Chapter 410

This dark shadow is exactly Tang Yin. He had seen Pu Feng's city map before, and knew what direction Xuanwu Street was generally referred to by Pan Yuan. He sometimes walked through the street and sometimes used shadow drifting. It didn't take long for him to reach Xuanwu Street.

It is the main street of Pufeng. The road is spacious and there are many shops on both sides, but most of them have been closed. If there are only two shops on the long street, there are strings of lanterns. One is a restaurant and the other is It is a green building named Bai Garden.

Tang Yin quickly approached the blue building, first hiding in the dark place opposite the blue building, looking closely.

Don't look at it is late at night, but there are still a lot of people entering and leaving the mansion. Depending on their dress, they are basically Mo generals wearing general helmets. Waiting outside the gate of the blue building.

Tang Yin looked down at her dress, feeling that it was definitely impossible to walk in directly, and she had to sneak in. Thinking of this, he pulled away, avoiding the main entrance of the blue building, and quickly circled into the small alley behind the blue building. Seeing no one left or right, he jumped up, supported the wall with one hand, and jumped to the wall. He squatted over the wall and looked around the backyard of the blue building. There is no light here, black and rumbling, and Tang Yin's eyes flash with strange green light, and he can see the situation in the backyard clearly.

After squatting quietly for a while at the wall, he found two stones out of his arms, one big and one small, and then threw the big one into the courtyard first. This is the Pathfinder.

As the stones fell on the green bricks in the backyard path, a crackling sound was made, and the sound was not loud, especially in the green building where the dances were flattened. But even this insignificant noise caused trouble.

I saw a dark shadow rushing out of the corner of the backyard of the blue building, moving fast, like a black lightning, rushing towards the place where the stones fell.

It was a pure black hunting dog. Although it heard abnormal noises, the hunting dog didn't bark. Instead, it rushed straight in. Both eyes were like small green lights. The long canine teeth were outside.

Tang Yin squatting on the wall sneered in the heart, waved the palm of the small stone outward, the stone shot out, impartial, and was hitting the dog's head.

The hound whimpered, rolled on the spot, pulled forward two or three meters away before stopping, fell to the ground, motionless.

Tang Yin waited for a while and saw no further movements. Then she jumped off the courtyard wall, three steps and two steps, came to the hound on the ground, reached for the dog's neck, and threw it back to the corner of the backyard. Then, He walked through the courtyard and went straight to the front court.

There are three floors of Lord Lou. From time to time, there is a sound of laughter and jokes. Tang Yin thought for a moment, took a deep breath, and cast a shadow drift. Then he saw a black mist suddenly erupted all over his body. Then, people disappeared. Reappearing himself, he was already in the middle of the air. He lifted his feet and tapped down the wall of the pavilion, and performed the shadow drift again, and the person had flashed to the roof of the pavilion.

He leaned down, hooked his eaves on his feet, hung down in the air, slowly pushed a window through a gap, and then squinted his eyes to look inside.

Inside the window is a hall of a private room. There are a number of Mo Jiang drinking and having fun, and there are young and beautiful girls sitting around.

After watching it, Tang Yin lowered her eyes and pulled back to the roof.

There are too many people in this room, and he can't kill them all without alarming others. He can only choose another target. He walked cautiously on the eaves, moved three or four meters away, and reached the top of the lower room, and then repeated the tricks, still hooking the eaves of the house with his feet, pushing the windows under his head and peering into the inside. Inside the window was a bedroom and a bed. A pair of men and women were rejoicing, and the sound of heavy breathing came and went.

As soon as Tang Yin's heart moved, she slowly touched her back and pulled out the scimitar. The situation in the room made him very confident that the men and women on the bed would be beheaded at the same time, and there would be no noise or suspicion from anyone.

He came here not to assassinate, but to investigate intelligence. He hoped to find out whether there was a dark warehouse in the county capital. It is clear that this is either the soldiers guarding the county capital, or the general in Mo Jun.

Wanting to start from the county capital, the risk is too great, and the opportunity is hard to come by, so Tang Yin decided to go to the green house to come to Mo Jun general.

At this point, he had already pulled the knife out, and his eyes shot out a horrible cold, and the blade was burning with the fire of darkness. When he was about to rush directly into the room, he could think about it and kill the idea again. Habitat pressed back.

It is nothing to kill a woman in a blue house, but the sudden disappearance of a Mo Jiang will definitely cause the city's Mo Jun to be highly vigilant, and if it is not good, it will also make Mo Jun's senior officials suspect that spies have entered the city. Action can be more difficult.

