Yin nodded with a smile, but did n’t mean to answer the message. The handsome young man eloquently said, “I ’m a Sichuanese and I ’ve always liked to travel around. . "

"Playing?" Yin Lan sneered, reminding and warning: "Anguo is fighting now, and soldiers are in chaos. This is not a fun place!"

"This girl is extremely true." The handsome young man didn't care about Yin Lan's cold words, he said to Tang Yin: "Yes, I forgot to introduce after chatting with Xiongtai for a long time. Your first name? "

The other party is so polite, Tang Yin is not good enough to behave too coldly, he said with a smile: "Early Tang!"

"Oh! It's Brother Tang! It's a fate when we meet. It's better if we go together, or we can take care of each other." The handsome young man invited himself.

Yin Lan rolled her eyes and couldn't help but say, "You don't know where we are going, what company we will be with, and what will we do?"

The handsome young man patted his head and laughed, "I'm really confused, right, where is Brother Tang going?"

"We are not going anywhere, just in Yujing." Yin Lan had said before Tang Yin answered.

"That's right, I just plan to stay in Yujing for a while, and wait until the war has subsided before returning to Sichuan. It's better ..."

"No need." Yin Lan planned to say, "You go down your Yangguan Road, we cross our single wooden bridge, and everyone will not commit river water."

Even if the handsome young people reconnected and became familiar with each other, at this time, Yin Lan felt her rejection of herself. He secretly wondered, hadn't he met her? He asked cautiously, "Have you offended this girl?"

"Why offend when you first meet?"

"Since you have never offended a girl, why is that girl so kind to the next ..." Indifferent and hostile?

Before he finished speaking, Yin Lan said impatiently: "You have no end? This girl has to eat!"

The handsome young woman was flushed with the jade face she scolded, but she gave a polite gift and said with a grin: "Sorry, I'm disturbing you." After speaking, he nodded to Tang Yin again before returning to his seat.

Seeing that he retreated, Yin Lan snorted again. Then he took his eyes off, picked up the chopsticks again, and just about to pick up vegetables, he found that Tang Yin and A San A Si both looked at themselves with puzzled eyes.

She moved to Tang Yin and whispered, "My son, his subordinates must be ill-intentioned."

Tang Yin raised his eyebrows. He didn't see any bad intentions in this handsome-looking young man, just because he was so passionate! Seeing his confusion, Yin Lan said: "Otherwise, why should women dress as men?"

"He's a woman?" A San A Si widened his eyes inadvertently, and looked subconsciously to the adjacent table.

"Of course!" Yin Lan said, "It's a man or a woman. I can tell at a glance that a woman, dressed as a man, came over and talked with her son, not ulterior motives or what?" ? "

If this handsome young woman is really a woman, then her behavior is indeed weird. A San A Si nodded thoughtfully.

Tang Yin smiled disapprovingly and said indifferently: "It is not convenient for a woman to go out, not to mention a pretty woman who is dressed as a man, but it is normal, nothing surprising."

Yin Lan murmured, and murmured, "Won't the king fancy her?"

Tang Yin froze, then raised his hand, tapped on the head of Yin Lan, and said with a good temper and amusement: "What are you thinking all day long in your head?"

"Oops!" Yin Lan screamed in pain, covering her forehead with both hands, her pitiful eyes full of complaints and accusations, she murmured, "It hurts, big ... son!"

The opposite A San A smiled at each other. No wonder Yin Lan was repulsive and hostile to others. She was originally afraid of the king's temptation. This girl is more and more like a housekeeper.

The handsome young man who was eating next to the table looked at them secretly, seeing the interaction between them, he frowned consciously, while revealing the meditation.

After a short time, Tang Yin and others finished their meals, put down a piece of broken silver, and were about to get up and leave. At this time, the handsome young man who looked down for dinner raised his head, looked at Tang Yin, and said with a smile: "Yes, brother Tang is the wind People, I think the news must be well-informed. I wonder when the battle for Anguo will be completed? "

Tang Yin groaned for a moment, and laughed, "There is not much left in the An Army remnants, so the war is about to end soon!"

The handsome young man nodded, then shook his head, and said, "I heard that Feng Jun is going to fight in Guankou City. I thought it would take a year and a half to go home this time!"

Tang Yin smiled on her back and said, "It won't take that long. In my guess, it will be two or three months at best."

The handsome young man looked happy and asked, "Can it really be so fast?"

Tang Yin shrugged and said calmly, "This is just my guess. Maybe, it won't take me two or three months!" After that, he nodded and walked downstairs without stopping.

