Chapter 402

Bai Litu, who wanted to learn something from the plain army, stretched his neck, looked at his head, looked at the plain army stopped on a half-hill slope, puzzled, and asked Xiao Muqing around him subconsciously: "General Xiao, your army What are your brothers doing? Why don't you leave? "

Xiao Muqing watched the battlefield solemnly without speaking.

What is the Plain Army doing? They are setting up. The heavy shield hands in the army have reached the forefront, and people shouted and shouted: "Attention! Come, come! Hold on, hold on-"

The shout was not heard, so I heard a muffled sound. It turned out that a stone bomb rolling down the hill hit the heavy shield of the Plains Army. The wind sergeant behind the shield was shocked, but finally The stone bullet that rolled down the hillside stood up.

"Send this way! Don't go too fast, go down a little bit!" Sergeant Feng pushed the stopped stone bullet to the rear. In the middle of the Wind Army camp, it is even more lively. Many Wind Sergeants are fixing stone throwers and breaking city crossbows.

Due to the slope, the fixing of the stone thrower and the city-breaking crossbow is also much more difficult than in flat ground. It is also a wooden pile and a stone block, sweating the wind sergeants around.

The Plains Army finally fixed both the stone thrower and the city-breaking crossbow, and the wind generals gave orders to continue the attack.

However, the plain army's attack was not that the soldiers advanced forward, but started the stone thrower and the city breaking crossbow, and continuously fired stone bullets and crossbows at the Red Dragon Altar.

The number of stone bullets and crossbow arrows of the Plains Army seemed to be unlimited. Round after round, they kept throwing and ejecting, hitting the walls of the Chilong Altar and blossoming everywhere, and the arrow stacks were also full of broken city crossbows. Crossbow.

Watching the battle in the back, Baili Tu nodded secretly. The Plains Army deserved to be the Plains Army. The battle really had rules. First, the opponents were suppressed with a large number of siege weapons. In this way, they could minimize the advancement of the soldiers.

It seems that the Plains Army will soon come out with its true skill and go all out! Baili Tu figured out the steps of the Plain Army to attack the city in his heart.

However, the Plains Army's use of stone throwers and city-breaking crossbows did not stop slowly, as if they were going to be endless. The stone bombs and crossbow arrows continued to fly from the top of the Wind Army camp, smashing. To the opposite city wall.

Under the crazy attack of Feng Jun, the city head of Chilongtan can no longer stand. Mo Jun, who is guarding the city, ran down the city wall and evaded under the wall. In addition to the continuous bangs in the ear wheels, No more sounds can be heard when ringing, and the tremors that can be felt on the back of the city wall can feel a tremor, as if the city wall may collapse at any time.

At this time, even the original confident defenders were pale and involuntarily shivered, and they had never experienced such a powerful siege.

The siege weapon of the Plains Army did not count the continuous launch of the ammunition, completely suppressing the defenders in the city. The gloomy complexion of Bailitu eased a lot. He showed a rare ease, and raised his thumb to Xiao Muqing while shaking his head and sighing. , Said: "The power of your army's large-scale equipment is endless. It is really a weapon for siege!"

Xiao Muqing smiled lightly and said, "It's just a few baubles. How can you enter into the eyes of Brother Baili?"

"Ah?" Bai Litu repeatedly waved his hands and said, "Brother Xiao, don't say that. If our army can also have such a weapon, it must have already won the Chilong altar!"

Xiao Muqing smiled on his back and didn't say anything, but secretly said in his heart: Even if I gave you these stone throwers and city breakers, I can't hit the Red Dragon Altar! In the case that his own side completely did not stay behind, and a brain fired all the army's stone bombs and crossbow arrows, the city walls of Chilongtan still stood and did not fall, and there was no damage. Under such a city defense, the functions of the stone thrower and the city breaker are very limited, except for temporarily suppressing the garrison, there is no other role.

The "Ammunition" of the Plains Army is certainly not infinite. Under high-density strikes, stone bullets and crossbow arrows in the Army burned out within half an hour. Then, the screams in the Plains Army camp sounded again. The people loosened the rock thrower and the broken crossbow that had just been fixed. Then, the latter army became the former army, and the entire army retreated from behind the heavy shield.

Bailitu couldn't believe his eyes. The wind army who was mad to attack the city just now. After using the stone thrower and the city breaking crossbow, he hadn't even touched the defender with a single shot, even an arrow. Haven't shot it yet, just withdrawn?

He was dumbfounded and stammered and asked: "Brother Xiao, expensive ... how did your army withdraw?"

Xiao Muqing smiled and said, "We have run out of stone bullets and crossbow arrows. Next, it's time for Brother Yujun!"


"Rest assured! Under the continuous blows of our army, the city defense of Chilongtan has been teetering, and it is very vulnerable. Brother Yujun will be able to win easily this time!" Xiao Muqing said cheekily.