After repeated consideration, Tang Yin felt that the risk of starting with General Mo was too high, and it was not clear whether the other party's rank was high or low. Can he understand the dark position?

The dark fire of the scimitar in his hand gradually dissipated, and the body hanging on the eaves retracted again.

The mojiang who was enjoying Wenrou in the room could not even dream of it. When he was happy, in fact, one of his feet had already stepped into the gate of the ghost gate, but it was only because Tang Yin temporarily changed his mind that he escaped by accident. .

Tang Yin was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the eaves, holding her chin and lost in thought. What could be done without causing Mo Jun's suspicion and exploring the situation?

Tang Yin, who was so smart and responded so quickly, had no idea at this time and couldn't think of a great solution.

The three stinks will be Zhuge Liang. It seems that I have to go back to Lotte and Cheng Jin to discuss it again.

Tang Yin wanted to give up tonight's action, but was really unwilling. When he reached the edge of the roof, he bent down again, pried open the window, and peeped into it.

This is still a suite, very large and luxurious. All the decorations are inlaid with gold and silver. Tang Yin now looks at the inner room. There is only one person and one woman in the room. Tang Yin couldn't see what she looked like, she was facing away from him.

The woman was sitting in a large bucket and was taking a bath. The room was full of water vapor and looked smoky.

It was just a woman and no one else. Tang Yin was a little disappointed and was about to shrink back, but then she changed her mind, suddenly changed her mind, pushed all the windows that had been pried open a gap, and then flashed with a shadow drift. Into the room.

He flashed in instead of jumping in as the shadow drifted, so he didn't make any noise. But even so, the woman taking a bath still felt something strange behind her. Sometimes, I have to admire women's intuition.

The woman turned back subconsciously, just to see Tang Yin who had just entered the house, and their eyes hit each other in the air.

The woman's complexion changed, her mouth opened instinctively, and she was about to scream, but the shout could not be heard in the future. Before Tang Yin had walked, she clasped her throat and slammed back the shout she was about to make. Into her belly.

At this point, the two were close at hand, and they could clearly see each other's appearance. Although Tang Yin has seen a lot of beautiful women, the girl in her 20s still made him shine. She was beautiful and gave birth to a charming charm from her bones. This is exactly the most deadly attraction for men. force.

At the same time, the girl also saw Tang Yin's looks, and there was only one feeling in her heart, a handsome man! Don't look at her young age, but she has already read countless people. A handsome man like Tang Yin, she still rarely encounters.

For a moment, she even gave birth to no matter what the man who broke in suddenly wanted her, she would not speak up. Unfortunately, Tang Yin couldn't hear her voice, or even if she heard her voice, she couldn't change her destiny.

Tang Yin's hands were not loose, and she still clasped her neck tightly. At the same time, she bent down, leaned against the girl, tilted her head, looked at her face, and stretched out her other hand, and gently stroked her face, saying with a smile: "Good face." As he spoke, he looked down and fell to her looming **** buried in the water.

The girl was blushed with reddish cheeks. Under Tang Yin's hot eyes, she didn't feel as strong as choking. The smile on Tang Yin's face deepened without warning. The arm holding the girl's throat was slightly hardened, and after hearing a bang, she just lifted the girl out of the bucket. The girl's naked body was like a white stripe chicken, completely exposed to the air.

Tang Yin's tiger eyes flickered with green light, and with a cry, a dark fire was burning in his palm, and the flame seemed to be given life ~ ~ from the girl's neck to her body all at once.

There were no screams or struggling. As the mist emptied from the girl's body, her body suddenly softened, leaving only a skin capsule that had evaporated all the blood.

He turned the fire of darkness into the burning of death. In the end, the girl didn't even have a skin bag, and the whole body disappeared invisible, as if she had never existed in the world.

Tang Yin dries the spirit mist floating in the air, sits on the floor, closes her eyes and sinks into meditation, slowly digesting the girl's memory, searching for everything that is useful to him.

This is the horror of the inner monk spiritual practitioner. As the saying goes, a stinky fish can fish off a pot of soup. The reason why the dark system Lingwu is not tolerated by the light system Lingwu is also why. If an insidious spiritual practitioner in the dark system has a bad mood, it will definitely be more harmful than a bright spiritual practitioner. For many people, it will also be a terrible nightmare.

Tang Yin originally hoped to find some useful information from the woman, but in the end he was disappointed. The woman didn't care about the war or the current situation at all, and didn't even care who her bed was with. All she cares about is how to seduce a man and how to make a man spend the most money on her.

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