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Strength determines mentality, and mentality affects behavior.

After seeing Ophelia this time, Olesia had originally felt that this cowardly cousin had given her a feeling of being more kind and sympathetic than before.

However, after Ophelia said that, Olesia realized that her cousin's temperament had not changed, but she was more calm than before, and at the same time, she was more confident in handling things.

So in the face of Ophelia's blame, Olesia didn't know how to answer for a while. In theory, the other party is right, but in the past two decades, the Presbyterian Church has almost completely controlled the Camod family, and in the Silver Pegasus Legion, there are countless cronies, so in fact, the Presbyterian Church does have This strength.

Strength is strength, wealth is strength, and power is strength. The use of power is addictive, but if it is not well controlled, it will antagonize people's hearts. At this time, the fourth order of the elder **** behind Olesia is this kind of wanton use of power and lost in it.

"Sir Ophelia, even if you are the commander of the Silver Pegasus Legion, but you are also a member of the Camod family. Obedient to the family manager and take the initiative to visit the elders, is there anything wrong with it ..."

For his cousin Olesia, Ophelia will also maintain a certain respect, and for this kind of elder loyal dog, Ophelia naturally will not give the slightest color.

"Is there a place for you to speak here? To be an escort, you need to have the consciousness of being an escort, and not to mention what qualifications you have to speak with me, even if I am generous and don't care about you. The real manager of the Chamold family is the chief Is n’t it that the Presbyterian Church is so arrogant that even the patriarchs do n’t pay attention to it ... "


Speaking of which, the atmosphere here has become very tense. Looking at the five elder guard members faintly dispersed, it seems as if they want to unite to fight against Ophelia.

In fact, these people had secretly understood the strength of Ophelia before they came. At that time, she had not yet advanced to the fifth-level golden rank. So even if it is stronger than any of these five guards, the gap has not reached the point where it can be one enemy five.

Now these elders ’guards already know that the elder on the third floor is enough to control this seemingly powerful silver pegasus, plus now they are all in the tavern, these five elders guard The guts became fat.

Ophelia was very calm at the moment, even without Wright's help, she could handle the five Tier 4s with her own strength. However, at this moment, the four low-rank mercenaries who came with Zhang Yang could not bear the pressure here. They suddenly stumbled with their weapons and rushed out of the "Brave" tavern.

They walked well. Zhang Yang, who was left alone on the table, was suddenly highlighted. It was just that Zhang Yang was lying on the table full of alcohol. The original staff that could not be broken again was knocked to the ground when the four mercenaries left.

With the ear power of a group of fourth-order strongmen in the tavern, it is natural to hear a slight grunt from Zhang Yang's side. Seeing this, everyone's eyes suddenly moved away from Zhang Yang. It was just an unlucky rookie who had been pitted by a temporary partner, so there was no need to pay too much attention.

In fact, these kinds of things happen almost every day in every city. A group of mercenaries who are on a mission together are invited to have a meal together after the incident. It is normal to have a few drinks during this period. But the rest part was only wonderful. The acquaintances intoxicated the temporary teammates, and then the swarm of bees left. When the unlucky ghost woke up, he had to cry and pay for the meal ...

However, under normal circumstances, this is something that low-level mercenaries who run around love to do, high-level mercenaries disdain to play this. Let ’s just talk about a meal. In fact, we do n’t have a lot of money for silver coins. Even if we meet in the future, we will have nothing to do if we scold a few punches. This is a special emotional exchange between the bottom mercenaries, and it is also a way to help the rookie grow ...

Olesia naturally saw the man who fell on the table, but for some reason, she always felt that this person seemed familiar, but unfortunately because he was lying on the table, he could not see his face for the time being.

Interrupted by those mercenaries, the atmosphere in the pub suddenly became more complicated. Generally speaking, it is not easy to find a few Tier 4 professionals in a city tavern of the size of Moratis. Now not only do they appear more than twenty times at a time, but these people are not afraid of sitting at the moment. There was no response at all, which was too strange.