Baili Tu heard that his nose was crooked, and he dared to use the stone thrower and the crossbow to fight, and then he was fine. For the actual siege, he had to use his own soldiers! How can there be such a brazen person in the world? !!

His face sank suddenly, and he said coldly, "It is too perfunctory for your army to attack the city like this? Is this the sincerity of the alliance between the two countries?"

Xiao Muqing rubbed his hands and laughed: "Our army came from a long distance, it is inevitable that the army and the generals fell ill. Brother Baili also saw that our army can only fight for 50,000 soldiers. This time, we are unable to attack. I can only honor the Yujun brothers a lot. "

In fact, he can also tell Baili Tu the truth. His soldiers are divided into two paths. The other 50,000 soldiers are planning to sneak into the city from the closed road, but he is worried about two points. First, he was afraid that the news would leak out. He could guarantee that there would be no spies in the Plains Army, but whether there were in the Jade Army, that was not within his control. The second and most important point was that he was afraid to tell the truth of Baili Tu, and the latter would have reservations. He would no longer siege the city, or even stop siege. Without the jade army to attract, it would be easy for his own secret to sneak in. Exposure, shortfalls, if not fully exerted, it is more likely to cause suspicion of the defenders. Based on these two considerations, he deliberately concealed Baili Tu, and made up a ridiculous and ridiculous excuse for calling the spell to come.

Bai Litu did not understand the inside story, but felt that Xiao Muqing deliberately retained the strength of the Plains Army and asked his soldiers to make cannon fodder. He was extremely dissatisfied.

He smirked and said, "Did Brother Xiao cast a spell to attract Tianbing to help? Then we'll wait to attack the city when we are young."

"Must-do." Xiao Muqing converged with a smile and said positively: "If Tianbingtian will see that we have not tried our best to attack the city, I will not come down to help, so our attack must not stop! Although rest assured, as long as our offensive persists until the end of the day, Tianbingtian will definitely appear. By then, there will be a chaos in the Red Dragon Altar, and we can easily break it! "

"When it hits the child?" Bai Litu sneered, asking instead: "If there would be no soldiers then?"

"Then I will cut off my head and dedicate it to Brother Baili!"

Baili Tu took a deep breath, Xiao Muqing's commitment was heavy enough, how dare he be so determined, is it true that there will be nothing in heaven? He narrowed his eyes and said quietly, "There is no joke in the army!"

Xiao Muqing smiled and said, "What I said just now serves as my military order!"

He had said all this, and Bailitu had nothing to say.

He gazed at Xiao Muqing for a moment, nodded, and shouted to the messenger next to him: "It is said that my general, the whole army siege the city, when no child, he will not retreat, if there is a retreat, kill! If there is fear of the former ,kill!"

The first time I heard that the coach issued such a strict military order, the commander was frightened, and he hurried to answer: "Yes! General!" Then, the commander urged Ma to go to the Yujun camp.

Looking at the back of the commander, Bai Litu raised his head and glanced at Xiao Muqing in the corner of his eye. He had already issued such a strict military order. If he could not see the soldiers and the generals when he was a child, how do you feel at home? Even if I don't kill you today, I have to rip off a layer of skin and kill your power!

Under the military order of Bailitu, the attack of Yujun began again. He has said ugly words in the front. Both the retreat and the feared will be killed without amnesty. Where can Jade soldiers dare to neglect, when they advance, they rush forward like crazy.

A large-scale battle between the two sides has begun.

Time passed by one minute and one second ~ ~ Even if there were harsh military orders, the offensive of the Yu Army was still getting weaker and weaker. Seeing this, Xiao Muqing didn't dare to hold back anymore. Participate in the war, assist the Yu Army, and attack the city together.

With the participation of the generals in the plains, the situation of this formidable battle became more complicated and confused. The wave of the Fengyu Alliance's offensive surged one after another, and the defender's insistence was also stronger than one round.

As Wei Bo, the inspector of the northwestern country of Mo, he can be reused by Shao Fang and designed to kill Lu She. His people are still some really talented people. Not only will he use conspiracies, even if he fights in the army, there are people who are superior. Place.

Under his leadership, the Red Dragon Altar has become an iron plate. The geographical advantage and the solid defense of the city are only one of the aspects. The most important thing is that the defending army is stubborn and methodical in combat. In this way, the casualties of each corps are evenly distributed, so that a certain corps is not directly burned out, which will affect the fighting spirit of the entire army, and the garrison can always maintain a strong combat power and give the enemy siege The army greeted the headache.

It can be said that it is almost impossible to forge this kind of Chilong altar from outside, but Wei Bo never dreamed of it. Behind himself, the natural barrier of the Chilong altar Chilong Mountain would leak a large hole, fifty thousand The plains generals were quietly and silently sneaking into the city from the caves on the mountainside.

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