Looking at the back of Tang Yin and others leaving, the lips of the handsome young man slowly raised, looking around at the four people with a smile, and asked with a smile: "Sirs, Feng Jun is going to win the mark within two or three months. Do you believe it? "

"Five sons, their subordinates thought that even if Feng Jun was playing for two or three years, he might not be able to hit Guankoucheng." A middle-aged man put down the chopsticks and said with a sneer.

The handsome young man named Xiao Wu smiled leisurely, and did not speak anymore, and continued to eat with his stuffy head.

Let's say that Tang Yin was out of the restaurant and walking on the way back to the county capital. Until this time, Yin Lan was still worried about the five people he met in the restaurant.

She said, "My son, just now the woman was a Chuan accent, and she herself admitted that she came from Chuan. Will she be a fine work sent by Chuan?"

"If it is Sichuan's fine work, it will not use the Sichuan accent, let alone recognize it from Sichuan."

Tang Yin laughed: "What's more, except for the woman you said, the four exceptions all have unfathomable spiritual martial arts. When it is a detailed work, it is really an overkill. I don't think Sichuan will waste such talent . "

A Sana nodded her head and said in a low voice: "The son is right, the cultivation of the four people is definitely not under us, especially the masked person ..." A Si licked his lips, Murmured: "The pressure he exudes is horrifying."

"Yeah." Tang Yin nodded, and he noticed that, even he felt that the masked man's cultivation was not under himself.

Of course, the world is big, crouching tigers, hidden dragons, no matter how deep the man's cultivation is, as long as he is not against him, then he has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't have to go to investigate and ask questions to cause trouble.

"This shows that they are not good at coming. The son must be more careful!" Yin Lan said worriedly.

"I know." Tang Yin did not take it for granted, but looked at Yin Lan gratefully.

He didn't take the five handsome young men to heart, but Yin Lan took care.

After returning to the county capital, Yin Lan immediately ordered the shadow personnel who had just entered Yujing and asked them to secretly investigate the whereabouts of the five people, their background and identity, in short, the more detailed the better.

Although the Shadow Detectives were all elites cultivated by Gu Xuan, they were not so powerful as to know everything.

For the five identities of Xiao Wu, the shadows could not be found, and there was no clue. They could only find out that they wandered around the city every day. The place they went was not regular. It seemed that a rich lady with nothing to do took With four servants.

After seeing the return of the shadows, Yin Lan thought it would not be so simple, and their purpose of going to Yujing was by no means just to play so simple. She didn't see any flaws, it was all out of her intuition.

But the shadow couldn't find out anything. After thinking about it, she decided to go out and see for herself.

Through the shadows, Yin Lan had already grasped the place where Xiao Wu and others had settled, and lived in an inn not far from the county capital.

That night, late at night, Yin Lan quietly walked out of the back door of the county capital. Outside the door, two shadow crews were waiting, and when they saw Yin Lan, they hurriedly intervened in saluting, and said respectfully, "Subordinates, please see Lord!"

Yin Lan nodded and asked, "They are all at the inn now?"


"Are all of us ready?"

"Yes, sir."

"Go!" Yin Lan no longer asked, she shook her head at them, and quickly ran towards the inn.

At this moment, the night was quiet, and the street was quiet, and no pedestrian could see it.

Yin Lan and his two shadow crew members flew fast and blinked to the inn. As soon as they arrived, two figures emerged from the alley beside the inn and greeted Yin Lan.

When they got to Yin Lan, they first gave a gift, and then whispered, "Sir, can you move?"

Yin Lan nodded ~ ~ Shen Sheng said: "Do it!"

"Yes!" The two promised, and went back into the small alley, and Yin Lan followed with two men.

One side of the hutong was the courtyard wall. The two people who went forward stood up, stretched out their hands to catch the wall, and then braced their arms.

The two squatted on the wall of the courtyard for a while to observe quietly, then both jumped into the courtyard, waited for a while, and did not hear any movement. Then they raised their legs, dropped their feet, and slowly walked towards a room in the courtyard. Walked over.

Yin Lan and the two men also jumped onto the courtyard wall at this time, but instead of coming down immediately, they watched the actions of their men intently.

I saw that the two came to the window of the house, first inserted a hole in the window paper, squinted eyes to look inside, and confirmed that the people inside were asleep, and then they took a small bamboo tube out of their arms. Penetrating through the broken window paper.

The two blew one end of the bamboo tube lightly, and the end that reached into the room immediately gave out a faint smoke, which was not long, and the smoke had permeated the entire room.

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