Seeing this, Ophelia has determined that the rest of the tavern should be the Presbyterians. It seems that the old fellows of the Presbyterian Church are also afraid of making too much movement, but choose to find outsiders to help. Thinking of this, Ophelia immediately greeted Feiyun in his heart, and then progressed to stimulate his stray dogs in the Presbyterian Church and said contemptuously:

"A bunch of uncultivated guys, it sounds good that you are the guards of the Family Presbyterian Church and are only responsible for the safety of the elders of the Camoord family. If you say it politely, it is just a group of soldiers. Now I dare to see me Such a collision, I really do not know life and death. "

Hearing this, the members of the elder **** who used to be arrogant on weekdays could not bear it. I saw that they suddenly appeared abruptly, and then shouted loudly:

"I don't know who I am if I hang an empty commander rank. I dare to disrespect the elders. Today you are a dead man, we will let you know who is the one who really doesn't know what to do."

At this moment, Ophelia had stood up next to Feiyun, and she saw Liu Liumei leaning her hand against the sword on her waist.

"Bold. The minions of you Presbyterian Church dare to attack the head of the legion, it is impossible to rebel."

"Haha. What's the matter, I'm afraid now. It's late. Dare to disobey the order of the Presbyterian Church, you should do this kind of consciousness. Mr. Demok. What are you still hesitating. Do it ...

By this time, the killing had been revealed.

The scene that Olesia least wanted to see happened. It's just that compared with her mood at this time, what the other people present in the ‘Brave’ pub can think is very different.

Not to mention Ophelia sneering secretly in his heart, he has begun to quietly run his grudge to accumulate power. In terms of the fourth-order men from the Ice Blue Mercenary Corps present, I really greeted the eighth generation male and female relatives of the ancestors guarded by these Presbyterian churches.

How could there be such a careless person? . Just casually make people a little bit, he just blown up. . This is good. The tactics and plans that I have studied for many days have been played. Not to mention, you do n’t have to kill yourself, but do n’t **** put us in. The strength of the main target, Ophelia, now seems to be much stronger than in intelligence. The most important thing is that the silver Pegasus beside her seems to have the same level of strength as Lord Demock.

That's a real sixth-order purple gold level. Mo said that they are the fourth-order silver-level masters of ordinary people's eyesight, and even the fifth-order gold-level strong men are here, and they need to be more than a dozen more careful.

What the **** is what gives you, the running dogs of the Presbyterian Church, such confidence and momentum. Let you ignore life and death.

Mo said that the soldiers of the ice-blue mercenary corps around had scolded the men of the five presbyterians in their hearts and died, and even De Mok, who was on the second floor, was also half anxious.

The reason why I chose here is not to put the target on this specially made third floor and then start. . Now it's okay, not only did the initial strategic goal not achieved, but even Da Yi's reputation was taken by the other party. It doesn't matter if your elders will die in the event of a leak, it would be unreasonable to drag us into the water.

You must know that the four-tier silver fighters downstairs are all the hard work accumulated by Demok for more than ten years. Even if he breaks one, he can make him heartache for a long time. Demok itself has the sixth-level Zijin primary strength. Naturally, the strength of the sixth-order silver Pegasus King is much better than others. If it went downstairs ...

In fact, no matter how annoyed De Mock is, at this time, the arrow has to be sent on the string, so I suddenly saw a strong light blue grudge light on him. After a flash, the whole person and the straight knife around me disappeared Out of trace.


Now that he had torn her face, Ophelia suddenly had nothing to say. Seeing that the claws of the five presbyterian clubs had drawn out her portable sword and pointed at herself, Ophelia snorted suddenly. Leaping toward the kitchen when Fangcai's pub owner left.

At the same time, Feiyun, the king of silver Pegasus, who has the same mind with Ophelia, has already demonstrated its sixth-order Warcraft power. In an instant, I saw Feiyun's pair of beautiful horse eyes with long eyelashes flashing, and a green whirlwind suddenly appeared beside him.

"Be careful."

"Hurry away ..."

"I wipe. It's high-level group magic."


Alessia ’s reaction was slower than the mercenaries who grew up in the swords and swords around her, plus her position was too central, so the blue light exploded outside Feiyun ’s body. At that time, she had no room to dodge, and had to vigorously urge her to fight, in addition to her gorgeous armor, condensed out a blue [Fighting Armor] that could only protect the torso.

However, a very unexpected situation happened to Olesia. When the wind element outside the silver Pegasus king instantly turned into countless half-man-high wind blades flying around in the tavern, his eyes were half closed to protect his hands. Olesia, whose head was ready to be attacked, only heard the wind blade breaking through the air and the screams of continuous screams, but she did not receive any attack at all.

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